in general they should be fluffy and cracky. It felt more like a sirens call than Peter felt comfortable with and he could understand the inclination to slip it on and wield that power. "Anyways, where's Rhodes and Vision?". What I know of Scarlett Witchs powers and your android makeup would both understandably negate this spells affect., We proceeded to gather up our fallen compatriots and returned here. Happy glances at Peter. "Happy Hogan," he tells the receptionist at the front desk. I know you told me it wasn't necessary, but I gotta try out this new formula for the w". A loud ding was heard as the doors slid open to reveal the lab's entrance. Oh, wait. He pretended to rub his nonexistent beard in thought before lashing out again. Not anymore. On your knees! He snapped. He glares at Bucky. OrenjiiPH said I shouldn't write her a birthday fic. "What the hell is going on out here? Steve and Wanda both stiffen noticeably at the youth of the stranger. "Who are you?". "If anyone asks you who you are, you're a new intern working for Tony." You don't have to hide the fact that you have a son from us, you know. left kudos on this work! For as long as I had known, I wanted nothing more than to kill you with my own hands because of what you took from mefrom us. But if this decision could guarantee the joy and happiness of his friends, his family. But I've had this first chapter written for a while and I'm almost done with two others, so maybe having this published will motivate me? Reassuring," Peter says flatly. Thor tossed restlessly. "Yeah kid, ALL the Avengers. Peter's eye throbs painfully after webbing a mugger against the wall of a small store. That's is awesome dude." The spider-guy said before being rammed by Sam. What if Peter Parker snapped instead of Tony Stark? In other words, everyone is happy and I am happy because of everyone's friendship. But THEN some weird stuff happens and suddenly he's the Avengers' bodyguard. 4. The man snarled and whipped out a handgun from God-knows-where and fired at the stumbling Captain America without hesitation. But I think they get the point., Yeah, I think they definitely got it. Peter webbed up one more before surveying the fallen and groaning men. "Peter Parker just saved the Earth and the whole universe for the matter Secretary Ross, we are Avengers and we are looking our own!" Rhodes shouted harshly at him. And of course, who would have forget the time that he actually died--disintegrating second by second on an unfamiliar planet, fighting the inevitable of fading away fading into nothingness. Yes. Peter just leave your test on your desk; Ill collect it. Peter barely registered her words as he raced up to the front of the classroom. Her expression morphs into teary-eyed pity as if she were looking at a beat-up puppy, while Peter looks confused as to why she's just standing there and staring at him. Thats why theyre here. Strange. This is what I imagine running through Peter's mind if he had the gauntlet. Captain America is hurt, Peter told the medic, jabbing a finger in the direction of the two Avengers. His uncle. Being a superhero is hard. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. 1383 guests But his friend had stopped, shaking hands hovering over the boy's chest. Tears at his eyes. This tag belongs to the Additional Tags Category. "This is your room. "Oh," the boy breathes, hands raised in a position of surrender. 2. who said the future has to be set in stone, anyway? Nevertheless, hed swung over to the Williamsburg Bridge and avoided the congestion building up at both ends by swinging underneath the structure. A small smile made the corners of his mouth twitch. He guesses that this would be the last one - his last decision. You could call it bad timing. I meanno, Im not hurt. But the perp had disappeared just moments before they arrived. He doesn't bother taking the suit off right then and there, slipping past May and the burnt dinner and grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl. The Avengers had been on the trail of some sort of supervillain. Well, hes got the mother of all concussions and a few cuts and scrapes, but hell be fine., Good, Peter breathed. The archer's voice grows eerily quiet and uncharacteristically serious. "I though we were closer than this. Happy only grumbled fondly in response before lifting the glass divider and separating the two in the car. A chandelier hung from the roof reflecting light everywhere and making the walls made of glass and stone shine. ", "T-Tony Stark?" If it would save so many people. She agreed to double my wage if I volunteered." ", She gives him a warm peck on the cheek, ushering him away. Well see how long this magic failure lasts up against a real sorcerer.. "No witchy stuff while you're under my watch. O my gosh Mr. Stark are you serious!? After locating his apartment, Peter scales the brick walls, carefully avoiding the windows. She can monitor anything he does off of YouTube, anyway. Peter had given a half-hearted smile. Sorry! Same goes for the rest of you; if they catch you doing anything, my ass will be handed to me.". Normally the victim would wake up once the nightmare has concluded. Spider-Man was an allusive person to get hold of, only appearing for the big fights when needed, and only helping 'the little guy'- as he put it. "Besides, it would be nice to have someone around my age here as well.". It was getting rather annoying. Mr. The rest of the team rushed in to find Natasha and Clint unconscious on the floor. Spider-Man has been the object of the Avengers secret affections for quite some time now, even without them knowing his real identity. The only change s that Spiderman has been working as an Avenger since Age of Ultron. However, faced with this decision, his life or the world's his life or his familys, the answer was obvious. "He is sad," Wanda murmurs after a moment, startling Tony. Bucky froze. He opens the fridge door and pulls out a cup of apple sauce and a spoon, and begins heading off to a glass room with all of the blinds pulled, presumably his workspace. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, 1. Whys there a kid on our comm link? Peter heard a distinctly female voice ask. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (19), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (12), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Who do I turn to now.? "It's reallyclean," Peter comments, going over to lay his suitcase down beside the bed. tourist train argassi to zante town; atp flight school success rate; eugene l clark nothing is impossible; fish district nutrition information; denver family photographers; Oh of course he can go. Tony's eyes closed without his permission in exasperated amusement. The world watches with bated breaths, as for a moment, Peter Parker wields the power of the gods. Tony's coming in about half an hour, so hang tight. He groans, gingerly pressing the pads of his fingers against the injured eye. Id love to. 5. Tony Stark AKA Iron Man When Tony met Peter Parker he didn't know how to handle the kid. This work entails lots of feels and asks the question: Is Peter alive? Strange. Flesh and bone alike burning once again. Hey, Mr. Stark, see that empty rental place on the corner?, There are alien weapons in there. Before disappearing behind the door, Tony points at Wanda. Da no. Despite having fought with Tony Stark and owning a suit under the billionaire's name, it occurs to him that he had never been here before; only to what would soon be the new Headquarters after his leave. left kudos on this work! Sometimes he forgot just how young Peter was. I'm sorry. "I gave him the suit because I knew that even if I tried to stop him, he would still be able to bullshit his way around me somehow. Cant think. Saba que estaba siendo dramtico, siempre lo era. Ill go, uh, find a medic, Peter said awkwardly before rising to his feet. Peter made a beeline for the nearest black vehicle and dropped down in front of the medic outside of it. Wanda, who hadnt looked this frazzled since the last time Vision tried to cook, turned even more pale. Spiderman had saved his best friend. There was a rap on the classroom door. What's up?". Wanda follows his eyes, and the pressure disappears. "I apologize if they appear intimidating. He is going to need Tony and the rest of his newfound family to help him manage it. But still, it gets lonely on occasion. Im sure whatever it is can wait.. Casting a brief glance over his shoulder, he slides the frame down and crawls into his own room, dropping down onto the floor and closing the window behind him. Thats why I built so many safety features into that suit., Hey, guys, did you know that Captain America doesnt approve of bullying? Peter asked them as he webbed two of the men together and yanked anothers weapon out of his hands. "You gonna get out, or do you need someone to carry you?" Thank you for coming Doctor. Peter nods in confirmation. The warm smile drops from his aunt's face as she catches sight of the darkening bruise and Peter's exhausted expression, replaced by concern. Peter feels hands wrapping around him, pulling his face into her shoulder. The battle is raging all around him. I just kinda like to do stuff like this when Im bored and stuff.. Ive been sent to get him.. This was the day Peter would lose his life as Spiderman and his freedom. The sharp sensation that jolted his body was too familiar. Some characters will be comic based while others are MCU based. 5. Peter hastily climbs out of the car, going back to retrieve his suitcase from the trunk. "I'll start packing and stuff, then. as well as Their gazes are directed towards Natasha, who's leaning against the door frame behind them. The image of a badge flashed on its screen. Cleared that out about thirty seconds ago! I mean, have you heard about all those new adult coloring books? Sorry Spidey!]. Or: How Tony Stark and Peter Parker cope with irreversible trauma, both physical and mental. The Avengers had just taken down the Sinister Six, with the help of Spider-Man, once again. Hey, guys! He spotted another guy in faded fatigues sneaking up behind the archer and swung right past, extending his legs and sending the guy flying off the building. Actually, no one does. Of course. Strange waved his hand, almost insulted by Peters question. He widened his eyes and stared at his mentor in absolute fear. Peter struggles with facing life from the school bullies to living with his billionaire guardian to even going. 3. He has been fighting since that time and now, he just couldn't get any break, could he? Tony Stark Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, has it been two years? Tony, there are so many rooms on the other floors, so why this one?". He gazed out the window letting his mind wander. There are several POVs in this work, but it is clear when they move around. oceaangold, MatSha, Snailien, Stars_Above027, Sami_rose, ilovedorloveyou, Liuforest13, NeedlePointToxin, Lanceylance17, GriffinGamer, aslitheryprinx, BisexualVampire, EddieThe_NPC, Idunnoaname, Darkangel1021, Caramell20, Konen, Danaja, reganieeeeee, Poppinpippin, Idkman_193k, WynteryMess, emlovestoread, Mushly, katzenfreundin, Coralilith7, VeryCanoli, froggyartistry, luv_baek, Schnapple, Blue_Stay, Unofficial_Uchiha, Has0, caffinejustcaffine, zenjah, Digital_Graphite, hiding_with_dabi, Snowykitten127, MiraLoves2Read, Ealejandre_0406, casein, Quail_Quilts, Gues, Bess_Vennet, fuksleep, Swagboii54288, peggy17, Smol_Gremlin, Hysyatko, Ilikebooksandwalks, and 6463 more users ", He jumps as a female voice resonates throughout the hallway. ', Hawkeyes eyes widened and he cursed. Its all right kiddo. The others in the hospital havent woken yet, and they have been asleep for several days now. Chirped in Wanda. Cool. Said Peter without thinking. Peter's confusion is mirrored on his face, but he also feels the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. Tony Stark I know you're so tired" Tony wept, his eyes stinging as he placed a peppery kiss on Peter's cheeks. Tony pops in, startling them. She furrows her eyebrows. I dont know what I need tohey, watch it, dude!, A man dressed in filthy military fatigues raised his machine gun and fired at him again. Steve takes a moment to look at the area around them. Please consider turning it on! It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. Seeing people suffer around us and not being able to help but throw ourselves into the midst of battle to protect them. "What the hell are you talking about?" ", "Yeah, well, he's different. Peter asks, but Happy's already disappearing behind the elevator doors. [Mr. Snooze is at it again! Second Impressions He glances down at his watch and stands up. Clint sets the knife back down on the counter with a weary sigh. 4694 guests He knew it gave May and Tony so much grief. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Canon Divergence - Post-Avengers: Age of Ultron (Movie). Tony shivered. Part three of my Endgame series which revolves around the concept of "what would have happened if Peter got to the gauntlet first?". Happy's irritated voice snaps him from his awestruck daze. Kid wants egg rolls for lunch.". Kid. Alright. Youre not hurt, right? The genius seemed too preoccupied with searching the Captain for injury to actually focus on Peter. Sam grunts out a thanks, flipping to said page. by garciie. Which is tomorrow. But- Peter tried. He did take the time to wonder how Tony got a car customized in his Stark colors. This takes place after Age of Ultron but before Civil War when everyone is still friends. "I know it's a really short notice, but I thought it'd be good for us if I could go. Some of this technology was unbelievably cool. And nownow the boy wasn't moving. Tony is waiting for you in his personal lab, Happy said pulling to a stop. Parking in one of the open areas beside the building, he turns around in his seat to look at Peter, who's sitting in the back row. "Yeah, I know." Today's not her birthday. Holy crap, Peter breathed. "Stop that, Wanda. "Goddammit, I lost my page," Sam curses softly as he rifles through his book. Translation into Russian now available here. Peter nods fervently. "Do you want to talk about it?". Stark! Peter said indignantly as he swung around the grouped-together men (that was stupid, he wasSpider-Man!). They enter the elevator together, moving aside briefly as a woman leaves it. Please consider turning it on! "An intern. Looking down in his pass, Peter pulled it out and scanned it. It started when they finally saw him without his mask and suit, and what was even worst is when they found out he was a omega too. I get that this probably comes off as pretty cheesy, but this fic is mainly self-indulgent.
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