David Johns Host. A fireside chat where I update you on what my plans are for 2021 which starts with taking a break for a couple of months. The trouble is that with a 50+ foot, 15 tonne boat, you really need to see what its doing as you maneouvre it, rather than have it all happening behind you. Will you film a shopping trip for us please?Its likely not something Ill do because if Im going shopping I dont want to lug the camcorder along as well as the bags of food. It isnt as if you dont have options to rejuvenate that emphatic character and spirit.. I'm David Johns. Secondly, without some kind of clutch mechanism, the drill would crunch the paddle gear into the end stop and ultimately this would cause wear on it, which costs the CRT money to repair or maintain. They have lost their commitment and become the prisoners of their camera, patrons and schedule. Ive also heard it said that most people are right-handed thus their right hand is on the tiller so they stand on the left hand side of the boat; therefore when passing another boat coming towards you, both skippers will be on the side thats nearest to the oncoming boat.A recent comment on my vlogs also explained that the steering board on ships of old would be on the right (hence the term starboard for right) and boats would put into port on the left (hence the term port for left hand side). David and Chris Thank you for tuning in and Im so glad they bring back wonderful memories. I have enjoyed listening to David Johns as he experienced his travels of the a English canals and becoming adept maneuvering his narrow boat. Hi David, and if not somewhat belated i wish for you a very Happy , interesting and evocative new year sir. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Alongside this David announced that there would be no more cruising videos (as he will no longer be on a boat) and he would focus more on the documentary style videos such as the very successful Coal Finger video above, essentially reporting on stories he sees along the canals. Because youve now become a global celebrity, Ill bet you that theres several CTC fans out there willing to buy your bettie for at least ten times what shes worth. Hi Tom. I. am a retired licensed professional mechanical and electrical engineer, age 78 living in Memphis, Tennessee, USA (of course). David Johns. I am big fan of your vids but I believe you that 5 years doing almost the same things may be a little boring. Usually though it may not look like it! Well, thank you David. Cruising the Cut (2019-) . At a push, I will eat pickle in it as well but its not something I add by default.And no, the sandwich is not grilled, that seems to be an American thing. Hi DavidI must be psychic. Enjoy the down time, and the new ideas and new adventures and look forward to seeing your first vid in new series. Fully understand your reasoning. Yes, Im hoping Ill feel recharged after a bit. DJ. We will, I am sure, gird our loins to deal with the vlog void while you take a break and look forward to you being back behind the camera in due course. Your narration lulls us viewers into thinking that we are listening to an old friend telling stories over an amiable pint, even though many of us, myself included, have never met you. Wish you a very happy New Year. Back in 2015, the UK television news reporter David Johns was very unhappy with his personal and professional life. As Dory says, Keep on swimming.. It was a dark period of personal crisis. Living in N.Ireland we used to visit my granny over in England and the absolute highlight for me every year was a visit to Foxton Locks. The videos the last 5 years you can see and hear that in your videos. Plus lots of other topics I could cover, I hope. Thank you! Of course many, many of us will miss getting our regular fix of your take on canal life and on life in general, but your passion means everything to these presentations and its clear your passion has shifted. who actually want to pay me money, typically $2 $5 a month to support me in making more Vlogs. Cheers. Dear David, Hi Deborah (who composed the music for the version of Cruising the Cut seen on Amazons Prime Video) is my sister. My best wishes. It is not exactly what I would like to see happen but I get it fully. . The novelty has won off now after 5years maybe. Starting in Peterborough, I took the boat off the River Nene and onto the Middle Level Navigations. Cheers. Would definitely find it so interesting on the restoration of the canals and anything else you wish to get into. Why not use a drone to look ahead and around corners?Not really feasible as a solo boater. Cheers. Damian. Even aground, however, the local resources and people help out at distance. Hey, nice show. walker county inmates mugshots; current white nba players; imagery in act 2, scene 1 of julius caesar; tammany trace subdivision covington la; nombres que combinen con alan; exemple d'analyse d'un article scientifique ppt; catherine sarrazin mother; ex council playground equipment . All of these videos were very well presented and enjoyed by many! If the boat ever goes up for sale, it will be through a broker and yes, I would announce it on the channel. Cheers, P.S. As for voting, you can vote by post or by proxy and (Im told) either declare an affiliation with a particular area of the country and vote there, or if you still own a bricks-and-mortar home, you vote wherever it is. Why dont you fit a wind turbine?Theyre quite costly, apparently make a lot of vibration noise throughout the boat, and dont generate a huge amount of power. Best wishes. Hi. Journal entry: 11th May, Wednesday. Ah, thank you! I must admit I do enjoy your interview vlogs and hope that you can carry on with that side of boating. The 40million canal restoration in central England CruisingTheCut 1.3M views3 years ago 137. Thank you. Best of luck to you regardless of how you spend this coming year. It varies month on month. What does it cost to live aboard a canal boat?There are a huge number of variables which mean there is no simple answer to what does it cost? Please make a cup of tea, get comfortable and take a look at my Vlog 66, Vlog 67 and Vlog 68 plus the more recent Vlog 213, all of which go into the costs in excruciating detail. And indeed, Prime Season Four ended at approximately vlog 201 at the end of 2019 so there is still some cruising from 2020 (when pandemic restrictions were lifted for a while) as well as many other videos since, which I hope you will enjoy either here on this website or on my YouTube channel which is where all new content is posted. https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/fishing/angling-strategies/fishing-faqs, https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/fishing/fish-species, Links from my videos to Amazon with an affiliate code in them. "Best Of Cruising the Cut" Play all 187. Love the vlogs as we see places where we would like to go.then maybe try them. Hi Sandra. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Take care. Since that original video we enjoyed binge watching all your videos (starting with #1) this past year. I came to love the canals when I was 73 and if it were not for the fact that I live on the west coast of Canada and now too long of tooth to try an international relocation to live on the canals, you have provided me with hours and hours of vicarious pleasure for which I am most grateful. None the less, whatever direction you do endup taking, stopping the videos, new boat, new location etc etc, i wish for you nothing but the very best and thank you for the dedication you have had to your channel, for sharing your travels and life aboard your boat. In her own words "I sold my house and bought a narrowboat in East London. Dont be afraid of covering the same ground time and time again. Looking forward to seeing the revised format! Meanwhile: best wishes for the new year, stay healthy and safe! 31 talking about this. First of all thanks for all the very nice and enjoyable videos up to now ( Cruising the Cut, Vandemonium and lately also you story telling) No plans for that at present though. Only in peak summertime are you likely to approach the solar panels maximum output and even then only when the sun is high.In spring and autumn, any solar is very variable and in winter its negligible plus the hours of daylight are much shorter too and the angle of the sun much lower (Its not always possible to angle the panels at the sun and even so, the other factors mean the resulting power will be far less than in summer).On an average 57 foot narrowboat you have space for about 2.3kW of solar. Whats the narrowboat forum you mention sometimes in your videos?The forum I gained most of my info from is canalworld.net. Your show is a wealth of knowledge as well as entertaining! Watch with Prime. The main important thing is: It is YOUR life, you must enjoy what you are doing and ENJOY whatever you do! We live in Australia, Im Australian and my wife is English, and weve had our boat sitting on hard standing there for the last 16 months (Australians are banned from leaving the country). If you are like me and enjoy watching a range of narrowboat or canal boat based Youtubers, you may have been an avid watcher of a channel called Cruising the Cut. Lorna is not my wife, it was a little joke I made in one of the videos because we see so much of each other, and a lot of people thought I was serious. To clarify though (and as you will have no doubt noticed from this website), I am still producing videos about canals, just not cruising on my own boat. Bruce Martin, Hello Bruce. Its just that the focus of the content has changed. The name must be displayed on the side of the boat as well, but its on the licence so as long as youre showing that youre probably OK.The boat name does not have to be unique. I tell you the things about boat life that others are too nice to talk about" She is a very candid lady, and she LOVED Sea Glass And, to be honest, there are so many other channels offering the living on the canal experience with cruising videos and all, that I think the Cruising the Cut fan base can easily find a new home for this type of content. Why are you driving on the right when you drive cars on the left in the UK?Apparently international maritime convention is for driving on the right. Dont let the past year get you down. And you can get diesel stove as well. Take a bow, but dont fall in! However, things changed with recently, which avid fans will have seen. Bicycle Touring Pro: Darren Alff: website | cruising the cut david johns channel Blogger >. Cheers. You know, its beginning to sound like youre missing your TV reporting days. I have to say I loved the Coalfinger vlog and watched it more than once. His YouTube channels include:Cruising The Cut (narrowboats): www.youtube.com/CruisingTheCutUKVandemonium (campervans): www.youtube.com/VandemoniumTubeshooter (camcorder / gear reviews) www.youtube.com/tubeshootermagUKAirscape (informal camcorder tests): www.youtube.com/UKAirscapeDavid Reads Stories (exactly as the name suggests): www.youtube.com/DavidReadsStoriesDavidExpert (gadget reviews): www.youtube.com/DavidExpertTV, Powered by - Designed with theHueman theme. An unheated boat in winter even in Spring or Autumn would be cold but thats precisely why narrowboats have heating installed. I have recently started work on Season Four for Prime (which comprises footage from 2019). You might have heard some fellow boaters talking about a new Cruising the Cut TV Show and wondered what channel it was on. Be well and keep in touch. The cruising the cut david johns Waterways Museum at Ellesmere Port Friedkin & # x27 ; re on a.. Canals of the sword can be found only around floors 47-49 in the Abyss Dungeon, mysteriously vanished on. Required fields are marked *. Stars David Johns David Johns See production, box office & company info Watch on Prime Video S1-4 included with Prime Add to Watchlist 11 User reviews Dont give up! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j6_nZYR2nK4&list=PLa9px3O5n5hADgtrnNwa5jTzO7uaWC8-e. Thanks Jim. Cruising the Cut. Have breather and keep safe ok? April 18, 2022 By . This is a re-cut and reimagined version of the YouTube format to give it more of a TV feel for the Amazon series. If you are selling your boat let me know about it ;-), Haha thank you. Consider two, 57-foot-long boats coming from opposite directions. Why dont you have an electric engine?You do find some hybrid boats on the canal (see vlog 69 I did about just such a craft and also vlog 244 which was all about electric boats vs diesel) and electric running certainly is appealing especially when the boats just sitting in a lock but it seems a bit of an odd system with the massive battery bank and a diesel generator just to gain a bit of electric movement. l Googled you and saw that you are doing no more of them, and that disappoints some but I certainly understand it if cruising the narrow boat has lost its joy. Hi Ian; to be honest, history per se is not really my thing so I doubt Ill do much on that (other than by virtue of the canals being historic in their very nature) but I hope to come up with some stuff of interest, well have to see! The drone is required to be in visual range and control at all times, in the UK regulations.If you stop the boat to operate the drone (which would also necessitate bringing it to the side of the canal so as to be out of the way in case of further boats passing) then by the time youve brought the drone back and landed it and set off again, the situation ahead may have changed anyway.Plus there are so many blind corners and twisty bits on most of the canals, youd never get anywhere for always stopping. So keep well, stay safe and enjoy 2021! from Tony Garden. Cheers! Cheers! What happened to Cruising the Cut? We do get lots of houseflies and occasional wasps etc but theyre just the normal summertime pests. A change is in the wind then.. To be honest, I cant fault you and it DOES make perfect sense. Passion is everything! I am taking a break, not giving up, but I wont be cruising on my own boat. I suspect you may be referring to the tune on the Prime Video episodes. Glad you enjoy them! Why dont you steer from the front, in a covered wheelhouse? Rest assured there are at least two more seasons for Prime still to come before they catch up with where I am on YouTube :-), I grew up along side the Birminham & Worcester near Hopwood; the brightly paintled narrowboats always caught my attention & instilled a calming sense of freedom when they chugged by. If you have any tips for beached boaters be sure and pass them on. Its got loads of very expert people who chip in but the only thing you have to watch is that sometimes the discussions veer (quickly) wildly off on a tangent, which is unhelpful, or occasionally descend into vitriolic arguments. He has over fifteen years experience as a reporter and presenter on radio, television and online, working for ITV and the BBC amongst many others, as well as seven or so years as a full-time YouTube videomaker. Should this cruising season open up for us, it would be great to see you on the canal again. After 13 years of doing this and working in radio, I decided to chuck it all in and buy a narrowboat to cruise around the canals on. Thanks John. So for the last 16 months narrowboat videos, yours and others, have been our only link to narrowboating. Firstly, producing Travels By Narrowboat 'is' my job. This is part 1 of 3 of that week-long cruise. Thank you. Narrowboat VS Barge: Whats the Difference? Buy HD $0.99. Im pleased to say my parents are recovering well, and your series has really genuinely helped me to find some calm and re-centre. I also enjoyed the cheerful ditty, in the beginning of each episode! Ive been deactivated from facebook, so will be going to this site to see your latest vlogs and videos. All the navigations on the canal, even the tight corners can be easily turned by using the tiller, as can most maneouvres such as mooring. Portable electric trolling motors are often suggested in the comments on my YouTube videos but Ive never seen a narrowboat with one; I think it would be a bit ugly and awkward to have one mounted on the bow plus it could cause an obstruction in the locks (potentially getting caught on the gates etc). I was lent a narrowboat for a week by two viewers of the channel! I have never visited your part of the world and had no idea that cruising the canals was taking place. Why dont you have a generator?Dedicated diesel generators (ideally in a silenced enclosure) are great but fantastically expensive many thousands of pounds even for little ones. Im sure the young saleswoman would have loved talking about the subject. :-) Take care and enjoy your winter. I will look forward to any other up and coming projects, excursions or hobbies you choose to do and film. Very funny. In my opinion, this status was well deserved as the channel provided some really top-notch content. Cheers, David, Hi, David: Many, possibly most, have multi-fuel stoves which burn coal or wood and they will keep a boat so toasty youll have the windows open in mid-winter! Have a good New Year and hope we hear from you when your ready. DOCUMENTARY; The real-life adventures of a man who quit his job, sold his house and went to spend his days cruising gently along the historic canals of Great Britain at 3mph Its therefore important to use wildlife-friendly washing products so as not to poison the fish, ducks, swans and other canal animals.A lot of people seem to get very irate about the grey water situation and I suppose in an ideal world, if we started again from scratch, wed be likely to use grey water tanks and have to pump them out. For a typical video which will have taken me a day to film plus two to three more days to script, edit and upload, I might earn maybe 20-30 ish for each 10,000 views it gets. Thank you for a lovely gentle series of programmes. Manage Settings Your email address will not be published. We have loved following you since we made something of a random discovery on the telly a few months back. I just wanted to say thanks for these videos. Again, thank you so much David. Those canals look very narrow, are they one-way?Very, very few bits of the canal network are so narrow that you can only get one boat through. David, I totally support the decisions and conclusions you have made in regard to your personal life and how it intertwines with your Youtube Channel. There were narrated cruising videos, informational videos about buying and maintaining a narrowboat and even some documentary style videos (Coal Finger is a great example, watch it below if you havent already!). Since July 2015, the Cruising the Cut YouTube channel has become one of the most successful narrowboat and canal boat based channels on the platform. David Beckham gushed over his 'perfect' wife Victoria on Tuesday - shortly after the couple enjoyed a romantic getaway together in the Alps.. I hope you know how much appreciated your and your colleagues are and I really do hope you begin to get some relief soon. David, Hello David. That said, there are very few occasions when a bow thruster would really be needed. Fashion designer Victoria , 48, featured on the cover . Daz, A very kind message indeed and much appreciated. A musical equivalent of a kind smile and a cruise, in the sunny British countryside. A history of canals was something I was going to suggest as a diversion, pleased to learn you are already on it. Cheers. The reason I'm blogging about this is that in October 2019 the vloger, former TV presenter David Johns*, came to Liverpool to experience crossing the Mersey estuary in a narrow boat. Solar would make little difference even a 1kW 1.5kW array (which would take up valuable roof space that you often need to walk on and store stuff on) would only give decent output in summer and still then not much in terms of engine powering for a typical 10kW motor even if it uses less than full power for actually moving along. Hello! Do you pay council tax?Boats on official residential moorings pay council tax as they are classed as residences. These wont be appearing on Prime (anything after about vlog 201 isnt on Prime) but will be on this website and YouTube. How fast can you go on the canals?Asking how fast is to miss the point of narrowboating. I believe you truly Shine in your documentary videos, they are of excellent quality, super-interesting, and most informative. The calmness! USA. That said many boaters disagree entirely with these arguents and do paint the baseplate how often is down to their enthusiasm for the task and / or the depth of their wallet. There are more van videos to come! DJ. Also, when you are going past moored boats, it is required (and polite) to slow to an absolute crawl, generally at engine tickover or just over, so that you dont rock them or pull their mooring pins out this really does happen when boats go zooming past with no regard for anyone else. Do I regret my decision? Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Thanks for watching and the info about the viaduct. of yourself. Cast & Crew. David sighted that he had fallen out of love with cruising his narrowboat and was moving onto land to secure a land-based home for his future retirement (or this is the impression I got from watching his announcement anyway!!). Oh, how amusing that you wanted to chat with the saleswoman about narrowboats! The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. David Johns is on Facebook. I have to admit to not watching them myself as I have watched pretty much all of Davids Cruising the Cut videos on YouTube, so dont really feel the need. How do you deal with all the mosquitoes on the canals?There really arent that many. A documentary series following former UK television news reporter David Johns who quit his job, sold his house, bought a live-aboard narrowboat, and films his travels on the historic British canals. J. Clay Hall, P.E. Why dont you get all-solar narrowboats?It sounds great, for sure. Take care. You were terrific! The boat has very little space to store things and I prefer a minimalist, uncluttered, lifestyle. A break will do you good and you can decide on the way forward. Then, two days before Christmas both my parents who are in their late 60s fell ill with Covid-19. I work for the emergency services and have been flat out since this pandemic started, and frankly Im exhausted. But, here I will just say, Thank you., and may God bless you in the years to come. . You take care of yourself, stay safe and stay healthy and enjoy getting away and doing something interesting FOR YOU. Instead I include plenty of place names so that the viewer can look them up on Google maps and then zoom in/out, scroll around and get a much better sense of the geography than I could ever show on a video map. Cheers, Do you need a TV licence on a boat?This is a more complicated subject than you might imagine. I do hope you get to enjoy that narrowboat trip sometime soon. Its always been a vague dream although hindered now by the pandemic of course. Fingers crossed but realistically. Thank you for taking the time to share your travels with us. Love your minidocus! I joke with my friends about this interest phenomenon and call it A big bad case of the low Ts. (male and female alike) Extremely funny! This last year has been a pain for us all and must be even more lonely when youre a single handler. A lot of people also got great joy from the cruising videos and joked the channel should be renamed to Not Cruising the Cut. And finally, I opened an online merchandise store selling brandedmugs, hats, t-shirts and suchlike; I really should push this more but I dont want to become one of those channels thats always trying to flog stuff to its viewers. Dear David, And even if I zoomed in from above it doesnt really tell you anything useful about the place. Beginning to sound like youre missing your TV reporting days covered wheelhouse to narrowboating I!? the forum I gained most of my info from is david johns cruising the cut wife very well and... Space to store things and I really do hope you know how appreciated! Me know about it ; - ) Take care and enjoy 2021 my videos to Amazon with an code! Pay me money, typically $ 2 $ 5 a month to support me in making vlogs. 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