How decades of US welfare policies lifted up the white middle class and, largely excluded Black Americans. probation address the medical and social care needs of elderly prisoners? getting SNAP benefits. The difference between race and ethnicity prevailing societal norm. Hi Tech Criminal Justice Follow Advertisement Advertisement Recommended Leadership texas hold em style Hi Tech Criminal Justice 1.6k views 64 slides Cross cultural communication sunil074 sunilpadvi1994 1.1k views 13 slides Jersey City's inclusive police officer recruitment strategies paid off. Perry, D. (2013, August 29). The Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency for Law Enforcement course begins with a basic understanding of culture and how it works. Additional some advocates are loyal to their race hence making a victim representation in the court ineffective. July 23, 2022. What are the procedures and policies for identifying and reporting hazards? Many cities and towns have communities with a variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds and cultures, and it is important for officers to be able to communicate effectively with, and understand the cultural norms of, these different groups. Nature. Thus, an advocate should not state the race, ethnic group, culture, or religion of his client. aclu/legal-document/aclu-memo-understanding-gender-biased-policing, Payne, H., & Morrow, M. (2020, April 25). -Suspect was shot five times, only for it to later be revealed that he was unarmed, and was a Some naive assumptions are that as society and the workforce become more diverse, differences become less important, that we are all the same in the American melting pot, that it is just a matter of communication and common sense, and that conflict is conflict regardless of the culture. For example, an elderly man of 50 years is sentenced to 10 years in jail while a 16 year old boy is sentenced to 2 years in juvenile for committing similar crime. - In a Canadian court case from 2014, Judge Camp asked the victim of a sexual all returned to work without charges (Perry, 2013). A published author and professional speaker, David Weedmark has been a hiring manager and recruiter for several companies and advises small businesses on technology. Download a brochure now! (2018, December 10). endstream endobj startxref completion of drug treatment programs or testing, while others have left the decision up to the courts Bleckensderfer, G. R. (2014, April 1). You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you Describe the process of communication 3. In addition to these strict policies, many schools began employing Resource Officers to (2022) 'Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes'. Retrieved November 20, 2021, from, Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, CJ 120 Module 4 Project One Speaker Notes, Culture has immense impact on how law enforcement personnel interact with the comm, they serve on a daily bases, and it is important to realize the dif, uncommon for major miscommunication to occur through misinterpretation of body language or, missing the nuances of verbal conversation, -Culture is used as an umbrella term to encompass a variety of beha, beliefs, knowledge, etc. journal.lib.uoguelph/index.php/footnotes/article/view/. Race alludes to skin color while ethnicity refer to differences linked to cultural identification and expressions. The Americans by birth are more favored compared to non-American citizens who risk deportation back to their countries. You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think may be relevant. arrest over (Langness & Velasco, 2020). techniques with those who have Limited English Proficiency, and collaborate with fellow first An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice. As a paralegal your job is to assist the lawyer in charge of the case and you, work alongside them. References: -Stereotyping comes from people naturally categorizing and often oversimplifying the world Required fields are marked *. harmful to someone who has disabilities ESPECIALLY if they are mentally disabled. communication. nytimes/interactive/2020/09/23/us/bureau-justice-statistics-race.html, Mcleod, S. (2008). Clarifying what's being said before responding inaccurately or unfairly. -Health services in prisons are notoriously poor quality, but still tend to make up the The two theories explaining the effects of stereotypical decision making are the elaboration likelihood model and heuristic, systematic models. This examination of police training in a culturally diverse society describes the basic nature of culture and then addresses the naive assumptions held by many Americans regarding cultural diversity, followed by recommendations on how police can overcome barriers to cross-cultural communication. assault Why couldnt you just keep your knees together? and "Why didn't you just sink your bottom Islamophobia Studies Journal , 3 (1), 138157. Network for Public Health Law. Prejudice -OR- Action vs. years-prison-call-policy-oriented/, Associated Press. Disability (including mental disabilities)- When out in the wrong care can be very A 67-year-old woman was jailed for not paying related to a trash-removal citation. -Due to the ever increasing diversity in the United States, areas with higher numbers of Explain how cultural stereotypes can negatively influence decision making in criminal justice settings. Criminals do not discriminate or care as long as they get, Sometimes it is hard for people to come forward and communicate. Burns, G. (2015, April 8). -Responding officer, Jeronimo Yanez instructed him not to pull it out repeatedly, and failed to -An estimated 20% of youth in the juvenile justice system fall into the LGBT+ community, and Black people are more than 1.5 to 2. times more likely to be pulled over and stopped by the police (Shroff. Business Insider. The training presentation will include common terminology and stereotypes, and the community members will have to identify their implicit biases. The man propositioned her, and upon her refusal she Muslims are stereotyped as terrorist, cold, and incompetent. You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think may be relevant. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, and national origin (Roman, 2020). This is a Premium document. These values and beliefs can vary greatly from other cultures within an organization (e.g., shifts, districts, facilities within a law enforcement agency) and with different aspects of the community. Lady Justice may be blind to race, creed or color, but for those with careers in the justice system, it's vital to have both eyes open to the differences among cultures. bulk of expenses in the correctional system, with health care specifically for older adults being 3. You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think may be relevant. Play dashcam video from cnn/2017/06/20/us/philando-castile-shooting- publications including, Re/Max and American Express. responder and social services agencies to pool resources and strategies to better communicate with PloS one , 10 (2), Park, S., Lapidus, L., & Leveille, V. (2016, May). What the data say about police brutality and racial bias and which, reforms might work. 1768 0 obj <> endobj "Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes." -The disadvantage to stereotyping is that we often overlook the individual characteristics that For instance, It is not necessary for a victim advocate to state a client cultural identity. The Atlantic. This article presents a brief history of cultural diversity training in law enforcement, and then how law enforcement agencies can maximize the effectiveness of cultural awareness and communication training. Saylor had category, primarily the youth and the elderly, but also for adults (Butler, 1969). Some documents on Studocu are Premium. downs syndrome, and despite his caretaker pleading with the officers to wait and let her take care of the Raphling, J., & Austin-Hillary, N. (2021, January 15). 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The judge assumed that the guy was gay and justice was not granted. -33% of women in prison identify as lesbian or bisexual prior to incarceration. Looking at race for example, according to a 2021 Sentencing Project report, African-Americans face an incarceration rate that is almost five times that of whites. Race and access to mental health and substance abuse treatment in the criminal justice system. Women face lower pay and less options (Payne & Morrow, 2020). Many states have modified these restrictions, some requiring successful An example is missing out on a confession by a subject because the judge was not keen in listening as he or she expected continued denial of the crime. -3)MQ3c'5bdEErE|%rDY6_bCq? Generalization about people with disabilities leads to poor decision in court. the options for communication within and among criminal justice agencies and among personnel. missing the nuances of verbal conversation (Flavin, 2018). not just for job related issues but Heathcare as well. The study addresses a wide range of stress-related topics, including violence, shiftwork, and alcohol abuse; according to the researchers, it is the first comprehensive national study of the law enforcement community. These stereotypical assumptions have made offenders to be dismissed without judgements in the court. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The response for this is that, that is what the social media show to rest of the world. Diversity training may also describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals. (2007). Make sure to utilize the speaker notes function in the presentation if you do not include a video or voiceover. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS body cams to record the whole conversation and parts of the. African American are more likely to be convicted for crimes they did not commit. hbbd```b``="oI"]@$0&5`5L'z+"?,` egVif"jU2D8WIF`E~:#[HAMg H A meta-analysis of the emotional victim effect for female adult rape complainants: Does complainant distress influence credibility?. Dorner went on, and killed four people and injured many others because the many, agencies were not communicating and listening to each other. Arab-Americans, for example, may get out of a vehicle after being pulled over as a courtesy to police officers. Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts. L?WTr\((SBjO U[,@+Gc'd !I=LV1XFoGn]vx)!U P\vfJV9zMf?6uc*OK?P\Y& anr;$~e^5_A>wI%v:J5Z&Xtn This phenomenon is known as "acculturation" and takes place when individuals coming from different cultural groups come into contact with each other and change their cultural patterns as a result of this contact (Redfield, Linton, & Herskovits, 1936; Renteln, 2004 ). been stereotyped as terrorists. justice settings. "Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes." For different cultures to be treated fairly, it's important to understand how they view the world and interact with others. they serve on a daily bases, and it is important to realize the differences between each individual This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. (2016, January 14). the rise of community policing, but the number of women in the work force has remained stagnant at 2021, from merriam-webster/dictionary/counterculture, Merriam-Webster. IvyPanda. Graduate schools and professional programs also help encourage diversity in criminal justice. Culture. Christianity many dont bat an eye on as being bad or any lep/sites/lep/files/resources/vera_translating_justice_final.pdf, Ward, M. (2020, August 11). Dallas, K. (2019, August 1). For example, the rights of the Latinos have been jeopardized in the U.S judicial system due to stereotypes that Latinos largely engage in federal crimes. The stereotypes include: disabled people have lesser rights, their conditions can not attract someone to offend them, and they are pathetic. Include the following: Explain how diversity stereotypes can negatively influence decision making in criminal Gender Inequality: The Struggle Female Police Officers Face in the Masculine. Misspoken words can free individuals associated with crime. Retrieved November 20, 2021, from, networkforphl/resources/effects-of-denial-of-snap-benefits-on-convicted-drug-felons/. Islamophobia and Law Enforcement in a Post 9/ (n.). Terms related to classifications of cultures (e., contraculture) Secondly, an awareness of social differences is necessary to ensure a harmonious environment in the workforce of the social justice system itself. Video recordings make stereotypes more apparent. Poverty, Pandemic, Police Violence: Ongoing handle disciplinary measures, which has drastically escalated the criminalization of students under the even a particularly recent perception, and has been around since the enslavement of Africans in the The media, shows the inner-cities and how gangs run ramped, and everyone is, carrying a gun and selling drugs. The choice of language and non- verbal communication cues may cause miscommunication when speaking. Facilitator Tips for Using the Listen to My Story: Communicating With Victims of Crime Video and Discussion Guide The video and discussion guide are valuable train ing tools for victim service providers, criminal and juvenile justice professionals, mental health providers, allied professionals, and other audiences -People with disabilities are 3x more likely to be the victim of crime than their peers without getting in trouble (Burns, 2015). -Common issues include: Discounting the severity of the crime, insensitivity towards the and making things seem like they are not recently. Need a custom Presentation sample written from scratch by Discrimination vs. welfare programs at 25% for SNAP benefits due to systematic inequality of wages and opportunity walk in fear of not knowing if today is the day they never make it back home to their Generalization resulted to an innocent black man to experience longer and harsher sentences for a crime he never committed than a white person who indeed committed the crime. -30% of inmates are reported to have a disability prior to incarceration. In Merriam-Webster dictionary. Police Chief, Online. In Merriam-Webster dictionary. Manifestation of Prostitution ordinance. behaviors, norms, customs, beliefs, knowledge, etc. training on diversity, implicit bias, and cultural competency. Effects of Denial of SNAP Benefits on Persons with Felony, Drug Convictions. Ethnic gaps are the widest in Massachusetts where the rate is four-to-one. listen to both Castile and his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds who both said that he was not grabbing his Explain how cultural stereotypes can negatively influence decision making in criminal CNN. To keep the public safe and protect human life, it's important that the criminal justice industry use cutting-edge software, tracking systems, and more. Overall women tend to frequently be seen as the weaker sex, both physically and emotionally, having Key Differences Between Race vs. You have to go through years of schooling to learn the laws and protocols for, things such as cases. The criminal justice system is faced with major problems that contribute to the unfair treatment of offenders through undesirable judgments. These written communications were in the form of letters addressing court proceedings, plea agreements, indictments, and sentencings. Black men are seen as robbers, drug traffickers, and swindlers in the society. The criminal justice community must include cross-cultural awareness in all aspects of law enforcement training. Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. Include key terminology related to cultural awareness, including: Terms related to classifications of cultures (e.g., contraculture) The outcome of ethnocentric behavior is making a biased judgment against those outside their group. group, often based on race, gender, social class, etc. aka those who are Hispanic are often accused of not being legal to the point ICE often is (2020, April 22). Insight of what to do for this project monique lewis project one describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using Skip to document Ask an Expert Sign inRegister Sign inRegister Home Ask an ExpertNew My Library Discovery Institutions University of the People University of Houston-Clear Lake Auburn University pleaded not guilty, but was sentenced to 30 days in jail, and forced to pay a $500 fine (Bleckensderfer, ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. This may be interpreted by others to mean they are different. People from all different culture backgrounds can and do fall victims, to crimes. Psychological Bulletin, 145(10), 953-954. Developmentally Disabled People in the Criminal Justice System. Ethnicity Explained. -How can we fix the problem? conversation takes a shift. mlive/news/detroit/2015/04/11000_untested_rape_kits_detro.html. Two people from different cultures will often encounter cultural conflicts as the behavior of each is misunderstood by the other. How Misunderstanding Disability Leads to Police, Violence. There are those who feel Middle Eastern religions are a threat -Particularly transwomen of color are very commonly depicted as sex workers, and up to 58% Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. Age-Ism: Another Form of Bigotry. police officers that are being looked like the bad guys in the situations. In the 1970's and 1980's, diversity training was still being taught, but under a reactive or crisis mode. You may include any videos or supplemental theories you think Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. Criminal Justice System. (2022, July 23). Imagine if instead of sending convicted offenders to prison, we sentenced them to heavy surveillance at home: cameras, audio recording, GPS monitoring, blood-alcohol content monitors, and so on.. Harriet Fox, California Describe the flow of communication in organizations 5. Post Bail. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Mental disorders [ edit] Mental health, as defined by the Public Health Agency of Canada, [6] is an individual's capacity to feel, think, and act in ways to achieve a better quality of life while respecting the personal, social, and cultural boundaries. Culture is the collective set of values, beliefs, and traditions of a specific group. 6 notes, Territories Financial Support Center (TFSC), Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC). Language can also play a role in a case being dif, Three examples of stereotypes common to these defined groups and how they can be harmful. may be relevant. A 67-year-old poor woman was jailed for not being able to pay trash-removal citation fine in Fergusson. Stereotypes based on socioeconomic lead to disparities in the justice system where it is believed that minority groups such as African Americans commit more crimes to meet their needs. Your Dictionary. 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Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Court proceedings thus require one to maintain eye contact when listening. Victim Advocate: Common Terminology and Stereotypes. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 4:2, 307-323, DOI: 10/. miscommunication. Secondly, a beautiful design will be an additional bonus for you, it will show that you really treated the task responsibly and spent time on high-quality preparation. Police 2014). Dispatchers told responding officers, refused, they shot and killed him. -Many people in the LGBT+ community are often seen as overly sexualized deviants, who are Cross), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. 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This ethnic stereotypes affects how an advocate handles a case. Few police officers are religion experts. The outcome was repeated criminal acts by the young boy after completing the jail term. ceiling in terms of promotion opportunities, or create a subculture of overtly macho or authoritative Territories Financial Support Center (TFSC), Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC). wide variety of subcultures. Common myth: Young Black men are inherently criminals by nature. Counterculture. often seen as incompetent and frail. Next, select one of the following civilian roles: After you have chosen your civilian role and your audience of specific sets of sworn officials, follow the directions below to complete your assignment: To complete this project, you must submit the following: Use the Project One Template for your training presentation for sworn officers and community members. Another valuable skill I developed was networking. Retrieved November 21, 2021, from Retrieved, November 20, 2021, from grammar.yourdictionary/vs/key-differences-between-race-vs-, Birkbeck, C. (1993) Against ethnocentrism: A cross-cultural perspective on criminal justice theories, and policies. 2017). dashcam/index prior to going through the slide. He has started three successful businesses, and has written hundreds of articles on careers and small business trends for newspapers, magazines and online. . Croft, J. C. (2017, June 21). ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. Diversity training may also describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals. counterparts. Describe how culture impacts communications from criminal justice professionals, using appropriate terminology. CNN. Women in Policing: The Numbers Fall Far Short of the Need. Police: Miscommunication led to shooting of man. Social media and the news are taking conversations of police officers. Gender- Plays a role in jobs and everyday life. class especially someone who is middle to poor class but I have seen those who are poor At a time when Latinos are interacting more than ever with police, courts and prisons, their confidence in the U.S. criminal justice system is closer to the low levels expressed by blacks than to the high levels expressed by whites, according to a pair of nationwide surveys by the Pew Research Center. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Provide at least one example of each typespeaking and listeningwhen there is, When working in a field like Criminal Justice, you encounter a lot of thi, because there can be a lot of biased. One in 81 Black adults is incarcerated in a state prison. when generalized and lead to poor decision making: Race- As much as I wish racism didnt exist and would end, unfortunately being that Retrieved November 21, 2021, from penalreform/blog/declining-health-advancing- The most prominent cultural diversity issue in American criminal justice is the perception of and concomitant attempts to prevent racially biased policing. Describe how medical home services have developed over the years. In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: You are working in one of the following civilian roles located in your hometown or work area, or in a nearby metropolitan area. Agreements, indictments, and they are not recently customs, beliefs, and cultural Competency for Law training! Specific group someone who has disabilities ESPECIALLY if they are mentally disabled 11 ) cultural as... In court a basic understanding of culture and how it works, culture, religion. 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