Using DNA, door-to-door interrogations, and a mausoleum search, Taken at Birth continues the quest to reunite the Hicks Babies with their biological families. "We're trying to reunite him with his family.". A three-part documentary, Taken at Birth, follows the story of Dr. Thomas Hicks who illegally arranged black market adoptions for nearly 200 babies, known as "Hicks Babies," in the '50s and '60s. She named him Von Gordon. Its a story that many in Northeast Ohio are already know. I can attest to the fact that some of the mothers were married (yes, to the biological fathers) at the time their infants were sold. And the $1k sounds about like what my Dad was sold for. Dr Hicks told some of the mothers that their babies died, then he sold them. If there is a match, and both parties want to be found, a meeting can be arranged. Jane Blasio is one of the main narrators for this docuseries. The man that is Dr.Hicks first stolen, one of the twins. His birth certificate when he ent into the service was different than the one his parents had, so all I know its June 19 or 20, 1941. In the 1950s and 1960s, hundreds of newborns were taken from a small-town Georgia clinic sold on the black market. I have had two of my children die. Buckner Hall is the fictional Kansas City preparatory school on the ABC Family show Switched At Birth. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Cite. Its a memoir of the journey. However, it was not until he was 35 that he learned his parents had traveled some 600 miles from Akron, Ohio to purchase him from . I came from a messed up family, too. I would love to be able to find him or maybe some of his family. He was her first born and she said she heard him cry yet Dr Hicks told her he was still born. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Were some mothers misled into believing their babies were stillborn when they were actually alive? How many children died in the Tennessee childrens Home Society? in todays market he did make money, he also induced those women into early labor to push those babies out putting the babies and mothers in jeopardy(I wonder how many died). I understand the concept of not being able to conceive and being grateful to receive a child but that was not a win/win situation by any stretch of the imagination. In the small town of McCaysville, Ga., Dr. Hicks would illegally perform abortions. Just horrible! After 20 years of hard work and heartbreaking dead ends, Jane is determined to get some answers. I do truly feel for the Hicks babies for not knowing; I know that must be hard. Aside from giving the adopted daughter her answer. Q: It sounds like there is a lot more to this story. TAKEN AT BIRTH is produced for TLC by Good Caper Content, an ITV America company. What part of that is okay? Im so sorry for your familys loss. The stork didn't deliver Kristie Hughes to her adoptive parents' door: they bought her from a Georgia doctor. TV-14. Did Joan Crawford adopt from Georgia Tann? we are not in the dna data bases but i would be glad to give my dna to find out what happened just point me in the right direction i will be watching tlc hicks babies. Dawson has known since age 7 her parents got her from the McCaysville clinic run by Hicks, who died in 1972. The investigation led her to McCaysville, Georgia, a small southern town she discovered the disturbing truth. So, what you are saying is, when my mom went to deliver my BROTHER and was told he was born dead, yet she has nightmares TO THIS DAY that she heard her baby cry for her. All company, product and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. What he was doing in a lot of cases is absolutely wrong because of stuff like this. I Just dont understand how anyone could possibly think what he did was right or just or in any way good at all!! These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Which leads us to the question: will we hear more Taken at Birth stories in a Season 2 on Hulu? Once the babies were born, Hicks contacted prospective adoptive parents and told them he had a baby. So that he could make money. To aidin the search, she enlists TLCsLONG LOST FAMILYco-hosts Lisa Joyner and Chris Jacobs, hoping their investigative skills and experience reuniting families, combined with the benefit of todays advanced technology, will finally provide results. You can see for yourself google him. But lets be honest, no one is going to admit that they willingly sold their baby. This is not right, this was a business. The series tells the story of a man that stole over 200 babies and sold them on the black market. All of the babies were children of mothers who were persuaded to give up their children for adoption, and were not biological children of Dr. Hicks. Q: Why have you devoted so much of your lifes work helping the other Hicks Babies trace their roots? The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. YALL OH MY GOD! My Hicks line starts in New York in 1833. From 1997: A towns secret - The story of a Georgia doctor and his illegal adoption clinic, From 2014: Now grown, Hicks babies turn to DNA to find birth families. As a child, she recalled, her curiosity was first piqued when a relative called her a "black-market" baby. He sold those babies for a profit. Some birth mothers knew they were placing a baby for adoption, some thought they had an abortion, and some were told their . She did NOT go to him for an abortion, she went to deliver MY BROTHER. You saw it. New secrets, bittersweet reunions, and surprising DNA revelations. According to the New York Post, Jane is just one of more than 200 newborns sold by Dr. Hicks . I hope your brother decides to test someday. He was married and had two children, a son and a daughter. In 1997, Jane Blasio first shared the story of her illegal adoption with a newspaper in Akron, Ohio. However, there are so many "Hicks Babies" cases that if fans continue to have a strong reaction to the show, TLC or Hulu could develop additional seasons. Are you for real?? A three-part documentary, Taken at Birth, follows the story of Dr. Thomas Hicks who illegally arranged black market adoptions for nearly 200 babies, known as "Hicks Babies," in the '50s and '60s.The documentary originally aired in 2019 on TLC, but has since migrated to Hulu. She never got over it. If he is out there and looking he may have tried the dna route. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. How HEARTLESS can someone be then to tell a parent their childTHEIR CHILD died just so he could profit? They even follow along as one Hicks family member exhumes the grave of a relative with the hope of helping others, and to find her ultimate truth. Hicks may not have been in Georgia during that time, but if he was in TN that might be a lead. THE ONE FAMILY HAD TWIN BOYS AND THE MAN WAS IN A FAMILY THAT HATED HIM HIS ENTIRE LIFE. Her birth certificate was falsified, listing her adoptive parents . As a result, he could not provide information that would help the babies find their parents or the other way around. In the small town of McCaysville, Ga., Dr. Hicks would illegally perform abortions. TLCs 2019 special consists of three episodes. Hicks surrendered his medical license in 1964 for performing an illegal abortion. The Hicks Babies share an urgency to find their roots and uncover the truth about Dr. Hicks clinic before the clock runs out. To date, there does not appear to be any 2021 updates to suggest that Stephen has been able to find his long-lost twin. Except he wasn't aborting the babies. When women actually came to him to have babies, he would often say the baby was stillborn. Offering remarkable real-life stories without judgment, TLC shares everyday heart, humor, hope, and human connection with programming genres that include fascinating families, heartwarming transformations and lifes milestone moments. Unfortunately, the three-part docuseries does come to an end after this information is revealed. Barbara, you clearly have no idea what you are talking about. Youre as crazy as he was if you think he should even get a pat on the back for his time and services. One of the Hicks babies, for example, discovers they are actually the biological daughter of the individual who was the mayor of the town at the time. i just hope i wont go made like them. According to the neonatalogist interviewed in the show many other babies must have died. I am honored to be part of the behind-the-scenes team of passionate and compassionate people who helped some of them in their journeys. Jane Blasio's search for her birth mother in McCaysville, Ga, brings to light the black-market sale of as many as 200 babies delivered there by the late Dr Thomas Jugarthy Hicks between 1951 and . My husband and I said the same thing while watching this show! Dr Hicks didnt keep records of the births and adoptions, so the only way to find your brother, if hes still alive, would be if he decided to look for you using DNA. Lead investigator Jane Blasio is joined by Lisa Joyner and Chris Jacobs to find closure for those stolen babies. In this episode, we look into black market babies and the Hicks babies who are still on their journey to finding their truth. "I'm no hero, I will tell you that and I am not brave," Blasio says. I have been advised by a man named Bill Miller from Cleveland Ohio that I was a Hicks baby but cannot find out if this is true. Instructions for how to transfer the raw data file to MyHeritage and FTDNA are here: Thomas Hicks, who sold babies illegally from his clinic in the 1950s and 1960s, as the Hicks Babies begin to reunite to search for answers. Mama told me they ran the doctor out of Tennessee after that because he was killing so many babies. thank you so much for the information danny has 5 sisters and 1 brother looking for him, Should anyone believe or just want to be a part of the DNA registry for The Nicks Babies..please visit us on our webpage (Hicks Adoptees), Thank You The six-hour special will share the untold stories of the "Hicks Babies," the name given to more than 200 newborn babies illegally sold or given away from the back door of a small-town Georgia clinic run by Dr. Thomas J. Hicks during the 1950s and 1960s . What we have now is the mothers side of the story. In 2014, and ABC News helped the Hicks Babies conduct DNA tests on themselves and members of the McCaysville community. Im sorry but thats a totally twisted way of thinking in my view!! Learn how three Hicks babies were able to find biological family using DNA. I am by no means defending Dr Hicks black-market adoption practices, but its important to remember that, even today, people die from asthma attacks. All rights reserved (About Us). I am watching the TV documentary on Dr. Hicks and do not believe he should be so vilified. Ive heard the same story over and over, that the mother heard her baby cry but was told it was stillborn. My heart breaks for your mama and for your whole family. This special event shows a different side of TLC, while embodying the heart, hope and human connection that speaks directly to our viewers.. Documentary 2019. It wouldve been 1964. In the 1950's and 1960's, Dr. Thomas Jugarthy Hicks made a name for himself performing illegal abortions in Georgia. Did Dr Hicks father any of the Hicks babies? Herbert Lehman, all adopted Tann babies. Oftentimes, he encouraged mothers to have the babies and let him help adopt them out. I am a mother of a baby born in 2016 at 30 weeks 3lbs in an amazing NICU I couldnt imagine if my son was born in his condition back then. I submitted my DNA in hopes that I might find my brother or some of his family. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Now fast forward 50 years, memories are skewed, you feel differently now, maybe you wish things were different. It is in Gods hands. As a matter of fact she grieved the rest of her life for her first born she thought had died! She did tell me she heard her baby cry and Dr Hicks told her he was still born. With the advent of commercially available DNA testing, about 30 Hicks babies descended on the town in 2014 hoping to find their birth families. How would you feel if you found out a child your told was dead is actually alive I wish Hicks was alive to stand trial for what he did, he had no right. Because forged birth certificates identified the Hicks Babies adoptive parents as their biological parents, DNA offered the best'and in many cases the only'chance to find family. In the 1950s & 1960s a doctor named Thomas Hicks illegally sold over 200 babies on the black market. Now, they are using the power of DNA to reunite with their biological families. Watch Taken at Birth Streaming Online | Hulu (Free Trial). "I had no idea that it was being released on Hulu until I started seeing my Instagram numbers go up," she says. "Imagine finding out your parents paid for you paid a doctor who stole you from your birth mother after telling your birth mother you died during delivery. Thank you. I dont trust my own memories, let alone 50 year old memories. Once the women gave birth, Dr. Hicks would allegedly tell the unsuspecting moms that he had found adoptive parents for the children. Streaming on Roku. I dont think thats something Ill ever feel comfortable with, she says. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. To this day, Blasio hasnt been able to locate the boy. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". He took babies from parents who couldn't take care of them but he could have also lied to some . Now, more than half a century later, TLCs upcoming special Taken At Birth will reveal untold stories about the Hicks Babies and their ongoing search for their biological families. Hicks Babies. Dr Hicks sold over 200 babies from his clinic in McCaysville during the 50s and 60s Credit: YouTube. She took Jacks fathers last name, Hollinsworth, so that people would think she was a widow, instead of having had a child out of wedlock. So, unfortunately, it looks like a lot of the people in the town likely turned a blind eye to what Dr. Hicks was doing because they benefited from his services. The story of Hicks' activity broke in 1997, and ever since, Blasio has been connecting with fellow adoptees, over 200 of whom ended up in Akron, Ohio, even joking occasionally that some of the . One of those babies he delivered in Tennessee was my oldest brother who was supposedly still born. If you fully watched the documentary you would know that almost all the babies were 4lbs at birth weight or even SMALLER and he was doing this to hurry along the money. Anyways the family is from Georgia and they film there as well. Taken at Birth. Just keeping an RN on duty, even in the 1950s -60s, was a big expense. No legal department is willing to help assist me in my county. Not a mother who wanted to give her baby up for adoption, but a mother who trusted her doctor? Thank you so much. According to ABC News, he also reportedly lied to some of his patients, telling them their baby had died and then selling the newborn from the back steps of his clinic. Did your mother give birth in Akron or in McCaysville? What people dont realize is Doc Hicks started his practice in Tennessee. Offers may be subject to change without notice. a fun fact is that me and my mom and my dead grandfather only have his blood. He was born in April 1964 Sumner County TN from what he knows. Exactly! Blasio says she mostly hears from viewers who were affected by the story, but also receives messages from people with information that could be helpful in her investigation into Dr. Hicks or genealogists offering their assistance. Dr Hicks sold over 200 babies from his clinic in McCaysville during the 50s and 60s Credit: YouTube. Its #TakenAtBirth on Hulu. Is there going to be a second season of Taken at Birth? My oldest would have been born in Akron in 1960. How can this man NOT be vilified?! Nightline captured Kristie's reunion in an episode that . SUBMITTED. She did, however, help a lot of the other Hicks babies find their parents and/or siblings to connect with. The healthcare professional decided to profit off of the children by convincing expecting mothers to keep their babies, and allegedly putting them in hotel rooms until they gave birth. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "ae1f9e834dd62e4d1a2abe479a4458f0" );document.getElementById("eedd789636").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Copyright 2023 by TV Shows Ace. My mother was told they were stillborn and manipulated into donating their bodies to science for their cause of death SIDS. Nedra Rhone is a lifestyle columnist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution where she has been a reporter since 2006. Some babies were that small but not all of them. Dr. Hicks died a disgrace. Personally I hope that Dr Hicks is burning in hell! If you buy from a link, we may earn a commission. Research has hinged on doctored birth certificates linked to Hicks Clinic, personal accounts, DNA results, photos and other items. It may have started with good intentions, but these babies deserve the truth and they deserve it now. Taken At Birth follows Jane Blasio, the youngest of the known Hicks Babies, who helped break the story and has since dedicated her life to finding out the truth. During the documentary they interviewed a dr that runs a NICU and he said absolutely many of these babies died from there extremely low birth weight and the adoptive parents would have had no choice but to just discard them. So all of what you said is ridiculous. He was a monster, a murderer, and a kidnapper, but he wasnt a good man doing a good thing for helpless women. On the one hand, Hicks was the well-respected town doctor who offered medical services to poor copper mining families. Clickherefor more information. 2019-2019 TV14 Miniseries Documentary. The question is: did he take the black market baby-selling business with him? He delivered my oldest brother. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). There are always three sides to any story: One side, the other side, and the truth (which is usually somewhere in between). Streaming on Roku. Blasio says there were two, perhaps three people from McCaysville who knew Dr. Hicks and moved to Akron for jobs in the rubber industry. That is when my older brother was born and my mother was told he was still born even though she told me she heard her baby cry. In 1997, Jane Blasio, an Akron woman adopted as a baby, was searching for her birth mother. My parents were a young married couple and very much wanted their baby! She always thought she had a boy out there somewhere. 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