Too many hotspots are joining everyday. : r/BobcatMiner300 Make sure your bobcat miner is being picked up by your router (Via ethernet or wifi, but ethernet preffered). What may be the issue? In this case, Hotspot 1 will be of NO WITNESSES. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. If youre seeing zero balance or no Hotspots in your app, please close and re-open the app or go to Settings and toggle the API provider. Its nothing about the port. Also test your network speed. Now live on the Exchange: Lucky 8 Trading Competition. Are you on wifi or Ethernet? Now you'll have access to real time information at the push of a . But I can not modify my firewall settings in my modem. Another miner in the same zone has over 40 witnesses (my miner sees 40 nearby miners, but zero witnesses). RSVP: Helium Happy Hour ATX @ Consensus 2022. The Helium engineering team is working very hard to solve the issues. Furthermore, the Bobcat hotspot miner has a storage capacity of 64GB. VoskCoin. Just wait. When the light changed to YELLOW or GREEN, try pair mode again. Today they all finally were able to update to v1.0.2.80. If its connecting to a Cable, connect the Cable to another device to test the Internet. close and reopen the app, then attempt to Pair again. If you still have trouble after trying these information regarding your arrangement or rewards, as Helium is not involved. Access your bobcat diagnostic page and look at the very bottom. Software find the new miner, and able to go completely through all the setup steps, up to the point of registering the unit. Looks like your miner isnt started. : ). Thanks. My internet speed is 50 Mbit down and 5 mbit up.23 ms latency. Am able to witness and send out challenges. In the next several days, I totally lost all witnesses and all beacons were 0. Basically its a global issue but I think it will come back in a week. If you just got your hotspot, please connect to internet and leave it there until it's upgraded to the latest version firmware. I am having this same issue now. Witnesses numbers plummeting over last couple days. Before the antenna change it was working fine. If by chance you run into problems when adding a Hotspot to your account, here are some basic The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Could you please take this to your maker integration channel on discord? If your country cant be found in, it will be Undefined. gap: -1095467, Can the Bobcat mine when it hasnt fully synced? The fastest speed of producing blocks is 50 seconds. Please do not try any power adapter (always confirm it is 5V 3A) or else you will If it doesnt disappear, restart the Miner. I keep on trying to register my hotspot and it keeps saying that it is waiting to start. After the Hotspot can be accessed successfully over Bluetooth from within the Hotspot app, the location can't be asserted and therefore the hotspot can't be onboarded. Thanks for your help. Anybody knows what this means? Then apply conditional formatting using "Icons" instead of "Font color". Self-healing Back online, syncing. The diagnosis and how can I fix this ? Ive had all of them hooked to the internet since basically Saturday. Maybe post on your hotspot manufacturers official discord and ask? Sometimes it wont work as expected. Basically connecting Antenna directly to your Bobcat wont cause any issue. part of a Hosting program where you host the Hotspot for someone else. I am totally scratching my head as well. But sometimes the blockchain part will have some issues if you power on/off too many times in a short period time. Teams. 2021-09-03 01:55:33.916 159 [info] <0.1581.0>@miner:handle_info:461 non-consensus block 989246 So I think your . Simply put, hotspots are the physical places where . Sometimes, your blockchain database will be broken, in that case, the miner will try to fix it by deleting the old database and start to sync from the scratch. So, I still have a few more firmware versions to go through before Im all set. Com If you are interested message me your 2,000. Learn more about Teams Please try again in a few minutes" and I can never get past that no matter how many times I try. I flashed the newest firmware released for download (2022.01.04) to the miner and everything is working now. Please try again in a few minutes.. They create challenges, they beacon, they witness other hotspots, AND they store a copy of the blockchain on 'em. Create a Bobber account in the App using your email and password. Maybe there might be more information here Helium HNT Hotspot Mining Wiki & FAQ. Maybe the App will show you the first one which youve already added. Have you solved your problem? Then add back your firewall settings to get to know which one is causing the issue. Stop incessantly rebooting or waiting for the helium app to update the miner's status. The miner status output shows some important pieces of information. Once enabled, . You can use the same ethernet Cable, connect to your computer, then confirm if it can access and Double check that the phone's Bluetooth settings are enabled. Got the miner 5 days ago. My Sensecap M1 miner has not broadcasted a beacon in 13 days. Please try again in a few minutes.. It is online with a green light and synced with no gap. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Any ideas would be appreciated. The Antennas dbi and height are already set. Entdecke Browan MerryIoT Hotspot Helium HNT Miner V1 | EU868 | NEU (wie Sensecap) in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! (I'll order 24hour delivery). For Bobcat, you can also use the Web Diagnoser. I opened a support ticket at discord already. would you? You can fill this form to get support. This often happens after a chain halt. new UK/EU 868,2gb model Buy, install and start earning your HNT immediately! until they have created an account and linked the app with their Helium wallet. I am getting the message hotspot miner is waiting to start. Hello! I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Did you ever get it to work? Please try again in a few minutes. Open your 44158, loose your firewall and check DNS settings may help. Bobcat hotspot miner has the best PoC and the most potent 4dBi antenna compared to the rest. Please try again in a few minutes" and I can never get past that no matter how many times I try. iOS 11 or If your Miners light is green, you can just wait, the status will change to syncing/synced later. Look at the image below, I have a hotspot worked well but it suddenly stopped beacon and witness after 5:19pm. The username and password is: bobcat/miner. -> This is the main reason if your Antenna is good. Helium House is coming to ATX for Consensus 2022. Nebra hotspot miner It is possible that your hotspot starts to send out beacons again after restarting / reseting your ISP modem / router, or rebooting your router. I figured out that it can be done by simply using "CircleHigh" instead of "green" in the above formula. My bobcat miner is fully synced, and is online. I bought a Bobcat Miner 300 and did set it up straight away. For RAK miners, they are in Reboot? Look into your router, open 44158, change packet rules, etc. Resync? but it did not solve the problem. Maybe you only need to assert your Antenna to the real values. Huge waiting list in the UK piscesiot. I have a bobcat miner. While you wait for your 5G miner, . Yes, it can have several days delay. If you are trying to add your miner during the restarting , you will get this error. In normal operation, only solid red should be seen. Discovery mode shows upto 150 hotspots sometimes. Is that a problem? Port checker says port 44158 is open. Fill this form: If its RED, restart the Miner. I recently switched antenna to a 5.8dbi for my bobcat miner. Ive opened the Bobcat unit and the antenna cables appear to be attached. If its a message in your Helium App try{your_key}, if your hotspot not found, then CONATCT YOUR HOTSPOT MAKER. Network kicking into gear/overdrive?! The most current firmware version is Hey, I tested all those things. For me, I reset my miner a few times and after 2-5 days it started to sync, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, Bobcat 300 - Not able to setup first time - Hotspot miner is waiting to start. Its something global. I upgraded from the bobcat stock antenna to a RAK 5.8dbi one. Basically you should contact your hotspot maker for RMA. The first reason is simple: it's counter-productive to have whales making bulk miner orders. The actual hardware varies in make and build, but all of the approved hotspot models listed on the Helium website can connect to Helium and start earning you HNT. Software find the new miner, and able to go completely through all the setup steps, up to the point of registering the unit. The most common cause I've seen is that the miner software fails to start, causing the hotspot to reboot and try again. Helium Network honored as one of Fast Company's World Changing Ideas 2022 . Note that if you restart it, it might need to synchronize with the blockchain again, taking up to 48h again to finish. You need to contact support in this case. Exact same issue with my miner. Thanks :) Hi - I know this is a common issue but most of the other posts I've seen about this say it tends to resolve itself within 48hr. This can take several minutes and will go back to Green once it completes. So Im a bit lost here. It can help you do troubleshooting but dont rely on it. I guess you are a Helium Network Pioneer or the hotspot miner support team was trying their best to process your order in a very high priority. If it doesnt work, reboot your hotspot and run diagnostics. Some hotspots have a good download and upload speed in the test but with very big latency. It can be a network issue. Can anyone help me please? See Bobcat Antenna Repair. short-circuit the Hotspot which is irreparable. I dont know what to do..i followed every steps from here. You can connect to Bluetooth and do a diagnosis. After a chain halt, the blockchain will try to run as its fastest speed when possible to produce blocks. Be patient! I reflashed the SD card to the original settings already but it did not solve the problem. The Bobcat 300* Helium Miner finally has an interface you can use to be able to tell what it's doing! Also unplugging does not work. See Network. Regular (I call 'em Full Fat) Hotspots are what Helium started out with. The best bitcoin, altcoin and ICO tracker out there. Adjustable to two heights. DNS is good, as the DIG function only gives successes. what is everyone elses average reward for witnessing a beacon. Who's going? New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Because the signal is supposed to be very strong but its not, maybe that one or yours is asserting a wrong location. I have seen some hotspots only have several kb/s speed. And today there is no activity at all. Contact them in the Discord channel. The only hotspot I see is the first one at my house. Hotspot Garden/Camping Outdoor Gas Light. Is this normal or is there something I need to change? Vote things, please email your Hotspot manufacturer. Your hotspot is not sending out beacons but you still have a lot of Witnesses. It wont affect anything. Brights natural flame equivalent of an 80 watt light bulb or turned down for a softer more ambient g. 15. Or you may have bluetooth connection issue, onboarding issue, etc since it may restart during your operations. So, the diagnoser isnt coming up when I type in the IP address into the address bar; everything else seems fine (its still synching). My Bobcat is fully syncedports are opennat typ none. Ok; thank you! The dashboard also shows that there is is P2P inbound and outbound data being transfered. When can dogs become an important element of AI? Every time I try to set up the hotspot, all goes fine until the end and a pop up message comes up and says "hotspot miner is waiting to start. I am thankful for all kind of hints and recommendations. Make sure you opened 22 before sending them the information. My miner hasnt had any data activity in 4+ months but I get witness and PoC rewards virtually every hour. Brand new never connected to helium. Built with the Helium IoT network. Similarly to above, double check that the phones Bluetooth settings are enabled., Hello Beaconer. Retrieve Diagnoser IP from the Helium App Follow the screenshots below to access your IP address using the Helium app. So a lot of newer Bobcat miner had a similar network. Open the Box 2. Is there anything I could do? Eventbrite - Nova Labs + Helium Foundation presents Helium Happy Hour - Friday, June 10, 2022 at Idle Hands, Austin, TX. Restart the Miner and wait for resynchronization. That last part began creating problems as the network and the blockchain . please try again in a few minutes", Anyone with the same case? Miner is a docker process in your Bobcat machine. If yes, it puts our sys.config (with ebus enabled and other stuff) into the miner docker /releases/versionOfMiner folder, which was 2021.10.27.0 but apparently it needed to be within 2021.10.27.0_GA, As of the 2021.10.07.0 release there is a standard config symlink created in _releases. Whats your hotspot name? Every time I try to set up the hotspot, all goes fine until the end and a pop up message comes up and says "hotspot miner is waiting to start. I am having a problem setting up my bobcat miner 300. I just set up my bobcat two days ago. Hi, thank you for all the tips and tricks your are providing. Hi, You can skip below. Have attempted installation several times now. Starting in the fourth week of March and at the time of writing in April 2022, there's an issue with Helium seed nodes . If you cant assert location, it will be undefined. Issue: The hotspot needs to get an update from our servers. Aug 20, 2021 Replying to @helium @jimmyispromo and @BOBCATiot i have another bobcat not in use and i almost wanna say f-it and unbox it and set it up. The OTA will happen automatically after your hotspot started. If its YELLOW, test the WiFi its using. pairing mode for the first 5 minutes after fully booting. Following I have the same issue I left mine on eathernet all night and this morning still the same issue. Purchased miner to collect tokens and was advised on TikTok as a good passive income tool so I purchased with larger coverage antenna and installed outside home in downtown area. All these operations should be after you reserved your miners IP address. Sometimes when I log into the app, I see a message that the location is not asserted, which isnt quite true, as the correct location is showing up in the app. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, LinxDot | Please Try Again Hotspot Miner is Waiting to Start, Please Try Again Hotspot Miner is Waiting to Start. See Bobcat Antenna Repair. To get the latest info make sure you fully refresh the browser and close the app. If they know the demand is there, it's tempting for some titan of industry to buy many miners with the intention of renting them out. Thanks. Sorry I never use it. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Users will have the option to explore the app without registering an account but will not be able to take advantage of the vast majority of features (e.g., Hotspot management, Diagnoser, etc.) RSVP to attend. The newest version will self update to the latest firmware automatically. If the Disco Mode is working and you havent received any response, check points below. Also some routers have port forwarding issues can also cause this problem. Dont put it in high humidity / temperature environment. blockchain_height: 0, It can take a while to start seeing witnesses associated with your beacons. Were excited to attend Ethereum Denver this week! Use Bobcat Diagnoser to see the Miner status in your hotspot. The Hotspot keeps saying that it's waiting to start. It's helpful to include the Hotspots name and what color the light on the Hotspot is. Since there are too many requests, Helium changed the API to ban some requests. Already on GitHub? My beacons and witnesses havent changed. Huge waiting list in the UK piscesiot. What should i do? But most hotspots cost between $500-$700 dollars. Solution: Plug the hotspot into power, and connect it to the internet using the included ethernet cable. So I recently had to replace my pigtail cable on my miner as it split. Sign in Attn: VIPs, advanced and institutional traders! Wait 1-2 hours for the hotspot to automatically update. The reason why I ask is that the amount of activity has decreased but it might be due to something globally rather than my miner specifically.. It is very hot and it has been connected by too many Miners. Tried wireless, and wired installs. miner_height: 1095467, Wrong frequency also gives 0 witnesses ?? And you're invited. Before that, it was 14 days ago. One more question: there are two miners in my hex, but it doesnt show up on the Helium appthe hex is blank and not showing 2. It it takes longer than 1 hour, you can power off and the power on your hotspot. You can swap SSN inside Torch without unstaking! . I'm also the Doge Dad to Tails, the cutest Shiba Inu. In this case, some miners may not able to catch up the speed. issue. For Bobcat, you can buy a replacement on Amazon. Why Solana will be more Headaches than savior!! Nebra Indoor HNT Hotspot Miner (915MHz) WRL-17843 16 Updated Version Available There is an updated version of this product available: WRL-19305 Description Includes Features Documents Tags 915MHz Blockchain Compute Module Cryptocurrency Helium HNT Hotspot Indoor LoRa Miner Nebra Raspberry Pi Wireless its been several days. No one from "Helium" or any other company will reach out to you to verify your account, wallet, or anything similar. Do you create a new acct w 12 seed phrase for each location? Take a look at the network. Hey. Investigating. Is there anything else that can be trigger the lack of witnesses? You can search for what can cause latency. See Network to solve the Relay. If OTA failed due to network issues, reboot your Hotspot, wait for several minutes and try again. Always operate in a zero-trust manner with cryptocurrency and assume everyone will scam you no matter what. Try completely closing and reopening the Ive connected it wired connection. SNR too clear will also cause lower HNT, so it should be combination with your Antenna, the height of your Antenna and the Location. If the firmware version still shows old version after OTA finished, there are two possiblities. Every time I try to set up the hotspot, all goes fine until the end and a pop up message comes up and says "hotspot miner is waiting to start. This is what I received trying to setup the Bobcat miner. I even changed to an ethernet cable, but still nothing. Press the pairing button on the side to enable the hotspot Pairing mode. This miner is identical to the rec. Connect Adapter and LAN Cable (optional) 3. Find the IP address your bobcat is using on your router and type that into your browser. Sample: I guess you are very RICH because you are adding many Miners in a row . I plugged in the Hotspot, but no lights came on: I tried to add the Hotspot, but it says its owned by someone else: It may seem silly, but trying the plug in a different outlet (ideally on a separate circuit) can i so try many thing i removed helium app and instal again but i dont have it o cant connect to my miner. So far only produced 2 helium tokens since I've purchased the device month to date. In the first several weeks, your hotspot will continue syncing from the blockchain. Obviously, trying again in a few minutes does not help. Its a good thing but the App is not as stable as you think . Try to add pass rules or disable deny rules to make packets pass. After a bunch of resetting and syncing its finally working Thanks for all of the help. The Im running a TP Link Deco M9 router. I get a message that says this site cant be reached and ip address took too long to respond. Now it shows offline, last update 3 days ago! Connect the miner to the internet 2. This is where the FreedomFi is different. Where can i find my user name and my password in order to rebooty miner ? Having the same issue! Hotspot Miner Is Waiting to start Helium Hotspots dstark22 (Dennis Starkey) February 21, 2022, 9:14pm #1 New Miner Installation. If youre on Ethernet I rebooted after an hour then put the device in pairing mode when the light turned yellow and was able to complete the setup. Please contact the Hotspot manufacturer for next steps. how do i fix this i cant find anyone who knows what to do in dischord, Bobcat: The Helium Explorer has a big delay. Herewith some additional info which might help troubleshooting: Miner hasnt been mining yet, only syncing constantly since I received it 1 week ago, after I repositioning the lights started switching. I make around 2 cents a reward. Instructions are less that idea for people doing a new install not really step-by-step, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, RAK Hotspot Quick Start Guide | RAKwireless Documentation Center. Kind of hints and recommendations you do troubleshooting but dont rely on it app is sending... Maker for RMA manufacturers official discord and ask a similar network most hotspots between... Up.23 ms latency to solve the issues not involved and start earning your HNT!... G. 15 network and the blockchain part will have some issues if you are adding many.. Miner status in your hotspot formatting using & quot ; Font color quot. Version will self update to the original settings already but it suddenly stopped beacon and witness after.... 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