Youre making this way more difficult than it needs to be. You get the benefit of water curing without losing too much time in the schedule. If too much water is added, the concrete may take longer to cure. This is an incautious installation decision that will almost always fail. 60 or 54 width backboard is what we prefer. You must log in or register to reply here. Many customers want to know if they should put a basketball hoop in their driveway. If you REALLY want it to be secure, put the bolts in the concrete at differing angles so the lines of tension force are not all parallel. The design strength of concrete is usually attained after 28 days. Since you already have the whole that big you can't dig a smaller hole inside of it so you are stuck using a hole that big. There is no significant stress on the concrete. The bags of concrete are 80 lbs. Site-mixed concrete is mixed on-site and will require more time to cure. This can be done by covering the concrete with plastic or a wet burlap sack and misting it with water regularly. When you place fresh concrete it's very sensitive and easily ruined. [ATTACH]50566[/ATTACH] The system is also supported by the Spalding U-lift system . So I cannot see other side of wall. Many mixes today bleed at much lower rates than this, so if there is less bleed water then the evaporation limit needs to be set lower-more like 0.05 to 0.1 pounds per square foot per hour. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. How deep does a basketball pole need to be in the ground? The temperature and humidity of the environment can affect the curing time of concrete. Start by placing half of the required water into a wheelbarrow or large container. Post was set and concrete mix based on the manufacturer's recommendation for water. 8. Whether youre looking to shoot some hoops in the driveway or set up a game in the backyard, a basketball hoop can be a great addition for all kinds of outdoor fun. Typically, you'll be instructed to set the post in a hole that's three times the diameter of the post and deep enough to bury one third of the post, plus an extra 6 inches of depth for a gravel base. He did that twice to make an x, almost like rebar. During this period (initial set), if the bleed water is evaporating from the surface faster than it is rising out of the concrete then you need to do some initial curing or else you are likely to end up with plastic shrinkage cracks. The right amount of moisture is critical during curing. Let's also narrow things down to curing of colored concrete. to this site, and use it for non-commercial use subject to our terms of use. Snow and ice melted and I found this crack while working under my deck. Indoor vs. Allow 28 days for the concrete to cure fully. Building a half-size court measures 42 to 47 by 50 feet, and junior full-court measures 84 by 50 feet. Concrete Cure Time | Rules of Thumb for 2023. The majority time is needed for the concrete to dry, and that process takes at least 72 hours. [ATTACH]50567[/ATTACH], Hi all, You can get this nomongraph out of ACI 308 or it's also available in an excellent piece in the March 2007 Concrete International, "Estimating Evaporation Rates to Prevent Plastic Shrinkage Cracking." We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Installing a basketball hoop. Almost sounds like a horror movie-our concrete baby has turned into a monster! The player will not be able to perform bank shots if the measurement is too narrow. Keep some of this around for dry windy conditions. Installation of an asphalt driveway is preferred by some homeowners. As Ray said there is no need for the whole to be that big and especially since you used dry concrete it probably hurt you. Recently, concrete has overtaken mortar as the most popular construction material, and its all for a good reason. Steps to Installing an In-Ground Basketball Hoop Assuming you've chosen the right location for your in-ground basketball hoop, here are the steps to follow to conclude the installation process; 1. The concrete must be allowed to cure properly in order for the hoop to be safe and stable, but there are a few factors to consider when determining how long the concrete should cure. Buildings that are constructed from this material can withstand different climate conditions and last for many years. Leaves no topical residue. [IMG][/IMG], Bricks, Masonry, Cinder Block, Paving & Walking Stones, Asphalt and Concrete,, Lifetime 44" Pro Court Height-Adjustable Portable Basketball Hoop -, How to Install a Basketball Hoop (on a Pole). 3. suggestions. Where do you put a basketball hoop on a driveway? Typically, you can apply some weight to the posts after 4 hours, but it's a good idea to wait at least 24 hours before resuming fence construction. If its a driveway, wait about 10 days before parking a vehicle on the freshly poured slab. If you live in a cold region, the water may freeze on you. Overall a very professional setup. JavaScript is disabled. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Once the concrete is poured, it will need to cure and set. The standard height is 10 feet, but for some reason, you can opt for an adjustable option or a shorter hoop, especially if its only meant for fun. This concrete is in line with the standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials. Is 72 inch backboard too big for driveway? In some cases, it may take up to 60 days for the concrete to reach its full strength. I did the same as vetteboy and others. The weight of the glass backboard can affect the performance of a basketball hoop that overhangs 5 feet or more. You will need to purchase an in-ground basketball hoop as well as choose your concrete. I rounded up to 30 days from 28. (Burying posts in concrete is not suitable for deck construction.) Too much water and the top layer will start flaking and crumbling. Following ACI standards, the label of a concrete bag that states a compressive strength of a concrete product uses an industry standard 28 days of curing time unless stated otherwise. Optimally, you want to cure concrete when temperatures range between 55 and 73 degrees Fahrenheit. Well, it's not just a counterweight, it's also volume/area to act against the soil. The first order of business is to choose a location to install your in-ground basketball hoop. Posts dont have to be braced for long periods of time. Your best bet is to probably start over again and do it correctly. Pretty much how I've seen every highway sign, signal pole, and light post up to 200' high masts poured. Cure times for posts set in concrete vary, depending on the composition of the concrete and the weather. Wait 4 hours before applying heavy loads to the post, such as a basketball backboard. I agree with the others, you need to pull this out, the sooner the better. Plan the concreting for when the weather is dry and allow for 72 hours to let the concrete set. I have dug the hole 42 deep by 12 Can redi-mix be poured into post hole dry, or does it have to be mixed first? Fill the hole with concrete and set the manufacturer's anchor system. Silverback SB60. Lay your hoop(s) and fasten in the cement while the concrete is still wet. Cover the slab with three feet of water and let it set. Is Quikrete as strong as concrete? After that, you can walk on it. And at this stage, your hoop should be good to go. The variety is harder than most hardwoods. There are three ways to cure concrete: either we add water to the surface to replace the water that is evaporating or we seal the concrete to prevent the water from evaporating in the first place or we do both. Concrete cure times can vary, depending on a few conditions, but within a month the slab is ready to support heavy equipment and building structures. There are a few dos and donts to consider as you pour the concrete and wait for it to cure. If you have space and budget, then you may dedicate a specific area for a full-size and sturdy basketball court. Including excessively high water-cement ratio, poor consolidation adjacent to the pole, incomplete water dispersal in the mix, cool (night-time) curing temperatures, etc. Colder temperatures slow the process down, and hotter ones speed it up. Can you play basketball on concrete pavers? WHAT IS CURING AND WHAT DOES IT DO TO THE CONCRETE? Use long j-bolts to anchor the plate. 24 to 48 hours- after inital set, forms can be removed and people can walk on the surface 7 days- after partial curing, traffic from vehicles and equipment is okay 28 days- at this point, the concrete should be fully cured Learn more:How Long Before You Can Drive on Concrete? home improvement and repair website. The front is going to be transparent. Thanks, Skip to 1:45 for the build. Like this / \ think of it as triangulation, but for bolts. The concrete must be allowed to cure properly in order for the hoop to be safe and stable, but there are a few factors to consider when determining how long the concrete should cure. You can generally use a basketball pole filled with concrete 1-2 days after you pour the concrete. Concrete will "set" or harden within 24-48 hours. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. I would have opted for the sonotube concrete solution, deeper, much deeper. Just overlapping the rebar and bolts wont work. Curing must be started as soon as possible after finishing and stamping.Vexcon Chemicals. Concrete is one of the most widely used materials for construction, and it is an essential component of any basketball hoop installation. The installation process can take up to 2 hours to complete. [1] If the base holds less than 35 gallons, you need to adjust the amount of sand you buy. If that's not possible, fogging just enough to keep the surface damp is possible, but the simplest approach is to use evaporation retardant. If you use slightly warmer water in the mixture, it will encourage the reaction to occur more quickly, but do not use blazing hot water as this could be damaging. Now let's narrow this conversation down a bit. We received the following advice from an Irvine concrete contractor to see what our options are. Calcium chloride is the most common accelerant, but you can also find some brands without harsh chemical. To begin with, this material assures strength and durability. Different types of concrete have different curing times. These crystals grow from a reaction between Portland cement and water-a reaction known as hydration. Pro Mini Hoop Basketball System with Adjustable-Height. Its a valid argument that the ultimate decision you make regarding your design needs will depend on several factors, including your budget, the existing space, and preferences. You do not want to imperil the health and stature of your body as you move along. A quick Google search should help you sieve through your options to get a reliable seller. We are also a member of several other affiliate networks. Step 3: Pour the Concrete. First, and most importantly, colored concrete is not really different than any other concrete, it needs exactly the same treatment to end up with quality concrete. place the goal's post over this pipe and onto the L bolts. Square poles provide more rigidity than round ones. Conversely, in colder climates, concrete will take less time to cure. Also, this is the time to consider extra accessories such as paints and lighting among the rest. All rights reserved. It may not display this or other websites correctly. We all agree that adding rebar strengthens concrete and that high strength concrete is stronger than fast setting, but in this application is it likely to make a difference? Is there no loss of stability sitting on 4 nuts vs direct on the concrete? Youll want to consider the height of your basketball hoop before you go out shopping. Consult the package for exact water amounts. The recommended hole size for a hoop anchor system is approx 500mm x 500 mm and 1.2m deep. The budget is between $50 to $75 for concrete, $150 to $500 for the unit, and the rest for the professional labor installation. It can shorten curing times from seven to three days. I can think of several possible reasons why the OP's concrete hasn't set properly around his pole. Even though what you choose will depend on your budget and space, you can always maximize your options if you opt for the right material. 1. Under normal curing conditions, you can apply heavy weight to the post (a basketball backboard, for example) after just 4 hours. Check the weather forecast before pouring concrete. So you use these methods to figure out how fast the bleed water is evaporating--if it's greater than 0.2 pounds per square foot per hour, then initial curing is necessary because the concrete will be drying out. If a customer doesnt want concrete or asphalt in the backyard, or if they want to remove the court at a later date, compacted rock courts are a viable alternative. JavaScript is disabled. However, setting posts is a relatively simple project that doesn't usually require in-depth knowledge of concrete chemistry. Finally, it is important to allow the concrete to cure for the recommended amount of time. Premium Option. Step 2: Concrete. Depending on where you are in the US, the cost of a basketball hoop installation will be different. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. There are three phases of curing and the length of time each lasts depends on the concrete and the environmental conditions. Typically, you can apply some weight to the posts after 4 hours, but it's a good idea to wait at least 24 hours before resuming fence construction. Height adjustable from 7-1/2 to 10 feet in. The hoop will include a heavy and long pole along with the backboard, rim, and netting for the hoop. before the shoring for the subsequent floor could be supported on it. I am getting ready to install a new basketball post. How long does it take to set up a basketball hoop? This is how we keep the lights on (i.e. I've also been told it may be at a "cold joint"? If the ground is frozen, digging a hole will be difficult. Dont do this. In general, it can take up to 28 days for the concrete to cure and set, depending on the weather and the size of the area. An accelerant can speed up drying by as much as three times compared to slabs with concrete alone. If not, hang a heavy bag from it & learn how to box instead. Should the concrete not be cured by now? You might be right - I just followed the directions on the pole, it said a 24" x 24" hole. The entire curing period of concrete takes about a month, but your concrete will be ready for use sooner. The cement and water react chemically and harden, binding the aggregate into a single solid form. With a well-crafted hoop, you can enjoy a game anytime you want, whether one on one, alone or in groups. The NBA floor is made from acer saccharum, a type of hard maple. The base thickness should be placed in one lift. However, if you are playing private leagues or college basketball competitions, height may vary depending on the height of the players. He says that the resilient package helps with shock absorption, ball bounce and vibration control. This should have been mixed and then put in the hole. Temps have been warm and ground is not wet, the ground is mostly clay in that area. This method is often used to cure. Can you tell me if the attached pictures show a bad concrete mix, a lousy pour, or other? I thought we were past that. Goalrilla GS54. Excellent moisture retention. Exterior crack in foundation - patch or call a pro. A little water was added during mixing because of workability issues, but not much. The ACI (American Concrete Institute), recognized by most codes, publishes standards for concrete. Put a basketball pole in a 24" X 24" hole with 960 pounds of Quick Crete 9 days ago, and the pole still moves quite a lot, is not stable at all. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Also, concrete is cheap and can be designed in various shapes. Properly curing concrete improves strength, durability, water tightness, and wear resistance. Dont worry we have the answers for you. It takes 28 days for concrete to dry and cure. Im not a structural engineer (but I am careful about concrete projects), but my hunch is that putting rebar in this concrete wont serve any purpose. It is also important to ensure that the concrete is kept moist during the curing process. Build a template to hang them over the hole and level the template. Concrete is one of the most widely used materials for construction, and it is an essential component of any basketball hoop installation. If the soil is sandy or loose, a wider hole is necessary. If the pole still wiggles after 9 days, it's time to yank it and start over. [ATTACH]50565[/ATTACH] The accelerant helps to speed up cement hydration. After final set, you need to do final curing. Home Guide How Long Should Concrete Cure for a Basketball Hoop? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Awesome tips! Each part of the installation process only takes an estimate of about 1-2 hours to complete. Can you make a basketball court without concrete? Step 2: Dig a Hole. But theres a downside to using an accelerant. Here are a few things you may want to consider before you go shopping. If the concrete is professionally poured and floated, the curing process should be sound and ensure proper hardening of the concrete base. When waiting for concrete to dry, keep these timeframes in mind: Learn more: How Long Before You Can Drive on Concrete? The 2020 slab will cost between $1,600 and $3,200. Anyone know how to fix these speaker connectors? Quick setting concrete reaches a firm state quickly to make setting items like fence posts easier. You will have a hell of a time getting the post seated, having to oval out holes and such to get it set. And don't add water. Installation Tips for InGround Basketball Hoops InGround Installation - Short Version Day 1 Dig 4' deep, 18" diameter hole Mix and pour concrete Set ground anchor Let concrete cure a minimum of 72 hours Day 2 Build the hoop Place the hoop step by step on the anchor system TIPS: 1. A great seller should be willing to provide an after-purchase help regarding customer care and installation. What kind of concrete is used for basketball hoops? 17K views 2 years ago In this video, we build a DIY mini basketball hoop with a empty milk jug and some cardboard. Wondering about concrete cure time? Home Guide How Long Does It Take for Concrete to Set for a Basketball Hoop? What is the fastest way to cure concrete? This hole is then filled with concrete, and the anchor kit system is mounted in the wet concrete and allowed to cure for 72 . Hole was backfilled with concrete mix to grade and concrete was tamped in with a shovel during the entire process. Any minor gain in strength you might justify from this will be more than lost cutting up the base plate to fit and not having nuts sitting level on the plate. You may want to ensure your players safety by including additional padding in the backboard. Add water stage, your hoop should be willing to provide an after-purchase help regarding customer care installation... Or in groups the directions on the height of the concrete not see other side wall... And budget, then you may want to consider as you pour the concrete and the... Set and concrete mix based on the concrete is in line with backboard! The height of the required water into a wheelbarrow or large container speed up cement hydration most popular construction,... 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