Water clarity is 4-6 feet and the water was a slight stain to it. Permits must be obtained from Entergy Arkansas for any construction on the lake or shoreline, including boat docks, piers, walkways, swim docks, landings, embankments, bulkheads, seawalls, rip-rap and dredging, and filling operations. Just 2-4 generators are running at the dam on average. Its about to get good, folks! Lake Erling Lake Hamilton will be drawn down five feet. With that being said, hit it early on those clear, sunny days. Bream fishing is poor. Peckerwood Lake 413-499-9344 0000003347 00000 n The drawdown will My favorite hopper patterns are the western style foam hoppers with rubber legs and a bright quick sight patch, he said. No surface temperature was recorded. Hybrid and white bass are eating at will; stay around the shad, keep eye out for birds as well, and use topwater baits, spoons and inline spinners. Persons desiring to be registered for special release dates must send the following information in an email to Entergy Shoreline Management atshoreline@entergy.com. )>> /F 30 0 R >> endobj 202 0 obj << /I << /Title (Mark your calendar for September 7, 2002 and join us in a public cleanup\ day for Lakes Hamilton and Catherine and the Ouach)>> /F 10 0 R >> endobj 203 0 obj << /I << /Title (Public Shoreline Clean-up Day Scheduled)>> /F 11 0 R >> endobj 204 0 obj << /I << /Title (There will be five check-in stations on Lake Hamilton and five check-in \ stations on Lake Catherine where participants will )>> /F 12 0 R >> endobj 205 0 obj << /I << /Title ()>> /F 21 0 R >> endobj 206 0 obj << /I << /Title (Lake & River Level/Operation Info)>> /F 4 0 R >> endobj 207 0 obj << /I << /Title ()>> /F 22 0 R >> endobj 208 0 obj << /I << /Title (Important Things to Remember When Planning Your New Dock. 0000009267 00000 n Spinner baits and buzz baits are working on the windy days. are good. Fish the conditions. Try using jigs. Surface water temperature is 70 degrees. The Newport stage was at 4.65 feet, also well below the flood stage of 26.0 feet and the lowest Thursday mark seen all year. 0000003699 00000 n Slowly but surely turnover is progressing. %PDF-1.4 % The reported lake elevation at Table Rock Lake was 915.37 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 917.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 931.0 feet msl). There is a lot of bedrock that can get very slick. This weeks hot spot for the trout was around Houseman Access. That way the ladies would get to see more locations on the river and get to fish, with two different guides. The numbers of bass being caught has increased over the past few months. "Clearer water from lack of rainfall has allowed sunlight to penetrate deeper water, and, as a result, promoted increased aquatic plant growth.". There are only two weekends left for fishing at Cooks Lake, before the lake closes until spring for waterfowl season, so now is the time to try. I am catching this species by vertical jigging a spoon or by trolling a #7 Berkley Flicker Minnow. (updated 10-21-2021) Lake Sequoyah Boat Dock (479-444-3475) said the lake is slightly stained and has jumped up in the past week, and its sitting 6 inches above normal level. Rain would be very helpful. )>> /F 5 0 R >> endobj 209 0 obj << /I << /Title (Lake Drawdown)>> /F 217 0 R >> endobj 210 0 obj << /I << /Title (ISSUE)>> /F 31 0 R >> endobj 211 0 obj << /I << /Title ()>> /F 23 0 R >> endobj 212 0 obj << /I << /Title ()>> /F 218 0 R >> endobj 213 0 obj << /I << /Title (August)>> /F 219 0 R >> endobj 214 0 obj << /Type /StructTreeRoot /ParentTree 177 0 R /ParentTreeNextKey 5 /K [ 68 0 R ] >> endobj 282 0 obj << /S 232 /T 471 /L 519 /C 535 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 283 0 R >> stream There are no dams on these streams. Catfish seem to be going better with hot dogs for bait at this time. 0000003204 00000 n The license grants Entergy Arkansas authority to operate these reservoirs and related shorelines, and Remmel and Carpenter dams. October has brought a lot of anglers to the Arkansas Ozarks and our natural resources remain strong, with AGFC's trout management program working alongside. As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakes elevation at Narrows Dam was 534.18 feet msl (full pool: 548.00 feet msl). As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakes elevation was 435.59 feet msl (full pool: 437.00 feet msl). (updated 10-21-2021) Cotter Trout Dock (870-435-6525) said the tailwaters for Bull Shoals Lake have dropped to 4 feet below power pool; the lake currently is sitting at 655.20 feet msl. Two of the more popular attractions on the lake are the Garvan Woodland As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reported the lakes elevation at 553.11 feet msl (normal conservation pool: Sept.-April, 553.75 feet msl; April-Sept. 555.75 feet msl; top flood elevation 580.0 feet msl). Before launching, please check in at the Conservation Education Center, and report back before leaving. Crappie are good and being caught in 10-12 feet depth on minnows and jigs; they are relating to the brushpiles. 0000002316 00000 n Username: mader On this day I had Lynn and Jan. (updated 10-21-2021) Lowell Myers of Sore Lipem All Guide Service (501-230-0730) said this past week they had several consecutive days without any water release/generation from Greers Ferry Dam, creating low water conditions. He says the lake is in its fall transition to junk fishing. We should see some falling water temperatures with the strong cold front that is forecast to move in this weekend. Trotlines are being set at 12-15 feet depth. We will be placing a list of inspectors that have gone through Entergy training on our website (entergy.com/hydro) so you can feel secure that a report submitted by them will be accepted. Begin Drawdown November 1, 2021. Lake Atkins Entergy is working with local Arkansas licensed home inspectors to build a condition based report not unlike that of current home inspections. A two-fly rig with a midge dropper has been consistent, along with apricot or peach egg patterns. The ladies did not mind. Shad are moving up and so are the fish, he said. Some anglers have been fishing large streamers on the heavy flows we have been getting later in the day and having success. Each lake will be lowered 5 feet and will remain at that level until early March 2022. hometown dealer of the Arkansas-born-and-bred Xpress, all-welded aluminum fishing boats in Hot Springs, reports Lake Hamiltons water levels slightly lower than normal by a few inches and water temps that have dropped to approximately 72 degrees in the heat of the day. Some docks will be able to rest on the lakebed with little or no problem. Hang on as they are getting energetic. Use caution at boat ramps and in navigation with the lake pool still low. The best times have been about 2 or 3 hours after sunset. With four anglers, I would need another guide to help me. said the Army Corps of Engineers 2-foot drawdown of Millwood Lake has ended, and the lake is slowly making its way back up to normal conservation pool. Because of recent success with vegetation control and to allow for long-range planning, Entergy Arkansas will tentatively plan drawdown seasons to continue on an alternating pattern of 3- and 5-foot drawdowns. Shallow diving crank baits long plastic worms have been working the bests. In addition to facilitating shoreline maintenance and inspection, the annual drawdown is part of a plan to help control nuisance aquatic vegetation which, in past summers, clogged much of the upper portion of Lake Hamilton. Cooks Lake is open to fishing for youths under 16 or mobility-impaired anglers and up to two helpers (who may also fish). The new ramp will provide a safer, more accessible ramp with a straight-line slope that will work well for most lake levels and drawdowns. Rainbow Trout 0000002522 00000 n We were all eager to return to the river. (updated 10-14-2021) Tyler Ball, park ranger at Mississippi River State Park (870-295-4040), said that at Bear Creek Lake, anglers have reported having great success catching bream and black bass. From a mobile phone, you can also download the SutronWin app from the App Store or Google Play. wv60 3/f5h']6|w$H/V',nTGl[IZ_{z?Irv\'su dAEE28@m1vT 4/OO&VLr?L0b # N _@YiLi]Mn3fz,/Uc.'fofo fn^fB?1.gx (updated 10-21-2021) Fish N Stuff (501-834-5733) said bass are good on shaky head off the ends of the jetties, and are good also in 4-10 feet of water hitting deep-diving crankbaits. I gave Danny Barker a call and fortunately he was available. This fertile oxbow receives very little fishing pressure due to being used only for education purposes and youth and mobility-impaired fishing. Spinner baits and buzz baits are working on the windy days. If it is a cloudy, windy day, it seems like you can find them all day long. Surely the crappie are somewhere! Clear Lake (off Arkansas River-Little Rock Pool) Surface water temperature on Wednesday afternoon was 63 degrees. The water can rise very quickly. Clarity recently stained up along Little River and oxbows due to recent wings (which brought on lake wind advisories). Dierks Lake The Norfork tailwater has had wadable water every day. Always check before heading to the Little Red River by calling the Army Corps of Engineers Little Rock District water data system (501-362-5150) for Greers Ferry Dam water release information or check the Corps of Engineers website (swl-wc.usace.army.mil) for real-time water release and the SouthwesternPower Administration website (swpa.gov) to see forecasted generation schedule. As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakes elevation at Narrows Dam was 534.18 feet msl (full pool: 548.00 feet msl). Entergy has posted the weekly generation schedule starting Friday, Oct. 22, that extends through Thursday, Oc. As of noon on November 10, the The water level creeps lower, now at 2 feet below normal. (updated 10-21-2021) Fish N Stuff (501-834-5733) in Sherwood said bass are good on topwater walking baits or buzzbaits this week. Black bass are fair. are good on marabou jigs and floating nightcrawlers. Over the past month, anywhere the creek mouths dump into Little River, near Snake Creek, Jacks' Isle, and White Cliffs Creek, the Kentucky bass were stacked up inside the main creek channels just out of river current, and were hitting hammered chrome Cordell Spoons with white/red bucktail, custom painted Little John Cranks,and Fat Free Shads, and behind points extending into Little River above Jack's Isle. As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakes elevation was 384.41 feet msl (full pool: 384.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 419.0 feet msl). The wind helps reoxygenate the water as the fall breakdown of matter in water robs it of oxygen and wind and rain are the only things that will replenish it. I am still catching a few on the bottom in 30 feet of water on main lake points or along a shallow shoreline. Cooks Lake is open to fishing for youths under 16 or mobility-impaired anglers and up to two helpers (who may also fish). Lowest elevation 1858 m.s.l. Double-fly nymph rigs have been very effective. I began with the same flies. WestRock Landing in Roland (501-658-5598) said surface. This fertile oxbow receives very little fishing pressure due to being used only for education purposes and youth and mobility-impaired fishing. As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakes elevation was 257.86 feet msl (normal pool: 259.20 feet msl; top flood elevation is 287.0 feet msl). The river will capture your heart.. Once the topwater bite slows down, use a Peewee Jig or Beaver-style bait on shallow ledges and laydowns, and if its sunne use a shaky head on ledges and channel swing banks with chunk rock. Upstream, Table Rock Lake rose 0.2 foot to rest at at 1.6 feet below power pool and 15.6 feet below the top of flood pool. Smallmouth Bass In addition to facilitating shoreline maintenance and inspection, the annual drawdown is part of a plan to help control nuisance aquatic vegetation. Anyone planning on navigating the Carpenter Dam tailrace is urged to view these flow releases and plan accordingly. They are showing up in several different types of areas and at different times of day. Cooks Lakes fishing will continue until waterfowl season opens in November. The conditions were similar to the previous day. Surely the. 0000003643 00000 n Please be advised and make your arrangements: All watercrafts must be removed from both public and private docks by Sunday, October 24! If it is a cloudy, windy day, it seems like you can find them all day long. Oxbows are ranging 5-10 inches depending on location. I will find small schools cruising along the bottom feeding on shad. Some docks will be able to rest on the lakebed with little or no problem. Fish from the 140-foot mobility-impaired accessible dock or launch a boat. (603) 271-8867 State Announces Its 2021 Fall Drawdown of Lakes Concord, NH The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) announced I caught one and missed another in about 20 feet of water off of a shallow sandy shoreline. Crappie The most effective fly has been a tan and brown Clouser minnow. Carry a large net, as most fish are lost at the net. We were into trout almost immediately. The water temperature is running 69 degrees early to 74 later in the day, depending on location. Mark notes that renovations at the Jim Hinkle hatchery have begun, and over the next year work will be going on there to expand the size of the silos and reconstruct them. Rock Crawler, square bill or Wiggle Wart is good on windy transitions. Bite is best early and in the evening. This morning the lake temp was about 72.5 degrees. When they are running power for the day look for SWPA to run maybe 1-4 hours per day, starting around 3 p.m. (updated 10-21-2021) Tommy Cauley of Fishfinder Guide Service (501-940-1318) said the water level at Greers Ferry Lake is at 457.01 feet msl, 5.03 feet below normal pool for this time of year (462.04 feet msl). The Army Corps of Engineers reported Thursday that the White River stage at Batesville was at 6.84 feet, well below the flood stage of 15.0 feet. Lake Greeson (501-230-0730) said this past week they had several consecutive days without any water release/generation from Greers Ferry Dam, creating low water conditions. As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reported the lakes elevation at 655.21 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 659.00 feet msl; top flood elevation is 695.0 feet msl). WebBeginning on November 1 Entergy will start lowering the both lakes Hamilton & Catherine by about six inches per day until the drawdown level has been reached. Entergy Shoreline Management will be here to assist throughout the process. Due to current guidelines, Cooks Lake will be open to fishing during normal business hours Tuesday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., water level pending. Surface water temperature is 70 degrees. Blue Mountain Lake (updated 10-7-2021) Mark Crawford with springriverfliesandguides.com (870-955-8300) said water levels have been at 300 cfs and water clarity is clear. Canoe season is over and the canoes are mostly gone. These are tempting morsels for large trout. Fishing in Arkansas Join us. Dam repair work has been completed by the city of Monticellos contractor, while the AGFC has been rebuilding the lake bottom and areas near where the shoreline will be for fish habitat when the lake is refilled. White Oak Lake Area I caught one and missed another in about 20 feet of water off of a shallow sandy shoreline. 0000091177 00000 n WebLake Hamilton is an easy walk with three or four playgrounds on the way around. Owners of boats and floating docks should also take precautions to ensure they are able to adjust to the drawdown. Bream are still good on redworms and cricket. This is 39.6 feet below the top of flood pool. Lake Onota Preservation The hot flies have been olive Woolly Buggers with a bit of flash, cerise and hot pink San Juan worms and Y2Ks. Lake Catherine (Below Carpenter Dam) Small orange or peach eggs have been very effective. Crappie are getting better daily. Hb```e`e`g`ed@ A;G Bf!7E Entergy announces As of Thursday, the Army Corps of Engineers reports the lakes elevation at 1,118.96 feet msl (normal conservation pool: 1,120.43 feet msl; top flood elevation is 1,130.0 feet msl). The summer months were dominated by these fish species with migration in and out of the tailrace a weekly event. Arkansas River and White River levels are available at: http://water.weather.gov/ahps2/index.php?wfo=lzk. Reports from the last two days (Monday and Tuesday of this week) have the crappie being found suspended on the brush with anglers fishing in depths of 17-22 feet. It can be useful in planning recreational outings for fishing and floating downstream. Bear Creek Lake/Storm Creek Lake (updated 10-21-2021) Dam repair work has been completed by the city of Monticellos contractor, while the AGFC has been rebuilding the lake bottom and areas near where the shoreline will be for fish habitat when the lake is refilled. Huge schools of threadfin shad can be observed moving in and out of the tailrace. We did not achieve a consistently low waterline for several months due to rain events filling the lake back up several times and With summer coming to an end, the. 0000087615 00000 n The hot flies have been sowbugs and various colored San Juan worms (worm brown, red, hot fluorescent pink and cerise). All of the lakes in the White River system are below power pool and there is wadable water on a daily basis. 0000013125 00000 n Crappie are poor. Carefully check the water level before entering Crooked Creek or the Buffalo River. If you have a graph, locate the fish and start working that area. Pulling Flicker Shads in 10-15 feet of water has produced some nice numbers. Hbd`ad`ddp pwt 170 iY3UnGSn;BF&F@l7hJ;#HO,?_b~~2a;?odaSCcS_Qof}RC#o0y{&F| }Z Lakes Hamilton and Catherine are a part of Project 271, a hydroelectric project licensed by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Upstream, Table Rock Lake rose 0.2 foot to rest at at 1.6 feet below power pool and 15.6 feet below the top of flood pool. (updated 10-21-2021) Cane Creek State Park had no new reports. grass carp, yellow bass), before the refilling of the lake begins. With the low clear water, wading is at its best. Horseshoe Lake 0000083318 00000 n The lake has become fairly stable with just a very slight drop and currently sits at 553.15 feet msl. 0000007597 00000 n We will only honor reports with all required info and submitted by an Arkansas Home Inspection Registration Board Certified inspector. Fishing will continue to get better. White Bass Lake Catherine is being lowered two additional feet this year to allow the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to replace the deteriorated boat ramp at Remmel Dam Park. (updated 10-14-2021) WestRock Landing in Roland (501-658-5598) said surface water temperature is in the mid- to low 70s. Stripers are fair on live bait. The river rose from about 74 feet on November 4 to as high as 78.12 feet on November 8. Bass have been poor to fair with some small exceptions. These emails will be issued approximately once a month, or as needed to communicate emergent information. Crappie are good on minnows and jigs and are relating to the stumps. The PVC trees used for the Lake Hamilton project were considerably larger than what was used there. Entergy annually lowers Lake Hamilton 3 to 5 feet for a November-to-March drawdown, and it retains the right This fertile oxbow receives very little fishing pressure due to being used only for education purposes and and... Arkansas home Inspection Registration Board Certified inspector, you can find them all day.... To fish, he said has increased over the past few months 5... Retains the locate the fish and start working that Area locations on the way around education Center and! And brown Clouser Minnow ( who may also fish ) about 74 feet November! 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