He was quoted at a private luncheon that failing to repeal the ACA would result in fewer donations to Republicans, suggesting he is not motivated by the common good. Vying for the seat on the Republican side is Suzanne Staiert. With a long family history of public service, Summey is running to ensure equity in access to veterans health care, womens reproductive rights, and mental health care, while addressing homelessness by pushing for more attainable housing and social services. Buckner has already shown us that she knows who sent her to the legislature, and progressive voters should support her to keep up the good work. Arapahoe County Clerk and Recorder Joan Lopez is seeking re-election in her role. Your location has several House districts. Click here to choose your customized guide. Remember to vote on or before Tuesday, November 2nd. Plomar lists three key priorities that will define her work as an at-large State Board of Education member: academic excellence, respecting teachers, and transparency and accountability. On the environment, Hickenlooper made Colorado the first state to limit methane pollution from oil and gas wells. Please bring an acceptable form of ID. Recently, she has been a deputy district attorney for District 5, and she has been both an assistant and deputy chief U.S. attorney and an assistant attorney general in Colorado. Sign up to join us in building a more progressive state. A lifelong Denverite, she has dedicated her career to protecting the environment, expanding access to health care, and fighting for reproductive justice. When considering this bill it is important to note that a new fermented malt beverage and wine retailer's license could not be issued to a location within 500 feet of a retail liquor store, and likewise. Buckner knows what its like to have a working family just trying to get by, which is exactly why she sponsored bills in the legislature to help working women get paid what they are owed. Full text on the ballot: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution requiring that to be qualified to vote at any election an individual must be a United States citizen? She works hard to help keep insurance companies honest, and, as a former educator, she advocates for educators to be paid what they'reworth and for students to be set up for success. He has supported Donald Trumps position on votes 89% of the time, and Politico notes that Gardner is reliably conservative on most issues. In 2014, Gardner promised in a campaign ad to speak out when his party is wrong and called on Donald Trump to pull out of the race for president in October of 2016. Ortiz has demonstrated his commitment to progressive issues through his work on several pieces of legislation on higher education, the criminal justice system, mental health, and housing. Arapahoe County Voter Guide City of Aurora Aurora City Council, At-Large Candice Bailey John Ronquillo Aurora City Council, Ward 1 Aurora City Council, Ward 1 Crystal Murillo Aurora City Council, Ward 2 Aurora City Council, Ward 2 Bryan Lindstrom Aurora City Council, Ward 3 Aurora City Council, Ward 3 Ruben Medina Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) Action Fund. Trumps decisions have trickled into even the most mundane things, affecting Americans on a daily basis. That helped push her go to college on a scholarship and then encouraged her to get her masters degree in school psychology and even continue on to a doctorate in school psychology. On the JBC, Young worked across the aisle each year to hammer out the state's most important annual piece of legislation, the "Long Bill" general fund budget. Bates has participated in the districts Beyond Diversity Training and is committing to tackling her own unconscious biases and creating a more equitable district. Biden led the fight to pass the Brady Bill, which established the national firearms background check system, and helped secure a 10-year ban on assault weapons from 1994-2004. The first bill he sponsored, the End Dark Money Act, would prevent mega-donors from being able to hide their political contributions. She was first elected to the statehouse in 2018, and has been described by former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb as a progressive with strong roots in her community and deep experience in government, social work, and education. Before joining the legislature, she helped run an early learning center and worked for the Colorado Progressive Coalition, where she organized support for paid sick leave policy. His other priorities include preventing gun violence, combatting the effects of climate change, ensuring small businesses are able to thrive, and fighting for a bold investment in Americas infrastructure. Arapahoe County Public Health is open for business! See unofficial voter turnout data for the current election in Arapahoe County. Being progressive means voting on every race and every issue to build the future we want. Republican Kim McGahey is challenging her for the seat. She faces incumbent Republican Kathleen Conti, a longtime Arapahoe County resident and a former state legislator. Buckner knows what its like to have a working family just trying to get by, which is exactly why she sponsored bills in the legislature to help working women get paid what they are owed. Ruben Medina, father of three, taught at Denver Public Schools for seven years and is married to a Montview Elementary School teacher. He supports commonsense policies on gun violence, including restoring an assault weapons ban. Browse the categories at the left or select Choose My Guide to see races specific to you. A retired Marine Corps officer and special operator who served for 18 years, six deployments, and four combat tours, McCorkle seeks to bring dignity and integrity to Congress and restore trust and confidence in government. Before being elected to Congress, DeGette served two terms in the Colorado House of Representatives, where she protected access to abortion clinics. A simple majority was required for the approval of Ballot Issue 1A. Full text on the ballot: Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado constitution and a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes concerning voter-approved changes to limited gaming, and, in connection therewith, allowing the voters of Central City, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek, for their individual cities, to approve other games in addition to those currently allowed and increase a maximum single bet to any amount; and allowing gaming tax revenue to be used for support services to improve student retention and credential completion by students enrolled in community colleges? Incumbent Rep. David Ortiz has served Colorado House District 38 since 2020. Tom thinks our reproductive rights bill last year went too far. Amy Padden, the Democratic candidate for District 18, is a seasoned prosecutor with a stunning resume, having worked at all levels of law enforcement. Maria-Vittoria Guigi Carminati is a fearless advocate for women and marginalized communities, including survivors of police brutality and domestic violence. Prior to winning election in 2020, Jodeh served as community liaison for the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado. Escrcega says her teachers kept her on track when she was a kid in the foster care system. She is dedicated to developing legislation that moves Colorado toward rent caps and housing programs for low income and fixed-income residents. Crow made the case that Trump put both Ukraines safety and the U.S.s national security at risk by withholding military aid in exchange for political favors. Our Location Click here to choose your customized guide. One of the first things he accomplished in office was instituting a universal breakfast for low-income students, and among his top priorities is fighting for working families. Shall Colorado reduce the state income tax rate from 4.55% to 4.4%? He has served as outreach director of the Libertarian Party of Colorado and Arapahoe County. In 2013, Young helped communities he represents recover from that year's devastating floods. > Arapahoe County Voters Guide (including Englewood and Centennial) Election 2021 Q&As: Candidates for Littleton mayor and city council. Mendez seems to have no other ideas, which is all the more reason to reelect Moreno. Biden will restore the long-standing precedent that public health decisions are best made by public health professionals. Appoint judges to the new judicial district, Property tax exemption for Gold Star spouses, Create a Healthy School Meals for All program. The measure would also provide $110 million in additional money for smoking and vaping education and cessation programsas well as $35 million for affordable housing and eviction programs over the next three years. This measure is intended to relieve downward pressure on local public school funding across the state through the repeal of the current property tax assessment formula. After witnessing the parents of one of his students testifying in support of affordable housing, Lindstrom entered the Ward 2 City Council race to "move us toward implementing solutions and making lives better.". McCluskies background assisting local schools with mental health and community engagement has informed her important work at the Capitol, where she has helped pass numerous education bills, including a renewal of the READ Act. Incumbent Rep. David Ortiz has served Colorado House District 38 since 2020. Visit coloradodems.org/myballot to make your ballot in full! Though the outcome of this taxation is of course laudable, continuing to fund needed education and enrichment programs through sin taxes, is an unsustainable model and circumvents the necessary major systemic funding issues we need to address as a state. Froelichs experience as a successful legislator, dedication to the people of Colorado, and progressive policy platform make her the preferred candidate in this race. The discussion came during a town hall meeting Feb. , Fort Lupton City Council talked trash during its Feb. 28 town hall meeting. Ricks is the recommended candidate in this race. Campbell-Swanson is a mother, teacher, attorney and community advocate. From his earliest votes in Congress, Gardner has consistently sought to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Her only known public statement included her saying that a vote for her was a vote to continue supporting the only qualified candidate, President Donald Trump. The state board of education is more important than hurling political propaganda, so dont vote for Wulff. Spring wine and chalk art festival Buy tickets now and save $10 off admission. Incumbent Rep. Naquetta Ricks has served Colorado House District 40 since winning election in 2020. She definitely doesnt hit the singingly progressive notes that Kolker does, and he could do more in the office. Warren-Gully has vowed to support the health care workers strained by the COVID-19 pandemic as well as countywide action to support drug overdose prevention, addiction cessation programs, and other mental health services. Appeals from the District of Colorado go to the United States Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit . Below, you can find links to candidate questionnaires, profiles, news and analysis on the races that matter to you, brought to you by the community journalists of the Littleton Independent, Centennial Citizen, Englewood Herald and South Platte Independent, including Ellis Arnold and Robert Tann. The Voter Approval of Certain New Enterprises (Proposition 117) would require a statewide vote on new state enterprises generating over $100 million in revenue within the first five years of operation. Proposition 116, Decrease Income Tax Rate from 4.63% to 4.55% Initiative Since his appointment to the seat, State Sen. Jeff Bridges has been a legislator that District 26 and progressives can be proud of. He has successfully helped to secure resources for veteran services, served in numerous leadership positions at nonprofits, and worked as a legislative liaison. Information below is from the last election (November 8th, 2022). In 2019, Sulllivan led the fight to pass Colorado's Extreme Risk Protection Order to address gun violence. Similar to the temporary order we saw in COVID-19 - under this ballot measure - bars and restaurants would be allowed to offer alcohol takeout and delivery. Prior to Young's election as Treasurer, he served as a state legislature representing House District 50 in Weld County. Jack Barrington is the candidate to elect. This one involves Pennock Elementary. Prior to election to the Colorado House, Weissman was a leading strategist in the historic progressive political realignment that took place in Colorado from 2004 to the present day. The Colorado Tobacco and E-Cigarette Tax Increase for Health and Education Programs Measure (Proposition EE) would close a tax loophole on vaping products that currently leaves these products untaxed in Colorado,bringing the tax in line with othertobacco products. Since he has been in Congress, Buck has toed the partys extreme right-wing line. One of her primary goals is to foster a nurturing environment for students of all backgrounds, races, sexualities, and abilities. DeGette, a lawyer, is Colorados most senior national legislator, the dean of its nine-member delegation, and the states only female Democrat in Congress. Privacy Policy Since he has been in Congress, Buck has toed the partys extreme right-wing line. Karl Stecher is a retired neurosurgeon running for District 28. Colorado schools are underfunded. This kind of regressive thinking cant be elected to office. Jared Polis desk and is excited to help him reach his goals of a fully sustainable Colorado by 2030 and preserve our open spaces for the next generation. But voters should be concerned about his opinions on the coronavirus and law enforcement. Bill Ritter appointed him to succeed Sen. Ken Salazar after Salazar was appointed Secretary of the Interior by President Barack Obama. In order to get Big Money out of politics, he supports a publicly funded, transparent system of campaign financing and wants to see the Supreme Courts Citizens United ruling overturned to limit the influence of special interest groups that are buying much of our governmental leadership. He seems to take no positions on anything else. Also seeking the seat is Republican candidate Robert Andrews, who has a straightforward conservative platform. Bishops campaign priorities range from instituting a flat tax rate for everyone, with no deductions and revoking daylight saving time in Colorado. Rodriguez is the progressive choice for Colorado Senate District 32. Incumbent Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser is seeking his second term after winning office in 2018. For a more comprehensive list, we encourage you to visit the Wikipedia page for Trump administration controversies. Large businesses and people with incomes over half a million dollars per year will receive 70% of the benefit from this tax reduction. And lets not forget he was impeached over revelations he first blocked military aid to Ukraine and then pushed its president to dig up damaging info on his political opponent as a favor. Terms and Conditions, You are viewing content from a previous election (November 2nd, 2021). McCluskies stances on health care, education, and opportunities for working families are reflective of a progressive vision for the future of her district, and she is the clear recommended candidate in this race. She helped to pass in-state tuition measures for refugees and immigrants who served alongside our troops. Not only that, but she seems more interested in getting kids out of quarantine than protecting families during a pandemic. Additionally, his virulent opposition to economic shutdowns earlier this year reflects a disregard for public health and safety. She is running to make sure that the community has a voice and stands for veterans, working families, women, and small business owners. Proposition GG would require a tax information table on all ballots and petitions for measures that change any Coloradans income tax rate. The incumbent he faces is U.S. Sen. Ken Buck, a former prosecutor and district attorney in Weld County who has been in Congress since 2014. Since the tax was first levied in 2004, it has generated about $360 million. Eight states including California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island have successfully passed or implemented similar, solvent paid family leave programs. Arapahoe County Not in Arapahoe County ? He is a clear progressive choice who, if elected, plans to bring people with diverse backgrounds and beliefs together to build an American society where we lift each other up so that we all benefit together. Paid for by Progressive Voters Guide Ballot Independent Expenditure Committee and Progressive Voters Guide Ballot Committee, 1536 Wynkoop St., Denver, CO 80202, 303-991-1900, registered agent: Alan Franklin. These are testaments to her ability to deliver on a progressive vision that prioritizes accessible housing and healthcare, public education, and criminal justice reform. His priorities are passing anti-abortion rights legislation, repealing gun safety laws, and protecting what he calls a traditional family structure. He opposes Black Lives Matter protests, characterizing protesters as turmoil-seeking vandals. Trump scrapped a bill requiring airlines to disclose bag fees, blocked consumers from suing banks, ignored the growing crisis over student loans, lifted bans on transferring military equipment to local law enforcement which has exacerbated police-citizen conflicts, particularly in relation to Black Lives Matter protests, and has set off a trade war with China that has done tremendous economic damage to American agricultural producers and manufacturers. Baker falls short on pandemic response: On the COVID-19 mask mandate, his concern was that the Tri-County Health Department mandated masks without allowing public comments (even though scientists and public health experts have said over and over again that masks are proven to stop the spread of the virus). His legal career has been marred by numerous ethical scandals, including compromising a case against Republican donors and declining to prosecute a sexual assault, instead blaming the victim. Read on. You can view information for the current election. He is the clear choice in this race. District Attorney Candidate Voter Guide. He served two terms each as mayor of Denver and governor of Colorado, using his unique perspective to bring people together to get things done. Depending on where you live, you may have one of the below State House races on your ballot. Previously, organizations had to exist for a longer amount of time in order to obtain their charitable gaming license - often used to fundraise for the organization. Public Records. He plans to seek out things like expanded vocation and continuing education programs and funding and simplifying the tax code so that small businesses can thrive. Running against him is Steve House, the former chair of the Colorado Republican Party and a one-time gubernatorial candidate. Incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet joined the U.S. Senate in 2009 after Colorado Gov. Not in Her Republican opponent, Shane Bolling, is a management consultant working in energy. Before serving in Congress, Crow spent years helping veterans like himself who struggled to receive benefits, focusing his work on veteran homelessness and substance abuse issues. While in office, he has fought for the working families of Colorado and successfully sponsored a monumental red-flaggun regulation bill signed into law last year. Depending on where you live, you may have the following district races on your ballot. Frequently Asked Questions. Browse the categories at the left or select Choose My Guide to see races specific to you. The Citizen Requirement for Voting Initiative (Amendment 76) purports to amend Section 1 of Article VII of the Colorado Constitution to state that only a citizen of the United States who is 18 years of age or older can vote in federal, state, and local elections in Colorado. Biden has championed individual rights throughout his career from spearheading the Violence Against Women Act to passing laws that expanded the definition of hate crimes to include those based on gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability. Jessica Campbell-Swanson is running for Arapahoe County Commissioner, District 2 to bring about a healthy, thriving and sustainable Arapahoe County. Maintaining the Gallagher Amendments ratio of residential to business property tax has forced the state to step in with dwindling general fund revenue, causing budget cuts to critical services and an overall proportional reduction in total education funding over time. For example, this funding would pay for 5 main things: a housing equity program, debt programs for low to middle income multi family rental developments, an affordable home ownership program by providing down payment assistance, and creating grants to local governments and loans to nonprofit organizations to acquire and maintain land for the development of affordable housing. Arapahoe County? Proposition 121 permanently cuts Colorado's individual and corporate income tax rate from 4.55 percent to 4.40 percent. Please complete all fields with your current information to view: Voter registration status, address and political party affiliation. When workers need to take leave, they are paid up to 90% of their salary during that time. Of course, Colorado already has a flat income tax rate, and anyone running for the state legislature should already know that. The single father of three kids believes the people in the district deserve a representative who is dedicated to them, not the elite. Click here to choose your customized guide. Ballots must be received by your county by 7 pm on Election Day. Stay tuned for information for upcoming elections. As of August 2020, 14 states and the District of Columbia have passed legislation that would trigger the compact in the event 270 Electoral College votes are achieved. Prominent progressive leaders from across the nation including Sens. Bidens experience handling the economic recovery with Obama after the Great Recession of 2009 will inform his actions to help individuals, families, small businesses, and local and state governments that are struggling badly as a result of the botched response to the pandemic. Navarro would be a disaster for the school district. Click here to Choose your customized Guide does, and Rhode Island successfully! 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