If you send me an email and give me permission to print this and give it to my members, it could be a great blessing to some to see this as I preach through the book of Genesis. were they pagan? but then again, that plural must be understood as it was used by the ancient Jews [and still today], that it is similar to the Queen of England saying We when everyone that hears her *knows* she means I so this plural in this phrase on the name of G-d is for respect, like the Royal WE, Thank you for your comment. We do not have any age markers for Rebekah, although it would probably be safe to say that she was 15-20 when she married Isaac. Isaac Blesses Jacob. What is the purpose of such an exercise? While Rachel may have been young, Jacob was getting on in years! Isaac prayed for her and she conceived. It is meant to just share on topics of Christian living. Sometimes when I looked back at my life and wonder, if I can ever recount the number of times God has watched over and protected me in my life. Jesus walking on water (Part 9). Here are 2 verse which you may want to consider Thank you for your comments, I will try my best to to update this soonest.. And the government will be upon His shoulder. Then I read somwhere that he was a diminished manefastation of the Father. This helps us sort answers on the page. I noticed you have quoted Gen 46:15. the God who has been my shepherd So much for the thought that Jacob was a young dashing lad of about 20 when he met Rachel! Jacob left with everything. Are you saying that the word His father here in the original language implied that it was Issac mourning for Joseph? Still believing that he could entrust Esau with the task of carrying on Abraham 's tradition, Isaac told Esau to hunt some deer meat, prepare a meal for him, and receive his blessings. And Jokshan begat Sheba, and Dedan. He worked 20 years and return to Canaan at 90 (some think 97) Hahaha I know what you mean. Isaac was 60 when their sons were born (25:26). Perhaps it is comforting to notice that both Abraham and Isaac could have spent time with their grandchildren what lessons could they have passed on to them? What is the age of innocence in the Bible? some of the sons and daughters might have been twins since there were 11 sons and 4 daughters born to jacob between age 77 and 91. gen. 46:15. Again, thank you for posting. We do not have any age markers for Rebekah, although it would probably be safe to say that she was 15-20 when she married Isaac. So from Adam at 0, then 1st son at 130 Joseph was in prison for two years after he interpreted the dreams of the chief butler and baker (see Genesis 41:1). Indeed the life of Joseph is hard to plot becuase there are very little information linking his age to specific events, We only know the following confirmed facts This entitled that son to be the head of the family and to control more of the inheritance. 3 Now therefore, please take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and . That seemed to make sense to me. Thank you so much for commenting and sharing with me the link. I was preparing for a bible study that skims over Jacobs life and thought Id search up on his timeline, and came across here. This can be determined by looking in the scriptures. I assumed that Jacob fled to Laban at the age of 70 (some think 77) and six years for your flock, and you have I couldnt remember from my reading if Isaac yet lived not theirs, and will serve them, and You may be interested in the web link here. Since he served Laban 14 years for his two daughters, by subtracting these years from 91, we arrive at 77, the age of Jacob when he fled from home and went to be with his uncle Laban. If Joseph was not yet weaned when being introduced to Esav I wondered at the connotation of the blessings of Shad*dai being appropriated by the Shkinah/the Spirit of G*D. Joseph is the only son who was introduced by name to the progenitor of Rome. Abraham and Isaac walked, To read more articles or download the whole of Issue 2, clickhere. It is probably in the order described above. His name is above all name and the only name which can save man from sin (Acts 4:10-12) Today whoever who call upon his name will be saved. It is in Genesis 12 that we find the first age marker for Abraham. Ishmael was born and brought up in Abraham's household. Where is the Book of Joshua in the Bible? Isaac was 60 years old when Jacob and Esau were born. it was actually quite an unnecessary act on his end for we know he was alive way much later in the story.. 3. As we seek to understand Gods word better, it is often useful to take the time to sketch out a chronology of the lives of those we are studying. 27 Now it came to pass, when Isaac was () old and () his eyes were so dim that he could not see, that he called Esau his older son and said to him, "My son." And he answered him, "Here I am." 2 Then he said, "Behold now, I am old. The last six years therefore he served for his livestock; hence Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. It always struck me, despite Jacobs fears, how gracious Esau was, yet the Reformed want to elect him to hell. How old was Joshua in the Bible when he died? 7 Years for Leah Chapter 27 opens with Isaac being old and fearing he was about to die, beginning to arrange for the family blessing to take place. Isaac was 60 years old when his two sons were born. But when I know the answer it would be hard for me to fix my blog anymore. And he still had over twenty years to live in the vicinity of his father. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them. I am glad that it helped you, I will love to hear more from you on my blog as well. In the Bible, how old was Jeremiah when he became a prophet? When Esau heard that Jacob had tricked him and received the blessing he . Just as in Abrahams life the decision had to be made which of the two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, was to be the heir of the promise, so, here again, there is the same Divine election (Romans 9:10-13): but while Abraham obeyed, though with heavy heart (Genesis 21:11), Isaac even struggled against Gods will, and his assent was obtained by human craft working tortuously to effect that which God would have wrought in His own better way. in Elokim, yes, the -im suffix denotes plural, so you might have a knee-jerk reaction and saw whoa! Isaac was not a perfect man. From Adam at 0 for the Exodus, arriving at 1365 for the Exodus. He had thus sixty-three more years to live, but not only himself ( Genesis 27:2 ), but Esau also expected his speedy decease ( Genesis 27:41 ). Benjamin was born in when Jacob was in Bethel (Gen 35) (meaning all his other children are born when he is in Laban) (b) Joseph was 39 or 40 when his father moved into Egypt. I do have other articles here and I will hope to hear from your comment. This is when Jacob is sent to Laban to find a wife amongst Rebekahs family. After many years of marriage to Isaac, Rebekah had still not given birth to a child and was believed to be barren. And he wrote 7 miracles in the gospel of John to prove that Jesus is none other than the OT God himself. I will be glad and honored if you would use the diagram to help your church I wouldnt mind the changes as well. But again, the real answer lies with Jacob whom I can only meet after I pass away. In the Bible, how many chapters are in Ezekiel? I beleive that Jacob stayed no more than 20 years at the house of Laban. I am not critisising anything here, I thank you for all the work that you have put into this. Isaac was Abraham's second son; his first, Ishmael, was by Sarah's maidservant, Hagar, as a result of Sarah's impatience to . 3 Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field and hunt game for me, 4 and prepare for me . Jacob appeared before Pharaoh at 130 (Gen 47:9) (10 years after Isaac Died) Its PLURAL. In verses 37 through 41 we see the sad blessing that Isaac subsequently gives to Esau, at his insistence. 4. While, too, Esau violated the family law laid down by Abraham, Jacob conformed to it. When he returned to Canaan he refused to return to Bethel.. and he when he finally got there.. he fulfilled is vow, and build an altar called El Elohe Israel (The Lord, God of Israel).. (He should be slightlyolder than 90 years old by then), Bearing in mind he died at 147, we can say that he only walked with God from 90 years old to 147 years old, a total of 57 years, which is not even half of his life It was no wonder that when he blessed the Pharaoh, and when the Pharaoh asked for his age, he replied, The years of my pilgrimage are a hundred and thirty. Your email address will not be published. Was there a completion of the 14 years of service (clearly evident that they are back-to-back 7 year periods) followed by an unmeasured period of time before Jacob contracts with Laban for the 6 year final period. I know that God is watching over me and I know for sure that this God who had been my shepherd all my life, and the Angel who has delivered me from all harm. By then, Abraham had six other sons by his second wife, Keturah. Perhaps Joseph was born somewhere in the middle of the 6 years and Jacob only discussed his wages with Laban after Joseph was born. He simply vowed, If God protected and takes care of me, till I return to Bethel safely, then I would offer up my tithes and build a altar for God. 30 As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, when Jacob had scarcely gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, Esau his brother came in from his hunting. Here is the evidence: (a) Jacob was 130 years old when he moved into Egypt. Tools. I am very happy and very glad to see a response from you. It would be easier for this discussion. On my bible it reads, And all his sons and all his It was very helpful to me, and I will be using it to help teach my church. All rights reserved. It will be a good summary for Gen 25 onwards. Why did Jacob love Joseph the most in the. Expostulates with his father, and obtains one, Genesis 27:36-40. Since we figure out the age of Jacob by the age of Joseph and the events that follow, I believe that Jacob wasnt 70 years when he left Canaan and come back 20 years later, but 77 years. Isaac Blesses Jacob. This changes the age of Israel for some of the events that follow. 2. This same God promised to put his spirit into men (Eze 36:27-28) I have to admit that I added the one year to prepare the infrastructure due to the following reasons Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. In this the infirmity of his flesh is evident. The birth of Joseph precedes the 6 years of service prior to the return to Canaan. Chapter 26 also tells of other experiences Isaac had that were like what . Gives us the names of the son,s of Jacob. " 2 He said, " Behold, I am old; I do not know the day of my death. When was the Book of Joshua in the Bible written? And his sons Esau and Jacob buried him." there are no details about their interaction during this. Abraham then died at 175 years of age (25:7) Isaac would have been 75 years old. The Birth of Jacob and Esau (Genesis 25:19 - 25:26) After a quick peek at Ishmael's genealogical record, the Bible now turns back to the family line of Abraham and Isaac. Jacob is a biblical hero who depicts the power and grace of God to change and renew. February 27, 2023 alexandra bonefas scott No Comments . 1 . Sadly he does not look up to his status as a firstborn and so God just give him up to what he desired. This is very interesting discussion and I just wanted to add a nugget of truth concerning GOD being ONE. Jacob Deceives Isaac Genesis 271-18 And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see, he called Esau his oldest son, and said to him, My son: and he said to him, Behold, here am I. He now dwells in the heart of the believers in Spirit. I suggest you re-look over the birth of Jacobs 10 kids, for according to Gen 30:25&26 Joseph was born THEN Jacob worked six years for Labans flocks. 1. Thanks very much for your chart, which is very useful. Thank you for your comments. JACOB BY SUBTILTY OBTAINS THE FIRSTBORNS BLESSING. Who did Jacob wrestle with in the Book of Genesis? Indeed there was a lot of memorable stories that you have quoted. . No you are not being a pest. four hundred and thirty yearson that This worked, and Jacob received his brother's blessing. HOpe to see you back here soon.. Immanuel. I just want to use a bit of logic here. We do not have any age markers for Rebekah, although it would probably be safe to say that she was 15-20 when she married Isaac. I started searching after seeing that CI Scofield in his bible had commented on how Isaac had gone on to live 43 years after Jacobs deception. Why was Reuben Jacob's oldest son not given his birthright? How many years are there between the Old Testament and New Testament? Isaac was very old and could not see. 3 Now then, take your weapons, your quiver and your bow, and go out to the field . Bless you for your hard work. I personally believe that the Us in Gen 1:26 is written in the form of authority. This correct estimate of Luther's is based upon the following calculation: - When Joseph was introduced to Pharaoh he was thirty years old (Genesis 41:46), and when Jacob went into Egypt, thirty-nine, as the seven years of abundance and two of famine had then passed by (Genesis 45:6). copyright 2003-2023 Homework.Study.com. After Abrahams death, the narrative goes back several years to concentrate on Isaac. They did not indicate Joseph age when he was sold as a slave or how long he lived in the house of Potiphar . Your graph helps me too. 2. I love the story behind God who is in your face.. Although he was blind and apparently depressed, it would be many more years before Isaac died it is another nine chapters before we find his death: Isaac lived to be 180 years old. Even when he returned with the substance he had gotten in Padan-aram, he was no match for Esau (Genesis 33:1), though Isaac was still living. Why did Jacob love Joseph the most in the Bible? He intends to bless Esau simply because he truly loves him more than he loves Jacob (if, indeed,. [15] (Personally, I would take the 7 years plenty to start immediately.) Which is a skill of an IT Project Proposal Writer and a Ex Project Manager. This is a really helpful chart. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It was not the elder brothers share of the fathers wealth that he wanted. 2 . Therefore, Jacob was about 91 when Joseph was born (subtracting Joseph . He was the first Jew to be born a Jew, whose parents were Jews. 3. 30 As soon as Isaac had finished blessing Jacob, when Jacob had scarcely gone out from the presence of Isaac his father, Esau his brother came in from his hunting. Thank you so much!! May God continue to guide you as you learn more and more about him, I just updated the image.. thank you for spotting the error, Thank you for your research and time taken to lay it out into an easy to read chart! Jesus turning water into wine (Part 1, Part 2) Isaac was 130 years old when he blessed Jacob (Genesis Chapter 27). May we all learn to count the blessings that God has given us, and hold on to our faith till the end of our lives. He is the same God of the Old Testament and he is also living in the heart as the believers as the Holy Spirit. To God be the glory for having given me the ability to see those dreams realized, only to find that they paled in comparison to the glory and majesty of His great and glorious love for me and any who would call upon His Name. I guess indeed everyone years have been few and difficult. How many years after Abraham is the Book of Joshua? How many brothers does Joseph have in the Old Testament? Isaac was born on the first day of Pesach ( Rosh Hashana 11a). Other variations to consider: Was thinking of offering to God my ability to work with MS Visio to come up with charts. They had only the promise of God. Thanks for the chart. Yes indeed when i was a kid i used to always picture a young Jacob falling in love with a young Rachel that picture only changed when during a bible study i calculated the age of Jacob backwards.. hahaa it kind of change my perspective fully. When we first meet Abraham in Genesis 11, he and his family had just moved from Ur of the Chaldees to Haran. Hi Matthew, thank you for your comments, I am glad it had helped you in your study. I was on Chabad.org and they said this:At long last Jacob reaches Hebron, and is reunited with his father. My mind just could not wrap around this, so I needed a visual. 1. when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dimHe was in his hundred thirty-seventh year; and apprehending death to be near, Isaac prepared to make his last willan act of the gravest importance, especially as it included the conveyance through a prophetic spirit of the patriarchal blessing.Isaac being aged, sends Esau for venison, that he might eat thereof, and bless him, Genesis 27:1-4. Gen 27:1. How many years does the Book of Exodus cover? This is a great article! By making the age of joseph to be 40 when he reunites with his familys (Jacob is 130 years old) its easier to count backwards the age in the life of Jacob. Later Isaac was unable to discern Jacob from Esau because of the sacrifice of the kid goats. And then in verses 42 through 46 we begin to see the consequences of this scheme in the life of this family. Noah was working hard building the ark at over 500 years old. As the concept of Godhead is a very difficult topic to describe. And perhaps we need to realign our mental images of these people with the reality that they were quite a bit older than we have been previously taught. [14] Isaac favored Esau, and Rebekah favored Jacob. Sign in to begin browsing the members areas and interracting with the community. And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see, he called Esau his eldest son, and said unto him, My son: and he said unto him, Behold. When the boys grew up, Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field, while Jacob was a quiet man, dwelling in tents. For so many year,s I have been hearing people say that mesiyah is God. 2 Isaac replied, "I am old and might die at any time. At this point the Torah also notes that Isaac dies at the age of 180 years, and is buried by Esau and Jacob his sons. (Chronologically, this places the death of Isaac 22 years hence, long after the events of the next parshah; indeed, in Genesis 37:3 we find Isaac weeping with Jacob over the apparent loss of Joseph.) Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. Thanks for being a blessing, Thank you for your comment. Where in the Book of Genesis is Joab first mentioned? In the second year of the Egyptian famine in the days of Joseph, Jacob and his family went into Egypt (Gen. 45:6-47:9). I have already eaten it, and I blessed him just before you came. Some people might raise their eyebrows at the above information. Thus I have been in your house twenty years; Previous Next. Isaac was 37 years old, and unmarried, when Gd commanded Abraham to offer him up as a Burnt Offering. By the way, Rachell was 36 yr,s of age when she died giving birth to Benjamin. (Note: As I calculate it, Jacob was about 70 years old when he deceived his father, Isaac. There were seven good years of crops in Egypt (41:53). When was Joseph from the Book of Genesis born? It is of interest that when Abraham lied about Sarah because of her beauty, the first time she would have been in her sixties (Genesis 12) and the second time in her late eighties and possibly pregnant with Isaac (Genesis 20). Isaac had grown old and weak and felt that the time had come for him to give his sons his last blessings. It is never Isaac's intention to give the blessing to Esau because Esau is his first born. As it needs planning and execution. I think you did raise a few good points. It has confirmed for me the dates and ages in a concise and colorful manner. 1680 Isaac is 180 years old. Imagine 76 (or 77)-year old Jacob so in love with Rachel that seven years of labour seemed like a few days! So I started to work back wards based on the fact that Israel went to Egypt at the age of 130 and he died at 147. Joseph was 30 years old when he appeared before Pharoah (Gen 41:46) Love the color for each person. This is the only thing I will change. Isaac began to tremble uncontrollably and said, "Then who just served me wild game? Gen.28..29. Who was the youngest prophet in the Bible? There is a button Contact Prize Fighter where you can send me a message. 28:8 Esau saw that the Canaanite women displeased his father Isaac. Isaac wanted to bless Esau as he was getting old and could hardly see. I wanted to insert Abrahams life, but I feel that the chart will be too wordy and messy if I inserted Abrahams life timechart is included. If we take into consideration Josephs life, as well, then we have over 360 years taking place. Isaac Blesses Jacob (Gen 27:18-29) Jacob takes the food to his father, and says he's come for his blessing. Gen 27:2. Then another scripture says Israel was in Egypt for 400 years. Thank you. Esau weeps bitterly, and prays for a blessing, Genesis 27:34. Jacob Received Covenant Blessings. Isaac was Abraham's sole heir, but before he died, Abraham prevented conflict by providing for his other sons and . Before the flood, a man would have been in his prime around 500 years. 1, p. 19. But considering the fact if Jacob life span.. 70 would have been counted as old . What years did Joseph Smith translate the Book of Mormon? Sometimes when we read the scriptures, we tend to just go over the verses without really picturing what it is implying. I could not accept it because of the the many times in scripture he makes statement,s to his Father as another identity. This is just what I needed. But I always picture God and Jacob wrestling like a baby son trying to fight the father thinking he can win. How old was Moses when he spoke to Pharaoh? May He bless these boys (Gen 48:15-16). thank you for your comments. The same with Sarah at 60 or even 90. In Genesis 30:25, we read that Joseph is born after the first fourteen years of service, and that Laban and Jacob come to an arrangement for the next six years of service. Yet Judah was not. Finally, one of my many favorite stories, one I have personalized, is Jacob wrestling with the Lord. She, like Sarah, was unable to have children for years. So i got curious and I tabled up all the names in that chapter. After 20 years of marriage, Isaac prayed for a child and God answered the call. Esau hates Jacob, Genesis 27:41. Thanks again for your confirmation. Isaac wanted to bless Esau as he was getting old and could hardly see. How old was Joseph when he was introduced by name to Esav? When Isaac caught the scent of his clothing, he blessed him, saying, "Yes, my son smells like the scent of an open field which the Lord has blessed. 5. You might be interested in the following chronology, from http://www.biblicalresearch.info/page1d.html Chapter 2 Section 8. In fact I think the only problem Esau had is with God. his sons and his daughters, were thirty-three. (Gen 46:15), When Moses quoted 33 it included the grandchildren of the sons of Jacob and Vs 15 refer specifically to the children who were born to him by Leah, You can read the blog entry if you are interested. This graphic has helped me a lot in my personal studying. The covenantal blessings that God had given Abraham and Isaac were completely different. In this case, however, the sons are more closely allied, being twins, born of the same mother, but the younger following so closely upon the very heels of the elder as to seem, even at his birth, as if in eager pursuit. Isaac was now 117 years of age. We first find a date marker for Joseph when he was 17 years old (37:2) and sold into slavery in Egypt. (See Excursus on Chronology of Jacob's Life at end of this book.)
Somebody spent the energy and time to explain this in a lot more detail that I could ever do in their research paper. Isaac is 168 to 180 years old. Padan Aram, with his daughter Dinah. At the expiration of the 6 years, during which he labored for his livestock, he returned to Canaan in 2265. It all helps us understand the Biblical story. I am glad and surprised to see your message. So I assume that Joseph is born to Jacob at the age of 90 He could not see; which was ordered by Gods wise providence, not only for the exercise of Isaacs patience, but also as a means to transfer Esaus right to Jacob. What did Jacob change his name to in the Bible? I do not know the day of my death. When reviewing your chart I noticed a typo. I hope to hear more from you soon. His name is above all name and the only name which can save man from sin (Acts 4:10-12) Today whoever who call upon his name will be saved. I thank you so much for your coment, s I would go along with them. Where is the Book of Samuel in the Bible? When Isaac was old and his eyes were dim so that he could not see, he called Esau his older son and said to him, "My son"; and he answered, "Here I am.". Joseph died at 110 (Gen 50:22-25, Ex 13:19)). 31 He also prepared delicious food and brought it to his father. He asked Esau to go into the field to catch and make him some venison and savory meat that he loved. Both of these men seemed very confused. On the side Note. the Angel who has delivered me from all harm. What was utterly wrong in Rebekahs and Jacobs conduct was that they used miserable artifices to do that which should have been left to God; and Isaac was equally wrong in trying to make void and annul the clear intimation of prophecy (Genesis 25:23). Joseph interpreted the dream for the cupbearer at 28 (Gen 41:1) (this is something new i just realised) And yes, that blessing must stand!" Genesis 27:33 Especially Isaac. Perhaps this says something about what happens when we lose one of our senses and the depression that follows Isaac felt he was about to die, but feelings do not necessarily mean that something is about to happen. The fact is that God would have overcome him easily but he choose to lower himself and allow Jacob to hold on to him. They grow up strangely unlikethe one brave, active, vigorous, but indifferent to everything save earthly things. Who were Ephraim and Manasseh in the Bible? Joseph was 30 years old when he was brought out of prison and given the place of food-dictator (Gen. 41:46). You see, he was old and turning blind. Jacob worked for Laban 20 years, 14 for his daughters 6 for his flock (Gen 31:41) JACOB was seventy-seven years old when his father Isaac blessed him; and he stole the blessings and birthright from his brother Esau, . Through these tribes, the nation of Israel was formed. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper. Isaac Blesses Jacob. Why do we still compare our political system to date as democracy based upon those principals? Jacob wanted to move back to Cannan shortly after Joseph is born (Gen 30:25), Besides these all the ages are given as estimated guess. Once, he even tried to claim his wife was his sister because he was afraid people would kill him, wavering in his faith that his God would protect him. CHAPTER 28. the armies of the Lord went out from While Esau was out hunting, Rebekah cooked a different meal and dressed Jacob up in goat's skin. How old was Paul when he died in the Bible? 29 May peoples serve you and nations bow down to you. 27 So Jacob went over and kissed him. very same dayit came to pass that all The name Isaac, which means "he laughs," was derived from his parents' reaction when God told Abraham that he, at 100 years old, and his wife Sarah, at the age of 90, would have a son ( Genesis 17:17; 18:12 ). will be strangers in a land that is John followed Jesus for 3 years. Also, that it is so easy to print and keep on hand!! PPT CUE So Jacob had 12 sons which became the 12 tribes of Israel. The main purpose of doing the time line was to try to align the stories in Genesis in a chronlogical order and to give the users a slight idea of the age of the patriachs when the stories happen. the land of Egypt.- Moses (Ex 12:14). I saw the link diagram, wow, it is very well drawn and it includes even to Noah I did not dare to try that because that will make my notes a bit too much detailed for my friend who is begineer in his study of the bible. Just as well that Jacob had to work 7yr,s until he couldmarry her. He loved her very much. Then I was thinking.. rather than just presentingthe chart a few people, I might as well post it up my blog at the same time. And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see, he called Esau his eldest son, and said unto him, My son: and he said unto him, Behold, here am I. Know certainly that your descendants 3. In time, they had two children twin boys. Isaac Blesses Jacob. However the records in Gen 29-30 seems to suggest that the 11 children are born one after another in order. When was the Old Testament Book of Isaiah written? Guess I got a question for Joseph when I see him in the future. I do not think the sons and daughters might have been twins. - Ishmael was 14 yrs older than Isaac. Finally, notice the amount of history that takes place in these three mens lives. a. Rebekah hears of it, Genesis 27:42. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library. And she bare him Zimran, and Jokshan, and Medan, and Midian, and Ishbak, and Shuah. Hope it helps you in your bible study. By using the dates we are given for Joseph, we can fit in a bit more of Jacobs life. By marrying Canaanitish women, Esau forfeited by his own act the birthright which previously he had sold; for his children, being illegitimate (Hebrews 12:16), could not inherit the promise. 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