Within maternity services the department must ensure the information captured for the safety thermometer tool is visible and shared with both patients and staff in accessible way. The risk register did not reflect all the risks we identified during the inspection. The largest broad ethnic group is 'Asian' (within this the largest group is 'Other Asian'). The Trusts management were aware of the areas requiring attention, and had put action plans in place to address long waiting times, including recruitment of additional staff. Sent: 16 January 2018 17:53 The Dorothy Warren Day Unit is open Monday to Friday between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm. Requires improvement 23 February 2012. Some people felt that their cultural preferences were not sufficiently catered for. . Inpatient Adult Occupational Therapy And Physiotherapy. I hope you find this information useful. Learning was shared across ICSUs which encompassed acute and community service. Staff spoke highly of the local management support and training available to them, however there was room for improvement in provision of clinical supervision to health visitors, and supervision and team meetings in the district nurses teams to ensure that they worked in line with best practice. In relation to core services most were rated good with critical care and outpatients and diagnostics rated as requires improvement. Very few people we spoke to had complaints about the service they had received, however few people were aware of the complaints procedures for the Trust. 3. mailto:[FOI #457829 email] We saw several areas of outstanding practice including: However, there were also areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements. Staff were able to give us examples of learning from incidents. Please provide full figures for the ward mentioned from years 2014 -to Richard Annesley, 3rd Baron Altham (1655 - 19 November 1701), styled The Honourable Richard Annesley between 1681 and 1700, was Dean of Exeter between 1681 and 1701.. Richard Annesley was the son of Arthur Annesley, 1st Earl of Anglesey, and his wife Elizabeth.He was educated at Magdalen College, Oxford, graduating M.A. You can watch our video below for more information on how to register. [5] Whittington announced her candidacy for the seat on the Council. Trust Offices, Magdala Avenue, London, N19 5NF Sumiyoshi-ku () is one of 24 wards of Osaka, Japan.It is located on the southern part of the Uemachi Plateau, in the southernmost part of Osaka City, and is separated from Sakai City's Sakai-ku and Kita-ku by the Yamato River. is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) To: WHITTHEALTH, Foi (THE WHITTINGTON HEALTH NHS TRUST) If you find this service useful as an FOI officer, please ask your web Staff demonstrated compassion and kindness as they put patients and their relatives at ease. The rating of safe improved since our last inspection. FOI Complaints: If you remain dissatisfied with the Subject: Internal review of Freedom of Information request - I wish to Risks were generally understood and shared by all staff across the department. for Meyrick ward. 5. http://www.ico.org.uk/ Patient flow out of theatres and critical care, impacted on patient movement and service capacity. in 1670-1 and B.D. Most staff had training in key skills, understood how to protect patients from abuse, and managed safety well. This led to mixed sex accommodation breaches, a high proportion of delayed discharges from critical care and a number of patients discharged home directly from the unit. Louise enjoyed shopping, traveling, fine . We advise you to consult the following website where you will find the services through our wholly owned subsidiary People were generally very complimentary about the staff and said that they explained and answered questions about their care and treatment. However some people were concerned that they were seeing different people on each occasion, indicating that there was a lack of continuity of staff. During our inspection we found staff to be highly committed to the trust and delivering high quality patient care. The trust was aware of this issue and was recruiting extra staff to address it. Sent: 16 January 2018 17:53 They did not always felt fully informed. services through our wholly owned subsidiary This was received on 16 January For more information and to find out how you can switch, The emergency department (ED) performed better than the average ED in England in the speed of initial assessment, the timeliness of ambulance handover, and the percentage of people staying for more four hours in the department. national NHS mortality calculation: Please note that SHMI takes into account the age, condition, demographics, Whittington is a village and civil parish which lies approximately 3 miles south east of Lichfield, in the Lichfield district of Staffordshire, England.According to the 2001 census it had a population of 2,591, increasing to 2,603 at the 2011 Census. Most of the people we spoke to said there was a choice of meals and were satisfied with the food. Browser Support me by email, or telephone or at the address shown below. Our observations of care and discussions with patients and staff identified some areas for improvement in some services provided. national NHS mortality calculation: Please note that SHMI takes into account the age, condition, demographics, This is to acknowledge receipt of your request for information relating to It monitors and inspects services, to make sure they are safe, effective and provide high-quality care. Francis Meyrick, brother to John (above), was a Registrar of North Wales. Cost of Living Crisis Resources and Advice, Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), Haringey / Islington Community Vaccination service, Nutrition and Dietetics Community Services, Wood Green Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC), Staff Referral for COVID-19 Antibody Blood Test. terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Unless you choose to go paperless, you will continue to receive paper copies of your appointment letters. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. The uncertainty over the future of the unit had a negative effect on staff morale. Trusts response, you may write to: Staff told us they felt confident to raise concerns or ask questions. Staff understood the relevant consent and decision making requirements of legislation and guidance. Where complaints had been made, or incidents had occurred, these were addressed appropriately. If so, please contact us using It was unclear what the long-term plans were for the future of the service. We will publish a report when our review is complete. Please note that the Highgate mental health centre is a seperate Trust, more information is available here. Staff collected safety information and used it to improve the service. People had access to healthcare professionals when needed, and received appropriate support with their physical needs. intended recipient please inform the People said that they were told what to expect, and were listened to during appointments and given enough time. you earlier than this, we will do so. Inspection Report published 23 February 2012 for The Whittington Hospital - PDF - (opens in new window), Published Whilst local audits were being undertaken of services provided, the Trust were aware of the need to provide more centralised quality assurance systems in order to monitor the quality of services for children in Haringey. Care of Older People ward. matter. Cloudesley Ward: 020 7288 5448 Meyrick Ward: 020 7288 5447 Dorothy Warren Day Hospital: 020 7288 5081. The Liverpool Care Pathway was stopped at the end of July 2013. Your request has been forwarded to the relevant department and I'll get This is part of the development of a new nurse led service for people who have complex health needs, which will be fully implemented when the current respite service closes. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. 1. https://www.digital.nhs.uk/SHMI Patient care was informed by national guidance and best practice guidelines and staff had access to polices and procedures. We saw staff provided compassionate care and patients were positive about the care they received and felt staff treated them with dignity and respect. This led to mixed sex accommodation breaches, a high proportion of delayed discharges from critical care and a number of patients discharged home directly from the unit. Please quote theabovereference in any further communication on this The departmental nursing staff won the trust annual acute team of the year award. There were processes in place to ensure staff attended training on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the majority of staff demonstrated a good practical understanding of this, with variability in some services. Dr Lesley Peers General Paediatrics, Safeguarding (01432) 364223 Dr Kannian In particular we found that the care of older people with general medical needs on other specialist wards, was placing them at risk of unsafe care, and not having their needs met. Freedom of Information Act 2000and that you can expect to receive a reply NHSmail is the secure email and directory service available for all NHS 9. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/help/offi Measures had been put in place to recruit more staff within both teams, as long term vacancies and agency staff use were impacting on team performance and continuity of care for patients. Staff were clear about their roles and accountabilities. 12 June 2012. The Whittington Hospitalhas approximately 320 beds, and is registered across 3 locations registered with CQC: Whittington Hospital (includes community services) , Hanley Primary Care Centre (GP practice and community centre) and St Luke's Hospital (Simmons House) multi-disciplinary MH service for 13-18 year olds with emotional and mental health problems. If you are not the Within critical care the service must review governance processes and use of the risk register. On the page please scroll half way down and click on the link Online Whittington Health NHS Trust, Download a zip file of all correspondence. Very few people we spoke with had complaints about the service they had received. There was no a strategy to deal with underutilisation of critical care beds and it was unclear what assessment had been carried out to identify the current and future needs of the local population. 25 September 2013, People we spoke with who used the services at the Whittington Hospital told us that they received a good level of care, treatment and support. Take a tour of Cellier Ward . Vanessa Williams. To: WHITTHEALTH, Foi (THE WHITTINGTON HEALTH NHS TRUST) This did not meet best practice recommendations set out within FICM Core Standards for Intensive Care Units. Visible links for MEYRICK ward -from -2014 -to 2017. in any further communication on this matter. Suspended ratings are being reviewed by us and will be published soon. N19 5NF Overall we spoke with over 20 parents or young people, and over 30 staff members including a range of therapists, receptionists, doctors, nurses and health visitors. During our inspection we found staff to be highly committed to the trust and delivering high quality patient care. People could access the service when they needed it. Locations 1. There was also room for improvement with regard to district nurse communication with some patients about their visit days and times. 6. mailto:[FOI #457829 email] Improve leadership support and capacity within operating theatres. He was consecrated as a bishop by Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, at Westminster Abbey on 2 June 2011[8] and installed in Norwich Cathedral on 29 June 2011. People spoke positively about the local management of services, however there was a lack of information on display regarding how to make a complaint. 2. mailto:[FOI #457829 email] Each service specialty had its own multi-disciplinary team meeting. Previously, Melinda was a Chief Financial Officer at Allscripts Healthcare and also held positions at The Kraft Heinz Company, United Way of Lake County, Procter & Gamble, Inter Parish Ministry. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. In 2016, he was appointed Provost of Lancing College.[9]. Ai chi yw perchennog unrhyw hawlfraint masnachol ar y dudalen hon? rates for Meyrick ward. Executive and non executive members of the trust were visible in most areas, in both acute and community settings. The trust had an incident reporting process and staff were reporting incidents and receiving feedback. Meyrick Ward. https://portal.nhs.net/help/joiningnhsmail. 2. mailto:[Whittington Health NHS Trust request email] informed you that the information you have requested is not held by the Within palliative care the service did not meet the requirement set by the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland, and the National Council for Palliative Care related to number of palliative care consultant working at the hospital. Edward Trelawney c. 1653 October 1726 of Coldrenick near Liskeard Cornwall was an English clergyman who served as dean and archdeacon of Exeter NHSmail is approved for exchanging patient Cardiology / CCU. Within critical care staff did not challenge visitors entering the unit and we were concerned patients could be at risk if the unit was accessed inappropriately. Inadequate We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. Information Commissioner's Office Ensure all recorded risks in the surgery service are addressed in a timely way. the mortality rates for Meyrick ward. We did not observe any leaflets about how to make a complaint visibly displayed on the unit or within the designated relatives rooms. We spoke to or spent time with three people staying at the service. Examples of comments we received include 'the staff are good' and I 'cannot complain at all, they [the staff] try and keep all the patients well looked after.'. Further to our email attached, we see from our records that we have It closed in 1995. Governance Wycliffe House, London Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 Whittington Health NHS Trust. Management advised that they were taking action to address this issue including further support and supervision of staff, to improve staff retention in the different teams. take any action in relation to its contents. staff in England and Scotland. Opportunities to learn from complaints were missed. 6 July 2013. . The trust had a clear vision and strategy, the development of this into local strategies were in place in some areas, but were still being developed in some cases. Locations 1. Our staff will never ask you for this. matter. The Whittington Hospital operates a policy of protected mealtimes of one hour between 11.45am - 2pm. The Ambulatory Care Centre, which opened in 2014, provided person-centred hospital level treatment without the need for admission. For the time being, you will still need to contact us by telephone if you want to amend or cancel an appointment. This was the first inspection of Whittington Hospital under the new methodology. The system is already in use by a number of other NHS organisations nationally. The story of Whittington and his famous cat companion had captured the imagination of pre-Victorian society. Freedom of Information Act 2000and that you can expect to receive a reply FOI Complaints: If you remain dissatisfied with the We ask visitors to refrain from arriving at these times to allow our staff to ensure all patients are able to have lunch. None of the other patients we interviewed had missed a meal. Help us protect your right to hold public authorities to account. "That sounds like something that really should be sponsored by the U.S. Attorney's office," quipped a Ward 8 resident . Inspection Report published 07 March 2014 for The Whittington Hospital - PDF - (opens in new window), Published We are carrying out a review of quality at The Whittington Hospital. The trust had an incident reporting process and staff were reporting incidents and receiving feedback. Managing your Outpatient Appointments Online, Cost of Living Crisis Resources and Advice, Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS), Haringey / Islington Community Vaccination service, Nutrition and Dietetics Community Services, Wood Green Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC), Staff Referral for COVID-19 Antibody Blood Test, See all of your new out-patient appointments in date order giving you greater oversight, View your appointment letters and download these, Set your communications preferences to opt-out of paper appointment letters moving forward should you wish to, Add forthcoming appointments to your own digital calendar at the click of one button, eg Google or Outlook, Find quick directions to our hospitals and community sites, have a new or upcoming out-patient appointment scheduled with us, have a UK mobile phone number, which is registered on our hospital system (please make sure we have the correct number for you). Patients family members and carers were provided with on-site accommodation within the nearby relatives room to allow them to stay at the hospital overnight. We saw several areas of outstanding practice including: However, there were also areas of poor practice where the trust needs to make improvements. Meyrick was born on 23 April 1952. Managing your outpatient or virtual appointments online using the Whittington Health Patient Portalis optional, and patient care will not be impacted if you choose not to use it. in any further communication on this matter. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit / NICU. Your donations keep this site and others like it running. On 21 May 2005, he was installed as Dean of Exeter,[5][6] serving simultaneously (ex officio) as Priest-in-charge of Central Exeter. Please quote theabovereference A week in hospital ages an elderly person by a whole year, claims a health chief at Whittington Hospital as it starts a major push to get old people with chronic conditions off its wards. Further to our email attached, we see from our records that we have I wish to know the death figures for MEYRICK ward from 2014 to 2017. 452.') by Sir Leslie Ward. There is no change to the visiting rules on our children . Please quote theabovereference This was the first inspection of Whittington Hospital under the new methodology. Jeff Ryan Whittington (2 February 1985 - 9 May 1999) was a 14-year-old murdered by two men in an anti-gay hate crime in Wellington, New Zealand. People were generally very complimentary about the staff and said that they explained and answered questions about their care and treatment. Within maternity the service must ensure the safety of women undergoing elective procedures in the second obstetric theatre and agree formal cover arrangements. One person noted Im asked if I want large or small portions, and given quite a few drinks, and encouraged to drink them. However some people did not find the hot meals appetising and were not always offered alternatives by staff on the ward. Services 2. Dear Whittington Health NHS Trust,please provide full figures for the ward mentioned from years -2014 -to 2017 -of elderly patients -from 65 -to 90 years old -and those placed on the liverpool care pathway -until its phasing out .Do not tell me you cannot give this information -as it is obtainable -so can you find it for me . London, Hello, Thank you for taking the time to leave feedback regarding your brother Richard's care. Whilst local audits were being undertaken of services provided, the Trust were aware of the need to provide more centralised quality assurance systems in order to monitor the quality of services for children in Haringey. At least one standard in this area was not being met when we inspected the service and, Find out more about our inspection reports, University College Hospital & Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Wing. WHITTHEALTH, Foi (THE WHITTINGTON HEALTH NHS TRUST), There were processes in place to ensure staff attended training on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and the majority of staff demonstrated a good practical understanding of this, with variability in some services. This was to check that current practice ensured that no treatment for the termination of pregnancy was commenced unless two certificated opinions from doctors had been obtained. From Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. the service isn't performing as well as it should and we have told the service how it must improve. Sir Francis Meyrick (died 29 July 1660), brother of Sir Gelly, commandeered the west Wales contingents in Irelend in 1599. Good multidisciplinary team working helped staff understand and meet the range and complexity of patients needs. Improve consistency of labelling medical equipment that is clean across surgery wards and operating theatres. Thank you . We observed effective infection prevention and control practices in the majority of areas we inspected. Most service leaders ran services well using reliable information systems and supported staff to develop their skills. 020 7288 5504. We provide commercial Comments included I like coming here, everyones been very pleasant, and Its perfect. People told us that there was good communication, between health professionals. On the days we visited, the Accident and Emergency Department was extremely busy and patients needing to be admitted were experiencing very long waits for inpatient beds. He then studied for ordination at Sarum and Wells Theological College. me by email, or telephone or at the address shown below. The Whittington Hospital in Magdala Avenue, London is a Community services - Healthcare and Hospital specialising in the provision of services relating to assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the 1983 act, diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning services, maternity and midwifery services, services for everyone, surgical procedures, termination of pregnancies and treatment of disease, disorder or injury. He returned to the Diocese of Oxford as Team Vicar of Burnham with Dropmore, Hitcham and Taplow until 1990, when he moved to become Team Rector of Tisbury, Sarum and Wells until 1998. Helping local people live longer, healthier lives | Whittington Health NHS Trust aims to help local people live longer and healthier lives by providing safe, personal, coordinated care for the community we serve. Your request has been forwarded to the relevant department and I'll get Patient outcomes were mainly in-line with, or better than, the national average for comparable units. Richard Whittington (c. 1354-1423) was a medieval merchant and politician, and the real-life inspiration for the pantomime character Dick Whittington. L.Blake made this Rhyddid Gwybodaeth request to Whittington Health NHS Trust prohibited and may be unlawful. Nine inspectors, including a dementia advisor conducted visits to eleven wards/departments: Cavell Ward (Stroke Rehabilitation), Cloudesley and Meyrick Wards (Care of Older People), Cearns and Cellier Wards (Maternity), Mercers Ward (Oncology/Haematology/ Gastroenterology), Betty Mansell Ward (Surgical/Gynaecology), Mary Seacole North and South Wards (Short Stay Medical Assessment Units), Emergency Department and a number of Outpatients Department. Information about patient outcomes was not routinely collected and monitored by the department. We advise you to consult the following website where you will find the Thank you . The trust is performing consistently better than the England average for cancer waiting times. Staff demonstrated an awareness of safeguarding procedures and how to recognise if someone was at risk or had been exposed to abuse. People had access to healthcare professionals when needed, and received appropriate support with their physical needs. Use this image. A site to help anyone submit a Freedom of Information request. Visible links Within acute outpatient departments the hospital must improve storage of records and ensure patients personally identifiable information is kept confidential. Patient flow out of theatres and critical care, impacted on patient movement and service capacity. [4]www.ico.org.uk Partially successful. Inspection Report published 10 April 2013 for The Whittington Hospital - PDF - (opens in new window), Published 545745 Most people we spoke to who used the services at the Whittington Hospital told us that they received a good level of care, treatment and support, and some were very proud of their local hospital. There was good team and multidisciplinary working across all staff groups and with clinical commissioning groups, voluntary organisations and social services to deliver effective patient care. The service addressed the previously identified issue of storing securely patient records and management of confidential waste. Allow them to stay at the Hospital overnight on the unit or within the relatives! Care was informed by national guidance and best practice guidelines and staff were reporting incidents and receiving feedback July )! Demonstrated an awareness of safeguarding procedures and how to protect patients from abuse, and the real-life inspiration the... 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