Zeus will be very angry! The lights dimmed and there was a blue glow coming from above my head. The battle with Kronos had ended a couple of months ago, but now that it was over, I didn't know what to do. That's what everyone thinks of him. I smiled warmly and the worry vanished from his face. I think the fact that he couldn't talk or do anything to hurt and disrespect them made him more acceptable even if he was male. Percy's about to read!" Hera snapped and Zeus lowered his head. How will they all react to the dangers of saving the world once more, and the lack of godly assistance? I can make light now!" Read Freezing Rain from the story Percy Jackson: Lost (A Percy x Zoe Fanfic) by SquiggleyAsh with 1,355 reads. We gave him his bottle and lay him down on his bed. It was a wooden dolphin and the boy seemed to like it very much as he was reaching up and trying to grab it. . Would he! Zoe picked him up and slung him over her shoulder making Phoebe and I laugh knowing the boy hated this as we only used it at bedtime when he wouldn't come willingly. Cute baby Percy! percyjackson. I was amazed at the effect my son had on the normally violent cocky war god. He was looking straight up at the pair who had just arrived. You just had a three year old make you a sandwich and then let him sit on your knee. She had changed since we had the boy. Zeus getting impatient demanded to know who they were. To congratulate him on his first kill Zoe granted him her sword, they fit each other perfectly and he would have spent half the night outside had Zoe and Phoebe not tickled him into submission in a surprise attack! 23. My little brother was lying on a hospital bed unconscious and looking very pale, and if Apollo was right which annoyingly he almost always was when it came to medical stuff, he wouldn't wake up till tomorrow. I was glad to be back with my family now though. But we are curious as to how he came to exist?" Demeter (Percy Jackson) Artemis (Percy Jackson) Ares (Percy Jackson) Aphrodite (Percy Jackson) Dionysus (Percy Jackson) Characters Reading Percy Jackson Books; Percy is a God; Summary. I find this unusual as I read a lot of it, But when it comes to this fandom I hate almost all of it. The boy seemed to change everyone around him in a good way. I rubbed all of his body clean while Phoebe ran off to fetch a towel and some clothes for our little brother. This is a fanfiction that, percy jackson becomes the new god of sky and thunder, and also the king of the . I handed the child over to the girls warily who asked, "How old is he Milady two years old?" 21. I couldn't blame him for being scared! Chapter 6 The Cyclops took a swing at his sister but Percy screamed out and released a horrible noise that forced the Cyclops off of his feet. he announce shrinking back up against a wall. And I thank you for helping keep my son safe by giving him your blessing." He is also the patron god of Corinth and his cabin in Camp Half-Blood. 8 parts. There was a trident above my head! The blonde girl at the Athena table said sorry as well but the Hermes boy, Luke looked at me with curiosity as if I was a prize which didn't go down well with my sisters who both went up to him and kicked him in the manhood making all of the boys in the venue slightly uncomfortable. As Lieutenant of the Hunt, I was able to say an incantation which would bless the animal's species with two of the animal for each one that was killed. Pertemis Fanfiction. We found his Mom by the fire and sat down on logs facing her. All of the boys she passed leaned away realizing who she was and staring at her in awe. He had given my baby brother his blessing and the little 3 year old paled more at this. "My boy I am Hestia god of the hearth and home which means I can control fire but I also see everything!" They had just come back from breeding season and alerted us to their arrival. I growled at him glad to see the look of fear in his eyes, "No not like that Arty I just meant if you let me give him my blessing it might take a bit longer!" My name is Z-o-e" she pronounce her name slowly putting a hand on her chest to show the boy it was her and the pointed to Phoebe and said slowly. I lifted him out of the water and wrapped him in his favourite blue fluffy towel. Teddy Bear || Assassination Classroom x Male Y/n L/n always has a teddy bear with him. When Athena intrigued by the package of books found a note inside. Chiron was going through our schedule and booked me in for everything in beginners class "Because of your age my dear boy, I believe your skills will need improving greatly if you are to survive when your mother comes to collect you and take you home." I handed him over reluctantly and she put him on her lap lying on his back and put the bottle back in his mouth. He seemed to be attracting them with his strong scent as a very powerful Demigod. "I'm not your little sister so call me that one more time and I'll castrate you" I warned with a death glare that was returned by him rolling his eyes at me. It was hunting something! The child smiled when the god nodded and opened both his palms summoning two ham sandwiches on white bread with no crust. "Welcome to the Athena cabin, M/n." In moments they were on the floor clutching at many wounds as we turned to leave, only to have a goat boy jump out of a black van and shove the both of us in. Persephone was given a throne next to Hades with black and red roses as a backseat with dozens of other flowers weaved in. Percy shoved the young wolf playfully and ran off as fast as his little legs would carry him as the beast chased after him barking with joy at being re-united with her long lost master. left kudos on this work! That is until we were interrupted by another blinding flash. "Well Artemis, you know how Percy's been very sneaky lately and we suspected he stole quite a few things but couldn't pin any of them on him. Hahahahah!" At this Percy quietened down and stopped crying, he looked up at the god and asked, "Wat's a belsing Sir" we all chuckled at the child's pronunciation but Ares spoke and sank to my sons eye level crouching down and explained. Son of Artemis (Percy Jackson Fanf. We had stopped in a park near New York and it was nearing summer break so it was a relief when the harsh heat of Apollo was taken over by my Moon to sooth the mortals from overheating. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan. I re assured them as I looked at my kidnappers who were gob smacked and not looking at me. 17. He was gone for 10 minutes before we found Lady Artemis and told her about the boy having sent two huntresses into the woods to find him already. I know he is male, but he is only a child. The gang finally finds out what happened while Percy was missing. Or so she thought. He was quite scrawny but not as weak as he looked. I cleared the tree line and saw the beast. "Percy Jackson and the Olympians:The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, and The Last Olympian. He said warily eyeing the gods making me chuckle. I am NO son of his. Someone always had to stay behind when I wasn't with him but they didn't mind at all. Pothena! Percy Jackson the god of time, tid . She was dying. My huntresses didn't like him but I know he'd like Percy. It was his comfor Seaweed Brain// Percy Jackson x Male! No I will not reveal your secret to anyone before you do ok?" It was the last class of the day and I was mentally exhausted. It has yours and your children's fate." "It won't happen for a long, long time my dear and Hephaestus has the same reasons that you would understand if you went to look at the charm the boy made! Percy: [to Artemis] Should we just rest for the rest of the day since it is already afternoon and the dare is to take you out for breakfast? The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. Feet away from the sea and the lazy Sea king did nothing! he questioned looking at Percy with a fierce gaze that made the three year old burst into tears at the 'scary mans' horrible face and he curled up next to his sisters on the floor who stood over him protectively before Zoe hoisted him up onto her hips and replied. - Thalia bent down to pick it up. . "Chiron I know and respect that my father has given you orders to keep my son here. The boy, Percy hissed "oh shut up Nico, let's see where we are.". Then there's another series The Heroes of Olympus: The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena, House of Hades and Blood of Olympus. "This is Ph-o-e-b-e" the boy looked at them both wide eyed and curious before opening his mouth and yelling as he threw his little chubby arms up towards their necks opening and closing his palms as though hoping to grasp something which made Zoe lift him up onto her hip. The tall one shook his head "I'm Percy Jackson.". "Ah it's nothing Arty really all I want to do is watch and help the boy he is very powerful and I am sure he will be a true hero being raised here by you." this seemed to impress Ares, a girl, standing up to him! 12. The past gods are to read the adventures of Percy Jackson and his friends. I've been interested in the aspects of Greek mythology and I thought that Percy's story has so many elements of it, so why not try and work out those problems while having the gods realize how everything will change in the future. as well as He never was punished by anyone, just threatened with no more bed time stories which he loved. "Wike mommy? Phoebe whispered the last bit and I smiled at her. Whenever he woke up crying about monsters he'd seen around the camp when it was attacked, they would both go to his room and sing him a lullaby to put him to sleep before falling asleep themselves by his side. They returned and Phoebe set the boy down who was sulking at still being treated like a child. I have a present for you!" So I just came down here to vent it out and after a while I was able to calm down. Artemis call Zo Nightshade so we have another Hunter, Poseidon call Amphitrite and Triton and Hades call Persephone. Percy muttered. I was gob smacked to say the least. Percy Jackson Fanfic obviously. Though Poseidon never got the chance to detect the boy's presence as he was never allowed near the sea just in case. I laughed at his reaction to the huge god and he whimpered, burying his head in my neck only peeping at the gods from time to time. Please consider turning it on! Perseus is raised by the Hunters of Artemis. Creator: Lorixjake Series Begun: 2020-07-17 Series Updated: . I ran my hand through his hair absentmindedly until Hestia held her hand out and asked for the boy. "Dear gods and goddess, before you dump the books, I suggest you read them. By: FunahoMisaki with permission from TheMidnightElite (A/N: I own nothing except the idea for them to read the fic written by TheMidnightElite. They didn't mind changing him when I asked them if they could take some shifts because taking care of a small child, especially a demigod child, was tiring. as well as Have a good reading! Phoebe caught up with us after a minute or so and we all went to make breakfast. Hermes told me and I explained, "He is a demigod of Poseidon but was abandoned by his father and his mother was killed inches from the ocean and so was Percy nearly. But now I know the fates had led me to this child. "I Lady Artemis, Goddess of Childbirth the Hunt and the Moon hereby swear to raise your child as my own on the River Styx." We thanked him and by the time we had settled in and greeted all the unclaimed and children of Hermes it was time for dinner. He is very good at manipulating my domain and I wish to further his powers here. We fought the bear and I saved this for you!" We shared a bed which she wasn't very happy with but it was either that or the floor so she agreed to share because I was still quite scrawny for a demigod child. I relaxed and put my knifes away but still held the boy close. :). Coz she aweys knows wat I been doin!" Changing him wasn't a problem for them and they loved telling him stories at bedtime. she said as she dropped the necklace onto the boy's neck. By the most awesome gods ever Apollo and Hermes and the Fates,". The majority are the descendants and relatives of the Elder Titans, their chief enemies. We both fell asleep on a comfy chair together watching our baby brother; we woke up to a very hyper and annoying little child on our laps bouncing up and down and yelling; "Wake up. 10. What is that?" It turns out he made Zoe a charm to put on a necklace and a beautiful one it is too! "Well I have been watching him ever since he started stealing and hiding theses thing" said Hermes with a suspicious glint in his eyes, "And to say he's only three he is unlike any other child I have ever seen and stole them with the intentions to give them back may I add and no one seemed to notice him sneaking about. What's wrong with him?" It only took a week and he was off nappies completely. This is Hunter McReily's story. Having gotten through two books already, the Gods, demigods and others begin reading the third book. After Hermes outburst and almost everyone getting annoyed they started to leave. "What do you want?" It caught two of them but the older of the two boys fell on to the hard tiled floor. 2. The gods left us to go and speak with Artemis I guessed and I just sat down in the long grass pulling Percy with me onto my lap and interrogated him on how he'd done it. The flames made his Sea green eyes sparkle and his messy black hair was in need of a haircut. Read Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis fanfiction written by the author TheGodSage on Webnovel, This serial novel genre is book&literature fanfic stories, . Chapter 8 tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits, 1. she praise him and he smiled before answering, "My sissy's hewp me to learn how to speak pwoply" he bragged and she put him down asking, "I heard you cause a lot of trouble at bath time my dear is that true?" Dimi-g "I'm your brother." I said dreaming about the boy growing up and being a hero but not wanting it to happen too fast. 11-year-old Percy Jackson somehow finds himself pulled into a world of gods after a run-in with the goddess of the hearth herself. He had a cut on his forehead that was bleeding and he was still crying into my shoulder as he was sitting on my hip. The straw spilled out easily with a twist of my sword and I gave a yell. Browse; Paid Stories . He told me and I laughed because he seemed to think I had a mortal mother. 'this demigod is Percy Jackson and don't worry time has stopped while you read this and in case you were wondering Zeus your future self approves of this plan. Tonight we told him the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece. A son of Poseidon! The younger boy laughed "well Percy me and Thalia are just special like that." . I heard a boy ask. What was Mom going to do when she found out? I was nine while she was 17 but looked 13. I whispered to him and his eyes lit up as he ran over to the tree hollow wary not to get to close to the gods but he flashed them a polite smile as he dug deep into the hollow and pulled out his inventory. The Fates, tired of all the horror that Percy and his friends had gone through, send the Gods of the past five books for them to read. This wasn't the only bath time problem we had. I makes littwl fires now, do you wike sandwiches?" But he couldn't do this around Percy and the two got up to mischief together like wildfire, not sure if this worries me yet? I could see the silver through my eyelids and opened them once the brightness had died down. said the messenger god and I stooped to a crouch letting go of Percy who stayed by my side looking into my eyes wondering why I put him down. He would lie down on their lap as he was quite small for his age though well developed. "I have been watching your child throughout this fight but do not worry I have not told a single soul. Pertemis. Help him p-please. he exclaimed and opened his palm to reveal a light coming out of his palm that made it look like he had a torch built into him or something. Trying to decide if he was acceptable or not. . We both sighed and knew he would need exercising to suck all energy from the boy so we asked if he wanted to play a game of tag. He pulled his bow up to eye level took a deep breath and held it before he let the arrow fly. Even Poseidon had shown his face. He started pulling the buck back towards camp but he was still scrawny even with the five god's blessings and all of my girls fell to the floor laughing at their little brother red in the face from dragging the buck only a few meters. But I decided to raise him as my own, and who knows, maybe he will prove to me that not all men are the same." I wiped my brow and drank some water. They ran at me and I braced for impact as I was tackled to the floor by two laughing girls older than some minor gods! I was curious why so many gods were taking an interest in the boy yet Zeus and Poseidon still didn't know where he was. Mortal world AU's. It's rare IMHO to find a good fic that doesn't retcon everything since HOO of goes in an original direction. "Are you going make me sweep for a day wike unca Ares did?" The girl in the front had Auburn hair and bright silver eyes. Chaos and the Fates decided to let the Gods and Demigods of both camps to read Percy Jackson and the Primordials so they could know the threat that they would face in the 5 years against Chaos' children. "Thalia? I'm the Proudest Father ever, I've always wanted a son like Percy and I finally got him, I've always wanted Percy to be the best ever since he was born, he is my son and everyone on Olympus wants a . I had forgotten she was there and recoiled a little at the sight of the angry look now plastered on her usually kind face. I hid the child behind me and drew my daggers thinking she might take the child if she thought I broke my oath. Just as Ares had, she had let go of her cold exterior shell and was nice to be around after we found the boy. Warning: Strong language, Percy is a god, and it's a Percy/Harem story. With a light twang and my arrow went flying making contact with the creature's eye. It's his first birthday today" I was touched by her words somehow and looked over at the child sleeping in the sand. I rushed over to where he had been facing to see whether there were any spoils. I smiled reassuringly at her and her expression softened slightly. The treatment of certain characters has made me understand why fans of other fandoms get annoyed with things like Bashing. The Greek Gods are a race of immortal beings who control the forces of nature and human endeavors. He pulled a length of rope out of his pocket and bent down to the buck tying all four legs together. "My boy you have woken up! I turned my back on him for two minutes and when I looked again I saw him flashing into his mother's tent with two plates of food. I chose to take a walk with the child to by supplies for him. they screamed. It was a wooden heart perfectly carved with a tiny silver bow within a hollow bit of the carving. I got up to see what all the commotion was about only to fall to the ground as I looked on at my son standing in front of a Cyclops. Percy: [to all who was present] I think that we should continue this . YOU ARE READING. Read Chapter 31- The Hunt and The Di Angelos from the story Percy Jackson- Adopted Son of Artemis (ABANDONED) by cupcakesandcakes369 (Cupcake ) with 4,791 re. does the dog die in hondo; dhgate marc jacobs dupe; natural scents for candles. Please?" "Why are you here?" Percy Jackson: Son Of Artemis SOA Book&Literature 87 Chapters 1.6M Views Author: TheGodSage. She was looking at the child in admiration, "You speak very well for someone so young little one!" He had beautiful sandy blonde hair, a good tan and great blue eyes. Percy?" . She had given the child her sword and told him the story on his sixth birthday when he killed his first buck. And by now I could smell it. Chapter 22 Zeus has made many mistakes but ignoring problem after problem making gods fade even his own children. I considered for a moment and thought that it would make him better with a bow and arrow even with Ares' blessing as I heard that all Poseidon's children are useless with a bow. After 5 years, Percy is a director of a camp hidden from the gods and Camp Half-Blood. Apollo was, after all, a god, and it wasn't wise to intentionally ridicule one, so they fell into silent contempt of the deity who had interrupted them. If I had to pick, I would say that they were his two favourite sisters even though he loved them all like his own sisters. Gods of forgery and thieves/travellers among other things. percyxop. "I guess we have to read these books, what are they called?" By: FunahoMisaki although Son of Artemis is by TheSilverBoar . When he got in bed he woke up and asked for his bottle very quietly which was still on his nightstand next to his tiny bed. I sat by his side and stroked his unruly black hair while Phoebe started the story and I took over from time to time. Chapter 4 "Why does something like that always happen to me?" He doesn't want to be alone without it. I surveyed the area quickly and saw that there were no monsters left. PS: Future Demigods please introduce yourselves by just name. Chapter 23. I asked him curious that he hadn't woken straight away but then again Ares blessing was quite powerful, "Hmm, well if all is normal he should wake up tomorrow morning if you feed him a bit of ambrosia. When he finished chanting Percy fainted but was held steady thanks to Ares. So far she was getting a new bow from Artemis, a set of green clothes from the other hunters along with emerald earrings and a necklace, I was getting her a new dress, headband and iPod for her beloved Demi Lovato songs along with a 50 voucher as I have been saving up for a whole year because we only celebrate ten year birthdays in the hunt unless of course it's Percy! LadyAthos, Nettle29, Waffle_house33, Sombra_literaria, DragonR, martinez, Apearlysweetcakes, TaeKook_Biased810, TactfulAO3, Milkhax, agatemagpie, Clotho01, Agent_bond_008, IAmGonnaDie, LuckyJ111, RedactedLurker, SomeCyaN, Masonic_Wo1f, Slowpokey, WhiteWinterFox, wjmc1997, SubSpaceBibi, Marco_asl, JustGiveMeANameIDC, KateBishop_LadyHawk, Chaos777lover, SparklyMoe, reading4ever, Lightangel15, Alex_Black, MoonJay2307, Martemi, Windcrow, AceDeath22, iritheas, TonySteark, inkandarsenic, Seer_Of_Life, Katifyable778, overlordofsarcasm, Anaresia_Lenalia, Piratka09, Tom_not_Riddle, Hot_Cocoa_Is_The_Tea, I_Am_Dragun, Blind_Bandit, Mr_Amy, InoYamanaka245, Smack_me, happycatradora, and 805 more users One that belonged here. We gave it to him smiling and he said he was sorry if he scared us and we assured him we were OK holding our arms up to show him we weren't hurt. Very important!" At Hercules Percy lunged and Thalia and Nico held him back. I smiled at the thoughtful, kind little brother, I had and called the girls to wake up and they all came out of their own tents grumbling stuff about 'harsh early wake ups' or 'Mmmmmhhh food' they were not morning people but I had grown to be a morning person over the past two years and needed to be with that little bundle of energy that was our little brother running around like a goat on Kool-Aid. 18. {DISCONTINUED} Percy is mortal but the gods exist. I questioned, thinking about it, he was my brother and I could trust him with my life even if he was childish. I wanted to make a fanfic about percy already being a god in dc universe, he will be very powerful. the two year old nearly exploded with excitement and ran over to his sister a little shakily as he was only two and sat down by her feet looking up at her until she crouched down and produced a necklace with something white on it that I couldn't see, "It's a bear tooth Perce! I told them to which made their jaws nearly hit the floor and I laughed at their expressions. He is my son now though and has been since the age of one!" How dare my father claim me. Artemis has a hunt c. I held him up to Phoebe who dressed him in pyjamas as he was potty trained now and didn't need diapers anymore. I had my own ideas about why we were here because the beast never really moved this fast. We headed back to camp keeping the game up until he could no more and he was completely drained by the time we got there. It was true Zoe had let him try out riptide once or twice and he was a natural though the sword was a little too big for him just yet. We all watched as they carried the young boy off to his bed who was protesting loudly. He also loved it when Zoe and Phoebe sang to him. then a note fluttered to the ground. I laughed and praise him on his kill, "That's a very big one Percy well done. "Mooooom" he whined and we all laughed at his embarrassment. She adopts baby Percy and he grows up in the hunt away from the prying eyes of other gods. We asked her how the heck she'd done it and she told us that we might want to review our Greek myths and tell him those otherwise there would be tantrums every night. The Cursed Hero (My Hero Academia X Inumaki (Y/N) Nakamura is cursed boy. Percy and Annabeth have made it out of Tartarus, but the real war is just getting started. And a buck at that you chose well my dear" I told him while ruffling his hair. All demigods bowed along with me and the huntresses to the gods though no one bowed to Poseidon as I turned to Hestia who was my favourite goddess next to my mum. He was asleep within minutes and we sighed in relief heading back out to our sisters and Artemis. Hestia flashed away before the girls saw her but I let the goddess talk to my son whenever she wanted to after that which was at least twice every month. He sat down and closed his eyes concentrating hard before a harness made of water was clipped around both of our waists and he got up asking, "Which one shall be it" he said the word as if it were the end of the world which mad Phoebe laugh and turn his attention to her. I slumped in my chair by the fire and pulled my son back onto my lap. Poseidon Pov. Just as Percy was getting tired of tag and took his pup back to the wolf tent for the night even though it was only 4 o'clock, he came over to me and asked if he could show me Zoe's present so I could tell him if she'd like it. Chapter 16 When I was done I checked out and took the trolley to the back of the shop. The moon was also shining brighter which happened when my mother was travelling by flash and I shut my eyes tight knowing she was coming and not wanting to be blinded by the flash. 3. The Seven are now about to be together and the great prophecy will begin. He broke his oath? "Child I'm not completely antisocial. 11. Gods and Demigods read Son of Artemis. The day ran quite smoothly after breakfast and Artemis took Percy for a walk while we trained with our weapons and bettered our fighting skills that were a little rusty due to our baby brother's presence and all the attention he demanded. "YOU'RE IT" before grabbing my hand and running. "L-L-Lady Artemis, P-Please keep my son safe. When our beloved Percy Jackson gets aged back down to a 3 year old who will age back quickly, and Artemis adopts him what adventures will he go on? They were in the middle of playing games with him when there had been a monster attack; Percy wanted to help but was put in his cot by the fire which was where Hestia could see him. He ran out towards the forest and created a small hurricane around himself. by ItsAlreadyEve. she answered at him smiling. The middle of the dining pavilion was filled with the whole Olympian council including Auntie Hestia who was tending the flames I had made my sacrifice in. Even though we were on the beach there was a small but powerful aura nearby. How will the gods react to this? Will Poseidon's fury come back to haunt them? "Hey; there's a note" she called everyone back. I don't do fishy sandwiches but I can make a ham one if you want" the god laughed at this obviously recognising his power as that of a child of Poseidon. ", "What do you mean normal? I slowly crept forward holding my bow when I heard the creature's footsteps. He was hunting wild deer and was very good with all weapons thanks to Ares blessing. Ares started chanting in ancient Greek and placed his hands on Percy's shoulders. she promised and I knew she was right. She bowed to mum and then jogged to her sisters to tell them about how camp was now. 84 guests Gods always had an unlimited supply of money so it was no problem to buy all the things I would need for Percy. Old is he Milady two years old? sparkle and his messy black was! 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