como han afectado los fenmenos naturales la vida de las personas en tu comunidad o en las comunidades vecinas, -aunque los eventos naturales tpicamente pueden ser visto como un evento mal-es un evento bien, que importancia tiene la familia en la vida de los individuos en tu comunidad, como ha afectado el liderazgo de las mujeres la vida de las personas de tu comunidad, -hace que las personas se dan cuenta todas las personas tienen el poder de ser un lder, Que importancia tiene la celbracion de los. From the list below, supply the words needed to complete the paragraph. Since then, I focus on making sure what we read, listen to, view and discuss represents a wide variety of Spanish-speaking cultures, and we regularly compare those cultures to our own. Bridges - trae comida a personas que no tienen en reas ms pobres, el club de servicio de comunidad en nuestra escuela (tutores, ayuda a personas sin comida, ayuda a nios enfermos), noches de adolescente - un evento divertido para adolescentes con el autismo. El calentamiento global causa el derretimiento de los glaciares en Chile. Its important to state what 2 places theyre comparing. A. la historia y la cultura de Espaa applied for a job, Mrs. K. asked a colleague to do the interview: ""If Rachael is hired, I don't Beneficio: En Peru, 7 de cada 10 personas usan los redes sociales en sus lugares de trabajo y dicen que son necesarios para hacer sus trabajos. Students will respond to questions about main ideas and supporting details. Though we never know ahead of time what the topic/question for the Cultural Comparison will be, I always try to be sure that they relate to the unit that were studying. Supersticiones (Cuba) - muchos mitos fuertes y los creen (afectan sus vidas diarias) - si nos barren los pies no nos casaremos, las ranas cantan cuando va a llover; Muecas (Argentina) - para nochebuena (tradicin que muchas personas contribuyen en), Festn de Navidad en Cuba Now, we regularly add information to them as we work our way through the units. Qu efectos ha tenido la participacin en las redes sociales en tu comunidad? El rastro en Madrid, donde muchos nios pasan tiempo libre, LAS IDENTIDADES PERSONALES Y PUBLICAS: Students need to have an introduction and an ending. After the writing is complete, I often will have them record. It is also important to note that, although this syllabus is structured as studying one Thematic Unit at a time, we are, in fact, integrating aspects of many themes . After listening to some examples from AP Central, or perhaps some that you saved from years past, your students can identify things that met the requirements and things that could be improved upon. Por eso, personas necistan hacer menos emmisiones de carbon. Hoy voy a comparar dos figuras/ejemplos/personajes/ puntos de vistas/experiencias, Today Im going to compare Two figures/cultures/examples of/artists/points of view/experiences, Entre mi comunidad y una comunidad de habla hispana, Between my community and a spanish-speaking community, Por ejemplo en una ciudad de Amrica Latina. Practice Multiple Spanish Skills with 1 Activity! When your students have a good understanding of what they are supposed to do when attempting the cultural comparison, its time to start giving them opportunities to practice. La Familia Mexicana - Family Cultural Comparison/Authentic Reading Activity. Hay beleza en la naturaleza: el paisaje andino en Peru es un simbolo de la belleza del Pais, y es un attracion para los trouisticas. Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 58 En paises como Espana, es comun que las familias extendidos viven en una casa Students have four minutes to read the prompt . Mariano: Quieres practicar _________________ deporte? La biodiversidad en Ecuador, LA CIENCIA Y LA TECNOLOGIA: El cuidado de la salud y la medicina, Medicina Alternativa Cuba Chavela Vargas, bandas mariachis, Shakira, Marc Anthony y "Vivir mi Vida," narcocorridos -crear un sensaticion de comunidad-->reunin la comunidad. Click the card to flip Flashcards Learn Test Match Created by ellieesoh Qu actitud han adoptado los miembros de tu comunidad con respeto a la diversidad cultural? AP Spanish Language and Culture Past Exam Questions Free-Response Questions Download free-response questions from past exams along with scoring guidelines, sample responses from exam takers, and scoring distributions. After you have downloaded the MP3 file, double-click on the file name to play it. I have them WRITE a cultural comparison as one of their summative tasks, and they are graded on it as such. Cmo han afectado los fenmenos naturales la vida de las personas en tu comunidad? Examples! After you have downloaded the MP3 file, double-click on the file name to play it. Here are some sample student responses to the questions in the speaking section of the 2019 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. -puede elevar el bienestar->fomentar las personas para participar y ayudar en sus comunidad, Que evento histrico ha afectado profundamente al carcter de tu comunidad. Teachers may introduce any number of specific discussions and class projects that focus on fashion trends in Mexico . Cules son los orgenes de esos desafos? Input resources 15-17: Interpretive reading and listening, presentational speaking, cultural comparisons, and global competencies! FECH (huracans) AP Central releases examples of questions and even student responses with their scores. Diego Rivera (Mexico), LAS IDENTIDADES PERSONALES Y PBLICAS: El fronton en Mexico AP Spanish Cultural Comparison & Conversation Cheat sheet : Student Study Guide 10 Ratings Preview Grade Levels 10th - 12th, Higher Education, Adult Education Subjects Foreign Language, Spanish Resource Type Study Guides, Handouts Formats Included Zip Pages 8 pages PDF = 8 slides PowerPoint $2.00 Add one to cart Buy licenses to share Lavapies en Madrid, donde viven en harmonia Conneciones a otras personas: Personas en muchos paises hispanoablantes usan whatsapp para communicar. Maestro Cares, la fundacin de Marc Anthony Maestro Cares (La Repblica Dominicana), Pies Descalzos (Colombia), La Educacin en Amrica Latina/ Artculo 26 de la Declaracin de los Derechos Humanos (Latinoamrica) - mucho analfabetismo y Artculo 26 dice que cada persona tiene el derecho de educacin gratis Los Estados Unidos y Mexico/Espaa/Puerto Rico tienen ________ en los dos comunidades. The time is NOW! Format of Assessment Section I: Multiple Choice | 65 Questions | ~ 95 Minutes | 50% of Exam Score Part A: 30 questions Interpretive Communication: Print Texts Part B: 35 Questions Menos animales en Espana (para experimentos) Los argentinos queman los muecos en el nochevieja AP Spanish PowerPoints for an Entire Year. There are two parts to the multiple-choice section, and four questions in the free-response section. Please see the text following the files for more information about using these audio files. Exam questions assess the course concepts and skills outlined in the course framework. 2022 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Date: Wednesday, May 11, 2022, @ 8:00 AM. Xl5_T^XLk Nz@ Create a check list or rubric with specific look-fors in this task. Qu impacto tiene el desarrollo cientfico y tecnolgico en nuestras vidas? Give students a list of all the required components of the email (I do this in a colorful PowerPoint.) Jos Mart y sus libros y poemas de independencia Cubana Cules son algunas posibles soluciones a esto a esos desafos? Building Confidence with AP Spanish Students, Resources that can help with the Cultural Comparison and/or the AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam, AP Spanish Exam Bundle Open Ended Questions: How To (Save money with the Bundle!). La medicina y ropa tradicional de Mxico Hay mucha nieve afuera. Section IA: Multiple Choice 30 Questions | 40 Minutes| 23% of Score Interpretive Communication: Print Texts. The following MP3 files contain the recorded directions, questions, and student sample responses for the Speaking part of the 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. Presentational Speaking: Deliver a 2-minute presentation in response to a prompt in which students compare a cultural feature of a Spanish-speaking community with which they are familiar to their own community or another community. AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Sample \(2016\) Cultural Comparison Author: The college board Subject: AP Spanish Language and Culture Student Samples from the 2016 Exam: Cultural Comparison Keywords: AP Spanish Language and Culture; Student Samples; 2016; exam resources; teacher resources; exam scoring information; Created Date Estamos cortando los arboles y este dana a la poblacion de la mariposa monarca. Maestro Cares (La Repblica Dominicana), Pies Descalzos (Colombia), Ramon Sampedro (Espaa). The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is structured around six AP Spanish themes of past and present-day importance: Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics. Los judos de Espaa, La Ciencia y la Tecnologia: Los fenomenos naturales, Medicina Alternativa en Cuba Cmo las artes desafan las perspectivas culturales? Write C if the italicized word is used correctly. Luckily, there are lots of great resources to help you prepare for the AP Spanish exam. Cmo se ha visto afectada nuestra vida por las innovaciones tecnolgicas? Pies Descalzos La biodiversidad en Ecuador y las leyes que la protegen. Cmo se expresan los distintos aspectos de la identidad en diversas situaciones? 2021 AP Spanish Language and Culture Cheat Sheets & Study Guides - EarlyScores AP Spanish Language and Culture Cheat Sheets, Study Guides and Resources Other tags related to AP Spanish Language and Culture New Sheets Upload your sheet today! It also includes a short vocabulary list and a Quizlet with related vocabulary that will help them in this task. Co-create with students, (or provide) a Quizlet list of basic, thematic vocabulary I love helping other teachers feel less overwhelmed, and I'm finding in doing so, my own lesson plans and teaching improve! D. Romeo y Julieta de Shakespeare . Some words will not be used. Section IA: Multiple Choice30 Questions | 40 Minutes| 23% of Score, Section IB: Multiple Choice with Audio35 Questions | 55 Minutes | 27% of Score, Section IIA: Free Response Written2 Questions | 1 Hour 10 Minutes | 25% of Score, Section IIB: Free Response Spoken2 Questions | 18 Minutes | 25% of Score, AP Spanish Language and Culture 2022 Audio Scripts. FECH, LOS DESAFOS MUNDIALES (Temas del medio ambiente). Bridges - trae comida a personas que no tienen en reas ms pobres, el club de servicio de comunidad en nuestra escuela (tutores, ayuda a personas sin comida, ayuda a nios enfermos), noches de adolescente - un evento divertido para adolescentes con el autismo. Maestro Cares (La Repblica Dominicana) - orfanatos con la educacion/musica/deportes/arte/medicina/mas, Pies Descalzos (Colombia) - quiere cerrar la brecha entre ricos y pobres con la educacin (construye escuelas), FECH (Chile) - construyen casas despus de terremotos, Arquitectura sin Fronteras (Espaa) - creacin de hbitats dignos y mejora la calidad de la vida de muchas On the free response section of the AP Spanish exam, you'll need to conjure up words all on your own. Este puede salvar vidas. Que efecto tiene el trabajo voluntario en el bienestar de las personas de tu comunidad? Share it with students so they can use it on these samples and as a guide for their own attempts. The reading guide includes pre-reading questions, comprehension questions, and post-reading questions to . Stay tuned for more posts on the ways that I tackle the other open-ended tasks! ), los experimentos usando los animales en Espaa, la medicina tradicional de Mxico, Ramon Sampedro, robots que pueden ayudar a personas viejas. La identidad nacional y la identidad etnica, Influencia Arabe en Espana FECH Students decide which one they want me to listen to. Here are some sample student responses to the questions in the speaking section of the 2017 AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam. Mrs. Kopeckne conducts most employee interviews at her workplace. 10 de octubre (Cuba) - se reunieron ante las tumbas de Jos Mart y Carlos Manuel de Cspedes (general y primer presidente de Cuba) para celebrar independencia, 26 de julio (Cuba) - Dia de la Rebelda Nacional - celebra una revolucin importante de su historia The 2020 free-response questions are available in theAP Classroom question bank. For more information, download theAP Spanish Language and Culture Course and Exam Description(CED) and theCEDs companion audio files. Andy Warhol, clases de arte en las escuelas, las murales de miami. Interpretive Communication: Audio Texts. Spanish Language and Culture course develops language and cultural . Before having your students practice the Cultural Comparison out loud, consider having them complete it in written form first. I realized that there were times when I wasnt offering enough class material for students to have enough information to make a good comparison! 35 questions (55 minutes), 27% of exam score. So how can we break it down for students and give them the know-how they need to be successful? On the ways that I tackle the other open-ended tasks see the text following the files for more information download... Most employee interviews at her workplace the other open-ended tasks for students and give them the know-how they need be... 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