Photos of Bianca Devins' dead body went viral on social media, and soon, many users allegedly made memes out of the images. She was looked at by thousands, and she was one of so many men's dream girlfriends, but one of those followers was stalking her. According to multiple Twitter threads, the victim went by, on Instagram and her suspected killer, Brandon Clark, was on Instagram as @yesjuliet. Though the media has largely portrayed Devins as an internet personality, her friends told HuffPost in 2019 that she was not famous and had only a small number of followers online at the time of her death. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Editors note: This article has been updated. Devins's loyal Instagram followers are tagging her in pictures of pink clouds and cakes with #RIPBianca to drown out any of the lingering graphic images. [10][15] Tweets from prominent Twitter usersone of which was shared over 16,000 timesfalsely identified Clark as an incel. Bianca Devins was only 17 years old when she was murdered in Utica, New York, United States of America by a friend. Brandon Clark eventually pleaded guilty to the murder of Bianca Devins by stabbing her to death and sharing the photos of her body online. Bianca Devins was killed in July 2019 by Clark, 21, who stabbed the teenager in his car as they were driving home from a concert in Queens, a borough of New York City. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Local news outlets reported, without initially identifying the victim or the homicide suspect, that it was a domestic incident and Devins was Clarks ex-girlfriend., Amid rumors that the two met on Discord, Devins sister wrote on Instagram, it wasnt just an internet boyfriend this was a close family friend whom weve met and trusted so much. [44] His hearing took place on September30, and a written decision was drawn up on October30. Bianca, 17, was killed July 13 by a friend, who put photos and video of her body online moments after the murder, police said. [48] In January 2022, the New York State Assembly passed a version of Bianca's Law, which criminalizes posting, sharing, or publishing personal images with intent to degrade or abuse under certain circumstances. Bianca was a talented artist, a loving sister, daughter, and cousin, and a wonderful young girl, taken from all too soon, the statement read. I will FORVER have those images in my mind when I think of her. [24] He had made online searches on how to find the carotid artery, how to incapacitate or kill someone, and general searches for choking and hanging. An up and coming instagram influencer named Bianca Devins goes to a concert with her male friend Brandon Clark and a potential hook up. Cheong told the Daily Dot he found out about the killing after the photos were shared on Discord and then verified the information through Instagram. Biancas smile brightened our lives. [24] His sentencing was scheduled for April7, but was delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Commentators have discussed the unique nature of the crime and its relation to the structure of social media. Bianca Devins, 17, was murdered by a friend in Utica, N.Y. Devins's loyal Instagram followers are tagging her in pictures of pink clouds and cakes with #RIPBianca to drown out any of the lingering graphic images. Bianca Devins was a 17-year-old Utica resident on her way to college in July 2019 when she was killed by Brandon Clark. The corpse of Bianca Devins, a 17-year-old model whose murder Clark had documented on social media, was discovered nearby. Now the gruesome photos are spreading across the Web", "Brandon Clark sentenced; Bianca Devins' mom talks about 'indescribable pain' of teen's murder", "#RIPBianca: Instagram users demand people stop sharing photos of murdered teen's body", "A New York man pleaded guilty to killing a teenaged influencer and posting photos of her body on social media", "Family of teen internet personality Bianca Devins confront her murderer during emotional sentencing hearing", "What Bianca Devins' Brutal Murder Tells Us About Male Entitlement And Misogyny", "Australia's 'Abhorrent Violent Material' Law: Shouting 'Nerd Harder' and Drowning Out Speech", "How Utica Homicide Displays Dark Side of Social Media", "Brandon Clark, accused of killing internet personality, pleads not guilty", "Brandon Clark testifies in court to withdraw guilty plea in murder of CNY teen", "Judge denies Brandon Clark's request to change guilty plea in case of slain Utica teen", "Proposal would hold social media companies responsible for violent material", "Man Charged With Killing Woman, Posting Photos Online Critiques Attorney", "Bianca Devins' granddad talks about graphic images sent to family (video)", "Local lawmakers seek to penalize crime-glorifying images", "New York State Assembly passes Bianca's Law", "Bianca's Law signed by Gov. He hinted at his intentions on Instagram under the username @.yesjuliet in stories that have since expired. A chance for the friends, who had met for the first time two months ago after chatting online, to see musician Nicole Dollanganger in Queens. Unauthorized disturbing photo sharing on internet law was created on the back of the murder of Bianca Devins. Help shape our journalism and be entered to win an Amazon gift card by, Trump tells 4 congresswomen of color to go back to the countries they came from, Florida woman charged with a felony after posting video of daughter licking medical supplies, Cop who shot, killed unarmed man reportedly receives $2,500 monthly for PTSD. Already, it was too late for her death to be anything other than graphically sensationalized. Ils invitent galement les utilisateurs ne plus publier dimages de ce meurtre. Aprs son assassinat, des photos du corps ensanglant de Bianca Devins, une adolescente amricaine de 17 ans, ont t diffuses sur Internet. Pour suivre l'actu, abonnez-vous la newsletter buzz Choqus, des centaines. The Oneida County District Attorney's Office is being sued by the estate of Bianca Devins for allegedly . Bianca Devins was a 17 years of age web-based media powerhouse killed in Utica, New York, by a companion. Bianca Devins was a 17-year-old Utica resident on her way to college in July 2019 when she was butchered by Brandon Clark, a friend she'd met online two months prior, in his SUV after a. Click to reveal Known on Instagram as @escty, Devins was a 17-year-old e-girl who was popular on 4chan and ran a server on Discord with people she had met through the anonymous site. Should Clark ever seek parole, you can be certain that our family will represent Bianca and will ask the reviewing board to consider, Frank Williams, Biancas grandfather, reportedly said in his impact statement. I will FOREVER have those images in my mind when I think of her. Bianca Michelle Devins (aged 17 upon her death)[2][3] intended to study psychology at Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica. . Carrie Goldberg, the attorney representing Bianca Devins estate, told The Post Oneida prosecutors must be held responsible for distributing snuff films and child pornography featuring Bianca.. [41], Clark pleaded not guilty to second-degree murder on July29, 2019. Police have said Clark met Devins on Instagram a few months before her death. We've received your submission. [21], At the police's arrival, Clark stabbed himself in the neck. Ce dimanche 14 juillet, peu de temps aprs lassassinat de la jeune femme, des photos de sa dpouilles sont publies par son meurtrier prsum sur Discord, une application de messagerie conue pour les gamers. Mathew Mercer Biography, Acting Career, Wife & Net Worth. [24] According to Kim, he composed a letter to a friend around this time which saw him "bragging" and noting how it felt to kill. On Sunday morning, 17-year-old e-girl Bianca Devins was murdered in Utica, New York. The photos of the lifeless body were abused for likes and followers when her friend who murdered her shared the photograph on social media. Every item on this page was chosen by an ELLE editor. The next morning, she was found on the ground in her hometown of Utica with her throat slit. [10] Instagram's response was met with criticism. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. [10][20] Orbiting is the act of following a person online, requesting pictures to other users, and in some cases stalking. One through filters and fox ears and distance. Instagram users are reposting a photo of the dreamy clouds with the hashtags #Bianca #RIPBianca and #RIPBiancaDevins in order to flood out the murder photos of Bianca Devins, a 17-year-old . A bill to crack down on sharing personal images online without permission has passed the New York state Assembly, according to an announcement Tuesday from its sponsor, Assemblywoman Marianne Buttenschon, D-Marcy. The perpetrator circulated photographs of her lifeless body on the internet, which went viral. Bianca Devins was a 17-year-old Utica resident on her way to college in July 2019 when she was butchered by Brandon Clark, a friend shed met online two months prior, in his SUV after a concert. The office also shared nude images of Bianca Devins that were taken from her phone after it was seized from the murder scene, the suit claims. [32], The initial online discussion of the murder was marred by misinformation and rumors were spread by users. The alleged killer was her concert date, 21-year-old Brandon Clark, who allegedly uploaded photos of her dead body online before stabbing himself in front of police. The mom was assured by two Oneida prosecutors the videos wouldnt ever be released but to her horror, she later found out the office shared them with CBS 48 Hours, A&E, a confidante of Clark with a popular YouTube channel and possibly MTV and Peacock TV, the suit says. Pour viter que de tels drames ne se reproduisent, lAssemble nationale a adopt le 9 juillet dernier la loi Avia, qui entend contraindre Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, et les autres grands rseaux sociaux, agir plus promptement pour modrer les contenus qui contreviennent la loi. Mres de famille : pourquoi elles sont pnalises par la rforme des retraites ? Wtf is wrong with you people!!? Kathy Hochul", "Family of murder victim Bianca Divens sets up scholarship in her name", "Family of Bianca Devins files suit alleging DA shared videos of teen's death with media",, Violence against women in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using embedded infobox templates with the title parameter, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 02:52. Bianca Devins friend identified as Brandon Clark who was 21 years old then stabbed Bianca to death and later posted images of her lifeless body on the internet. So much so that he FREQUENTLY revisits this thread to talk about how he imagines doing the same thing to his ex. . Following a botched suicide attempt, Clark was charged with second-degree murder. [16] He posted photographs of Devins' body to a Discord server, accompanied by the caption: "sorry fuckers, you're going to have to find somebody else to orbit". Where we can hide behind a screen whilst behaving however we want with no consequence. Bianca Devins, a 17-year-old girl from Utica in New York, was brutally murdered on Sunday. Las autoridades encontraron el cuerpo de Bianca Devins, una "e-girl" adolescente con ms de 30,000 seguidores en Instagram, cerca de un vehculo en Utica, Nueva York. Its unbearable that the ones who were supposed to protect Bianca the DAs Office are instead engaging in child pornography as if she has no right to privacy, the mom said. Social media companies' responses were subject to criticism, leading to the introduction of legislation. Days on from her death, the horrific photo of Devins body has been posted, taken down and reposted once again by hundreds of users on Instagram, 4chan and Discord. I have seen the pictures. Unauthorized disturbing photo sharing on internet law was created on the back of the murder of Bianca Devins. He subsequently pleaded guilty to the murder and was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison. The picture, to this day, continues to be sent to me, but I now have all of my social media accounts deleted.. She first came into contact with her murderer, Brandon, on Discord where he . After she was killed, Devins Instagram account gained more than 89,000 followers up from about 6000. Sorry f*ckers, youre going to have to find somebody else to orbit, Clark allegedly wrote alongside the photo on Discord. Even after Clarks account was disabled, and while condolences poured into Devins account, fake accounts cropped up offering to share the photos of the murder. Clark then took photographs . When asked whether or not to honor the family and their request, user @yesjuliet_photo1 told the Daily Dot they did not know about the familys request to remove the content. The brutal killing of Bianca Devins, an Instagram star with thousands of followers, went viral on Monday after images of the crime were posted on the social network by the man charged with killing . In a statement to The New York Times, her family described her as a talented artist who had plans to attend college in the fall. Devins body was discovered on Sunday morning. NO @instagram it is a graphic photo of a girls dead body . The bill was written in response to graphic images shared online of the death of 17-year-old Bianca Devins in July 2019 in Utica. The brutal death of 17-year-old Bianca Devins, a Utica, New York teenager and aspiring influencer who was allegedly murdered by a jealous male friend on her way home from a concert, shattered. Will post photos at 5k, reads the bio of @yesjulietphotos. But Bianca Devins would never return home. Clark documented her slaying as it was unfolding, and photos of Devins dead body went viral on social media at the time. The murder allegedly took place after Clark witnessed Devins kissing another man. The platforms were heavily criticised for failing to swiftly remove the posts. [2][8][23] Director of criminology Alison Marganski said that Clark's behavior fit the profile of other violent male offenders and speculated that he felt emasculated and wanted to show his strength. Just four months ago, video footage of the Christchurch massacre was shared widely on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Disgusting, arrogant, heartless pieces of shit. [10][38] The Internet's connection in the murder has been noted by many. Making matters worse, the images were sent to her family.. He lay across a green tarp concealing Devins' body, and posted more photos online. Kimberly and her counsel specified federal child pornography laws apply to depictions of children under the age of 18 and also notwithstanding the law that Bianca, even in her death, had a right to sexual privacy, the suit states. She was dead. This is a debasement of humanity. Prosecutors charged Clark on Monday night with second-degree murder in Devins's death, after he received emergency surgery at a nearby hospital. Photos of Bianca's body were posted. [40] Others have drawn similar conclusions regarding Christchurch, noting that both men repeated the meme "subscribe to PewDiePie" following the events. Photo: @escty. 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Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Brandon Andrew Clark, 21, allegedly killed fellow influencer Bianca Devins, a 17-year-old from Utica, New York, in his car and, according to police, posted photos of the body to Instagram, 4chan, and Discord. Aman claiming to be Clark posted photos of Devins decapitated body on her Discord channel and some variation of the photos on his Instagram story. Kim Devins told HuffPost in 2019 that she had met Clark a few times and that he was polite and unthreatening at first. Your IP: Her 17-year-old daughter, Bianca, was in . Somewhere along the line, Bianca and her date kiss. Defendants actions were of particular cruelty in light of the trauma Bianca had endured from being a victim of child pornography starting at age fifteen, the suit reads. The murder of Bianca Devins wouldnt have been known but uploading the photographs on social media brought her death attention to many people on the digital space. Choqus, des centaines dinternautes ont dcid de ragir. Clark posted the grisly images of Devins's corpse, captioned "Im sorry Bianca," on Discord, a chat platform she frequented, and Instagramwhere they quickly went viral. At the time of the incident, Bianca Devins was already having a good social media following on the internet. [31] They gained traction on the website 4chan, with hundreds of posts praising Clark for committing "another 4chan murder". [45] Marianne Buttenschon and Joseph Griffo introduced a law that would create criminal and civil penalties for spreading an image of a crime victim with the intent of glorification or harassment. After attempting to harm himself with a knife, leaving himself seriously injured, Clark was arrested and charged with second-degree murder. [51] In early 2020, Bianca's friends and family held "The Bee Gala" to celebrate her life, showcase artwork she had made, and raise funds for the scholarship. Was created on the ground in her hometown of Utica with her throat slit, youre going have... Photograph on social media following on the internet 's connection in the neck in. Up from about 6000 hide behind a screen whilst behaving however we want with consequence. Were posted dcid de ragir life in prison the username @.yesjuliet in stories that have since expired images my... Were doing when this page came up and coming Instagram influencer named Bianca Devins goes to concert! Centaines dinternautes ont dcid de ragir by many a good social media following on internet. I will FOREVER have those images in my mind when I think of her time of the body! For the next morning, she was killed, Devins Instagram account gained than... The police 's arrival, Clark was arrested and charged with second-degree murder Bianca. 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