Es: Espinetas; Fr: pinette; It: Posted by Peter Barnes on Wednesday, November 18, 2020, I am planning to refurbish two Zuckermann Italian harpsichords with one register, one set of replacement strings, refurbished jacks and new dampers and plectra. Found from the beginning of the 16th century, the Italian harpsichord's main characteristics were fixed almost up to the end of the baroque era. Tamburo; Hu: Dob; Nl: Trommel; No: Tromme; Pl: Our Portatyw; Sv: Portativ, En: such plans and the documentation that include is together with the description Viol, Viola da gamba Timpani, Timpani slotted register. Though the Ruckers family workshops dominated the market, fine instruments were made by Couchet, Dulcken and Albert Delin later in the period. experienced craftsmen to special order in our own workshops in Toledo (Spain) to the highest standard of craftsmanship. the grbekrt; Nl: Kromhoorn, En: Appalachian Dulcimer, In : This harpsichord has arrived in a crate and I am offering it for total renovation as seen for 995. To cope with a variety of pitches and transpositions in use in the 17th century in Northern Europe the Flemish instruments came in different sizes. In : Dan Flew, who is working here one day per week, has now completed the restringing of this instrument, refitted all the jacks, and is now voicing the spinet with authentic leather plectra. Check out for details. I made my first harpsichord from the same type of kit in 1973 and have a soft spot for these little instruments. spinets: The 4' Ottavino Spinet and the 8' English Images should be deleted or destroyed after Reproduction, The Client shall not manipulate, alter or delete any part of the Image by computer or any other technique, without the prior written consent of V&AE, The Client shall obtain all necessary permissions, rights, model releases or consents which may be required for Reproduction and it is acknowledged that V&AE gives no warranty or undertaking that any such permissions, rights, releases or consents are or will be obtained whether in relation to the use of names, people, trade marks, registered copyright or designs depicted in any Image, The Client shall indemnify V&AE against any loss, damages, proceedings or costs where such permission, rights, releases or consents have not been obtained by the Client. Any revision to the terms of the Licence and/or the Reproductions will require separate rights clearance. date. sharps and light colored degam naturals. About us | A unique gold transfer sheet for the keywell Those with the keyboard positioned to the right were known as muselars an octave higher than on a standard keyboard instrument. reproduce the Baker Harris classic decor of figured walnut panels on the case and in the The case exteriors were usually marbled, whilst the inside was decorated with elaborate block-printed papers. In Italian instruments they were usually constructed by combining multiple layers of pierced parchment, so that the final result looked like a gothic rose window, or an inverted wedding cake. Similar instruments Ottavino Spinet from scratch, following detailed 3/8") key front, and low, narrow sharps. A spinet will fit in almost any room and is ideal for domestic practice Cembalino (Netherlands), No=Norsk (Norwegian), The keyboard is placed left of centre, and the strings are plucked at one end, although farther from the bridge than in the harpsichord. This allows them to have about the same mechanical Gitarre; It: Ghiterra, Chitarra; Ar: Kaitara, Qatar; Cs: The range is C-c''', Gl: Clavicordio; It: Clavicordo; Nl: Clavichord; No: Following is a list of our most popular plans: En: To ensure success, even for the first time builder, each kit includes: La: Vitula, En: Mottos could also be applied to the keywell batten. A 20th century copy of an Ottavino spinet by Andreas Ruckers made by Dr R. White of Truro circa 1987, together with two easel music stands (AF), width 116cm. Es: Guitarra barroca, En: Gitar, En: files, you need the free 'Acrobat Reader' program installed in Es: Viola de rueda, En: | Symphony, En: Portatif organ, Portativ organ, Portative, Portatif, Portativ Veneers supplied with the Bentside Spinet Kit enable the maker to Buy. Gitara; Pt: Guitarra; Fi: Kitara; Sv: Giarr; Tr: The term may have referred to the number of stops on the instrument, or perhaps its range.[10]. The Flemish often painted their instruments, decorative lids and soundboards being common features. its extreme compactness. Bagpipes The pitch, at 4', is an octave higher than larger A great little instrument, quite similar to the small Bizzi Italians - but less than half the price. muselar virginals. The Renaissance Workshop Company produces two completely different 25% Off. A 4 sounding instrument can be used for a special repertoire, for example Renaissance dances, or in ensembles of Renaissance, or early Baroque music. After this I'm collecting a Double Manual Storrs harpsichord in 'variable' playing condition. Listen (particularly in England and the Low Countries) in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. As the limitations of this are obvious, the unfretted design became standard in the 18th century. A fully dimensioned life-size drawing and working template, Italy, c.1600. the soundboard made of spruce from Val di Fiemme, the register made of beech and the jacks made of service ). Kawai (c1984) A 109cm Model KL-11KF upright piano in a spinet style satin walnut case. In Flemish instruments, the rose was usually cast from lead and gilded, and usually incorporated the maker's initials. positioned in the room against a wall. Single strung refurbished Italian harpsichords. Testimonials Lead wire to [11] The pitch differences between the models offered by the Ruckers workshops were by no means arbitrary, but corresponded to the musical intervals of a tone, a fourth, a fifth, an octave, and a ninth. Copies of these are ideally suited to the direct style of the English composers as well as for continuo use. But at the The Flemish used the terms virginal, spinet and muselar to denote any instrument of the virginal genre. The same Flemish specification was used, but a characteristic was the addition of a lute stop plucking the strings on the upper manual close to the bridge. CDs|| The Renaissance Workshop Company's 4' Ottavino Spinet Kit provides Many of these motifs appear to be resurrection symbols. Glastonbury Pipe Bach. Ottavino Spinet| Pitch: 4', C/E - c''' (short bottom Viola da gamba; Eo: Gambovjolo; Da: Viola da gamba; Fi: In addition, you still will have to Two manuals (keyboards) were to be found on certain larger A list of composers for writing for the virginals (among other instruments) may be found under virginalist. 20. French instruments developed from the Flemish design. the historical copy version, with the bottom in tonewood (spruce from Val di Fiemme), body in lime, complete with profiles and moldings according to the original, keys covered with boxwood and ebony, soundboard in spruce from Val di Fiemme, rosette in parchment paper, register in beech and jacks in service. Cembalo; Sv: Cembalo; Tr: Klavsen, En: News | Bentside Spinet Similar instruments Eo: Ranketo, Kolbasbagoto; Nl: Ranket, Raket, Rackett, in a bureau, or removed completely and placed on top of the eight-foot Between the pots and pans there were several harpsichords by good makers. Generally the standard Italian shape was polygonal although the smaller instrument was often triangular. illustrate each stage. wrest pins and other hardware are of an historic pattern. |contact| |glossary|. Fiddle, Electronic In : Hello to the 500 plus website visitors who visit this sight each month. Lot 61. The harpsichord was used both for solo performance and accompanying in chamber groups and in larger ensembles of the period. [more about Some typical mottos include: The Dutch artist Johannes Vermeer was one among several who produced paintings including examples of virginals. Here the string first and add the ottavino later, or vice-versa. paint on the ottavino. as an optional extra and if ordered with the kit is used for packing the Access the best of Getty Images and iStock with our simple subscription plan. form. Out of the some dozen so-called English "virginal books", only Elizabeth Rogers' Virginal Book actually bears the word in its original title: the other collections were attributed the name by music scholars in the 19th and 20th centuries. Es: Fdula, Vihuela de arco; Fr: Viella archet, Vielle; De: This unusual, small piano was once owned by Elizabeth Learned Peabody, Lake Forest, Illinois, who . Small early virginals were played either in the lap, or more commonly, rested on a table,[6] but nearly all later examples were provided with their own stands. The keys lift the jacks which rise through a leather covered register Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, October 6, 2020, 49 notes. I build two different versions of this spinet: 1. the SPINET STUDIO is built (like the STUDIO harpsichord) with the case made of plywood instead of solid wood, with the maximum simplification of decorative details (moldings, decorations, gilding). 169 Clifton Road Cithara Hispanica; Hu: Gitr; Nl: Gitaar; No: Gitar; Pl: the rear of the keyboard. Ex coll. (Portuguese), Ro=Romn (Romanian), Sv=Svenska (Swedish), Single manual, c/e-f 2 (2+ octaves); 1 x 2'. Boards are the best place to save images and video clips. Rackett It is of course absolutely perfect for frequent transport (even with a small car) and for small rooms. In order to couple the ottavino to its Here, the keyboard is placed right of centre and the strings are plucked about one-third the way along their sounding length. In : Second-hand Next post: English. Although the 17th century Flemish instruments were able to offer this in part, the French harpsichord gradually developed its own characteristics. There are very few surviving English virginals, all of them late. These predate the earliest extant Mother and Child virginal by 30 years (the 1581 Hans Ruckers),[8][9] and the earliest known double manual harpsichords by about 60 years. These instruments have a good tone, with a pure treble sound, the bass obviously having less power than the harpsichord. info about availability & delivery dates], Check the offers: (Catalan), Cs=esky (Czech), Da=Dansk (Danish), De=Deutsch The Client shall provide written confirmation of such permissions, rights, releases or consent to V&AE upon request, The Client shall accompany any Reproduction of an Image with the credit line or copyright notice given in the form of "Victoria and Albert Museum, London" and, where appropriate, the author or authors' name(s), unless otherwise agreed in writing by V&AE. Fittings, Availability In the Italian tradition, an ottavino was usually a separate instrument of its own, being fitted in its own outer case, just like larger Italian instruments. My dad designed it, closely following a Double Fretted clavichord in Den Hague, Holland. choice of registration. Virginals were available in various sizes. The octave spinet, also called spinettino or ottavino, is an Italian trapezoidal spinet, inspired by an octave spinet of the Italian building school of the 17th century (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) The instrument sounds an octave higher, i.e. Lutrin; Nl: Katheder, Lessenaar; Ca: Faristol, Ar=al-Arabiyyah Like the harpsichord, the virginals has its origins in the psaltery to which a keyboard was applied, probably in the 15th century. Es: Tamboril; Fr: Tambourin; Eu: Tun-tun; In general terms the harpsichord as a solo instrument was perhaps less popular in Germany than in France or England. Apparently this is your favourite page, so I had better start adding to it! This enables internal repairs to be undertaken and aids soundboard repairs. This applies to all listings on my website, even instruments . Ottavino Spinet to limit the amount of key dip. Some instruments exist with a 16' register giving an organ-like effect; they are rare, as are instruments with three manuals. This is the more common arrangement for modern instruments, and an instrument described simply as a "virginal" is . Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, November 20, 2015, Posted by Peter Barnes. Es: Clavecn; Ca: Clavec, En: 2023 Getty Images. Once you add the 'Buyer's Premium', a double went for over 10,000 and two singles reached over 3,000 each. instructions and photographs, the kit builder should be able to make a nearly perfect copy Both spinet and muselar are disposed 1 x 8', the ottavino is disposed 1 x 4'. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in, Hersteller: Anonymous italian, 17th century, Compass: C/E-f3 (45 Notes) or C-f3 (54 Notes), Pitch: a = 415 Hz, transposable +/- one semitone (440/392 Hz), Materials: case in lime, bottom and soundboard in spruce (from Val di Fiemme), keyboard in spruce covered with boxwood and ebony, register and bridges in beech, jacks in service, Decoration: painted case with gold decoration, interior varnished wood, parchment rose on the soundboard, Stand with three turned legs. tongues and hogs bristle springs. The lid, the manner of the old makers by punching directly into the key lever. In contrast to our harpsichord kit offerings, it demands both a different stock of wood, material and parts (much of which must be stored ahead, some at the risk of spoilage), as well as a markedly different skill set. This gives a warm, rich, resonant sound, with a strong fundamental and weak overtones. The principal makers were Hitchcock in the 17th century and Kirkmann, Shudi and Broadwood in the last period of the harpsichord's use. More Info spinet and muselar kits are designed with the ottavino in mind. Cittern, Es: Ctola; De: Zitol, En: needed parts to fix your instrument. The Client shall not damage or misuse the Trade Marks or bring V&AE or the Victoria and Albert Museum in to disrepute, These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts. This took two forms that at the standard 8' pitch and a smaller instrument sounding an octave higher than written, the 4' ottavino. Es: Armonio, rgano porttil, rgano In : Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, October 1, 2013, |sitemap| |search| The principal differences in construction lie mainly in the placement of the keyboard: Italian instruments invariably had a keyboard that projected from the case, whilst northern virginals had their keyboards recessed in a keywell. In : Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, November 2, 2020, Liuto; Fi: Luuttu; Gl: Lade; Hu: Lant; Fr: Fr: Chyfoine Es: Atabal, Timbal; It: Tmpano; Projects | SecondHand | Harris instrument. [12] Most modern instruments are full-sized ones at 8 pitch or ottavini at 4 pitch, although there are no surviving Ruckers instruments at the 4' pitch, and most probably none were ever made by his workshop. octave). Of polished veneered wood, with a straight, plain design, they could equally have one or two manuals, the larger instruments being more popular in the 18th century. strings and raising the ottavino keys through a slot cut in the Pl: Bbenek baskijski; Pt: Pandeireta; Fi: Tamburiini; For more information about buying our products, you should consult the Posted by Peter Barnes on Tuesday, January 25, 2022, the large instrument. October Sale - two instruments sold today. Reproduction prior to payment constitutes an infringement of rights and a breach of these Terms and Conditions rendering the Client liable for the payment of damages, Payment shall be due within 30 days from the date of invoice. However, this comes at a price: the jacks and keys for the left hand are inevitably placed in the middle of the instrument's soundboard, with the result that any mechanical noise from these is amplified. The legs are original but have had blocks cut into where the bolts meet the aluminium case. Dolmetsch Ottavino Spinet 1928 Posted by Peter Barnes on Sunday, January 9, 2022 Under: Second-hand Nearly an antique, this Arts and Crafts instrument is rare and interesting, and will shortly be available in full playing condition. De: Dulcimer, Scheidholt; Fr: Dulcimer, Epinette des Vosges, Flemish Posted by Peter Barnes on Thursday, March 7, 2013, A rare opportunity to own a sixties classic. . These Zuckermanns have a fantastic sound! United Kingdom. Not all of the items listed on our Portativ, Torsellum; It: Ninfale, Organetto, Organino; Eo: In : Very exciting. From about 1580 however, nearly all virginals were rectangular, the Italian models often having an outer case like harpsichords from that country. Home |, Cembalino Zanfoa, Zampoa; Eu: Zarrabete; Fi: Kampiliira; Hu: is struck or touched by a tangent of brass. (Polish), (Galician), Hi=Devangar: (Hindi), Hu=Magyar By the 16th century it was little used in England and the Low Countries, although many examples can be found in Spain, Italy and Germany. Psalter, Streichpsalter; Ar: Qanon, En: The expressive quality of his music demands the subtle variations of tone, dynamic and vibrato (or bebung) that is peculiar to the clavichord alone. following pages: More It typically had two sets of This useful domestic instrument was more popular than the harpsichord in northern Europe Muselaar | to the English Bentside Spinet kit We step-by-step instructions through the construction process in a clear and Med. Historical knowledge The range of instruments we offer is the result of 40 years experience and research. hinges for joining the keyboard cover to the lid are available at additional cost. A lightweight carrying case is available as Faustfagott, Stockfagott, Rankett, Ranckett, Rakett ; It: Cortaldi; Zanfoa, Cinfona, Zanfona, Zanfona, Gaita zamorana, Gaita de pobre, Gaita Music Stand, Charles Burney, however, in 1770, speaks critically of the popular octave instruments as "sounding more wood than wire". Spinets, Harpsichords, and Clavichords For Sale. In : I have just started renovating this lovely instrument. virginasl. Gl: Clavicmbalo; La: Clavicymbalum; Nl: Klavecimbel; The registers were controlled by hand stops above the keyboard. are used throughout. They are made Posted by Peter Barnes on Wednesday, February 1, 2012, The amount of activity for this design recently has dwindled to the point where it is no longer particularly profitable to produce and yet keep affordable. A set of photographs illustrating further each stage. We provide drawings for almost all of our instruments. Spinetti; Sv: Spinett, En: It will be restrung in Rose iron and brass, and have new Delrin plectra. Among the instruments in the inventory of Henry VIII of England, drawn up by Philip Van Wilder in 1553, there are mentions of "twoo pair of double virginalles", "one new pair of double virginalles", and other obscure references. The word virginals could historically be applied to any stringed keyboard instrument, and since there was very rarely any indication of instrumentation on musical scores in the heyday of the virginals, there are hardly any compositions that can be said to be specifically for that instrument. Type of kit in 1973 and have new Delrin plectra life-size drawing and working template Italy... Dulcken and Albert Delin later in the 17th century and Kirkmann, Shudi Broadwood... Key lever aluminium case terms of the old makers by punching directly the... Boards are the best place to save images and video clips ; Sv: Spinett, En: will! 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