He hired various consultants, many of them old friends, to work on various bank projects. But they were perplexed that he told them not to audit the financial statements or appraisals of the farm presented by Lundy and Gary Matthews, Calumets chief financial officer. In emergency surgery, veterinarians were able to set the bone and put a cast on his leg. Explore Cindy_Wright's 135 photos on Flickr! If Lundy had wanted Alydar dead, then wouldnt he have made sure the horse was killed that first night? January 2023 Reader Quiz: What Did You Learn? Pratt testified that he had been contacted by Foster about a year earlier asking if he would analyze some evidence. Cindy Lundy. [4], Calumet Farm won the 1990 Eclipse Award for Outstanding Breeder. He had kicked it so hard, Lundy said, that he had knocked loose a heavy metal roller that had been bolted into the floor just outside Alydars sliding door. Then Pratt flew to Calumet, studied the stall, took measurements, and went back to MIT to devise an equation to determine how much force would be required from a horse to kick that roller off its hinges. He no doubt assumed, as everyone else did in the horse business, that Alydars stud fees would generate the money necessary to pay back any bank loan. Foster and Tomala had always been bothered by the busted roller story. She also missed the news, eight months later, that Calumet Farm was declaring bankruptcy and that its president, J. T. Lundy had resigned. Facebook gives people the power to. Sometimes Lucille goes by various nicknames including Lucille Wright Lundy, Cindy Lundy, Lucille Wright Drinkwater, Lucille W Lundy and Lucille W Ludny. 2. Calumet Farm's winners of the Kentucky Derby are: Whirlaway (1941), Pensive (1944), Citation (1948), Ponder (sired by Pensive - 1949), Hill Gail (1952), Iron Liege (1957), Tim Tam (1958), Forward Pass (1968 by DQ), Strike the Gold (1991) and Rich Strike (2022). She would spend the day handicapping, then end up buying one $2 ticket. After learning that the farms insurance policies on Alydar totaled $36.5 million, making him the most heavily insured horse in history, she went so far as to suggest that Alydar might have been worth more dead than alive. Ten Broeck Hospital 6300 Beach Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32216. 143 McPheeters-Dennis They literally raced side by side, eyeball to eyeball, their hooves pounding like cannon fire as they hit the home stretch. Citation would deliver another Triple Crown title in 1948. Shirley Lundy Found - Address, Phone & More 5 Cindy Ln #104 Capitol Heights, MD 20743 (May 2001 - Aug 2013) 3402 Dodge Park Rd #T2 Hyattsville, MD 20785 (Sep 1998 - Aug 2013) Also known as T Wright. Check your email or visit the Flickr blog for more information to celebrate your 2022 on Flickr. Tom Foley is the senior vice president and director of Sargent & Lundy's electrical grid infrastructure services. Each of the Wright children received a 9.375% ownership interest in Calumet Farm from the trust estate of Warren Wright, Sr. J. T. Lundy, a farmer from Scott County, Kentucky, who was married to Bertha Wright's daughter Lucille "Cindy" Wright Lundy, assumed control of the farm at the behest of the Wrights, all of whom were unfamiliar with . The fastest payoff in history, he later said proudly. After their marriage, Lundy bought a small farm and started a breeding program to produce racehorses, perhaps to show Cindy and her family that he was serious about his desire to head Calumet. "Labor married capital; don't think it didn't cause a little stir," Bertha Wright told the Lexington Herald-Leader in a 1991 interview. Funeral services will be held Aug. 4 at 11 a.m. at Apostles Anglican Church in Lexington, followed by a burial in Lexington Cemetery. The man told Kipp that the farms management was worried he was getting burned out. Cindy (Wright Lundy) Drinkwater. Curious, she started retracing the money coming in and out of the ECC and learned that the money had not come from the ECC at all. Dixon had taken some photos and had conducted a few interviews, including one with the night watchman, Alton Stone, a muscular farmworker with shaggy blond hair. He also did something never before heard of in the Thoroughbred business: He started selling what he called lifetime breeding rights to the stallion. Alydars death, no doubt, was one of those accidental, heartbreaking tragedies that no one could have done anything about. Some of those friends even remember him boasting that he was going to marry young Cindy Wright just so he could get into Calumets founding family. Visitation will be Aug. 3 from 2-5 p.m. at Milward-North Broadway. On this date in 1983, Michael Jackson's Thriller album hit number 1 on Billboard 200 chart and remained there for 37 weeks (courtesy Epic Records) " Thriller " is a song by the American singer Michael Jackson. She earned the Student-Athlete Faculty Appreciation Ward in 2007 and 2008 and garnered the Student Senate Faculty Appreciation Award in 2008. According to the stories splashed on the sports pages of almost every newspaper in the country, the farm could not begin to pay its immense bills and bank loans without the millions of dollars it had been deriving from Alydars stud fees. She was known for her angel food cakes and candy. Founded in 1924 by William Wright, who made his fortune as the head of the Calumet Baking Powder Company, and later run by his son Warren Wright, it was already a racing dynasty by the early forties, producing such champions as Whirlaway, Citation, and Tim Tam. Ten years earlier, in 1996, she received an MFA in Painting from the Royal Academy for Fine Arts. Alydar must have caught his leg in that gap, and in his struggle to get free, twisted his leg until it broke. Whats more, Lundy couldnt get any more income out of Alydar, who was already being bred so often that, according to one veterinarian, the muscles of his hind end were constantly sore. Throughout 1997, Tomala had several of the witnessesincluding Alton Stone, Keed Highley, and Cowboy Kippflown separately to Houston to tell their stories to a federal grand jury that had been secretly convened just to hear evidence about Alydar. By 1990 the free passes to Alydar were outnumbering the ones that were paid for with stud fees. The time had come for Calumet to pay, he said. Horse-racing fans once regarded Calumet the same way baseball fans view the New York Yankeesas an almost sacred institution, its horses having won eight Kentucky Derbies, two Triple Crowns, and more than five hundred stakes races. lundy.wright@sbcglobal.net . Calumet Farm was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1991. And one of the first loans he made, less than four months after First City was recapitalized, was for almost $50 million to Calumet. Irritated, an attorney asked Lundy if he would just tell him the color of the shirt he was wearing. Almost immediately, Lundy began a multimillion dollar restoration of Calumet. Why, he wanted to know, would Calumet employees so quickly clean up the evidence that suggested how Alydar had died? Cogdell then asked jurors if they thought this man looked smart enough to pull off a massive fraud. Inscription. Well, she said, when Alton Stone had called her to say that something was wrong with Alydar, he had never indicated that Alydars condition was serious. Calumet Farm has produced ten Kentucky Derby winners, more than any other operation. ", "Calumet Farm's new owner bringing thoroughbred farm back to limelight", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Calumet_Farm&oldid=1104307658, Bertha Wright, Lucille Wright Lundy, Courtenay Wright Lancaster, Warren Wright III, and Thomas C. Wright, This page was last edited on 14 August 2022, at 04:11. Im vouching for him.. Tomala realized that if there was a perfect time for Alydar to die, it was precisely in November 1990, just after Frank Cihaks resignation and just before one of Alydars insurance policies expired. Cihak suddenly stepped in, signed off on the larger Calumet loans, and said the farm just needed more time to weather the depressed horse market. Whats required in this kind of work is a tenacity to follow very complex paper trails, says Jim Powers, a chief prosecutor at the U.S. attorneys Houston office who initially supervised her First City work. To her, the down-home Lundy was ideal. He was a sympathetic man who felt bad for what had happened to the horse. Wij hebben een overzicht gemaakt dat . She was accompanied by a rookie FBI agent out of the Houston office, Rob Foster, a former college baseball player who had never conducted a field investigation and who also knew nothing about horse racing. He determined that 6,600 pounds of force would have to hit the stall door exactly three feet off the floor. Obviously Tomalas strategy was to squeeze Stone (few people are indicted for perjury in federal court) to see if he would reveal what else he knew. Hier vind je een overzicht van de cast & crew van NCIS seizoen 21, met onder andere alle acteurs, actrices en de regisseur. He quickly filed a report saying the death was accidental, and he had Lloyds of Londons money to Calumet within thirty days. He renovated his office, adding a second-story with a balcony from which he could survey the farm. Those who did said that Lundy couldnt possibly be a horse killer. . Top 3 Results for Cindy Lundy. tron: legacy who sent the page 8; apple manufacturing quality engineer interview questions 1; West Texans Are Learning What It Means to Live in Bear Country, The Top 50 Texas BBQ Joints: 2021 Edition, Jimmy Carters Peanut-and-Egg Taco Made Quite the Impression on San Antonians, The Campaign to Sabotage Texass Public Schools. But by the summer of 1997, she was on her way to Kentucky to ask questions about how that horse had lived and died. Stone didnt cooperate with her, and he didnt testify. Lundy looked at me, his face turning red. She was voted Outstanding Professor in the Sciences by the Order of Omega in 2003, 2004, and 2006. The attorneys name was Julia Hyman (she now goes by her married name, Julia Tomala), and she knew nothing about horse racing. Kipps primary job was to take care of the stallions, specifically Alydar, and he had rarely missed a night of work since starting at the farm. Join Facebook to connect with Cindy Lundy and others you may know. Lived In Port Hueneme CA, Saint Petersburg FL, Sarasota FL, Salem OR. A Right-wing Cabal Took Over Odessas Municipal Government. "I remember J.T. On that particular afternoon, Tomala was studying the documents of the defunct First City National Bank of Houston, looking for evidence of fraud. Dixon was one of the first non-Calumet employees to arrive the night Alydar was injured, and according to the notes he took, it was Lundy who told him that Alydar was known to kick his stall violently and that he had no doubt broken his leg kicking the stall. In 2012, the Calumet Investment Group bought Calumet Farm from the de Kwiatkowski Trust for more than $36 million. Found 14 records for Cindy Wright in Michigan. He also started looking to make very large loans. He had workers install iron gates across the main entrance, as if to signify to the world that a new man was in charge, and he had the farms 23 miles of fence repainted. But on a chilly November night in 1990, the great stallion was found in shock in his stall, his coat glistening with sweat, his right hind leg hanging by tendons, a shaft of white bone jutting through his skin. Thus, he could pretend to be distraught to mislead others. What more does anybody want?. Still, the death of Alydar didnt accomplish anything for him in the long run. I just dont know.. 152 White Pine Canyon Rd, Park City, UT, 84060-6509. They have also lived in San Diego, CA and Enid, OK. Cindy is related to Gary Hamble Wright and Linda Jean Wright as well as 3 additional people. According to a history of Calumet, Wild Ride, by Ann Hagedorn Auerbach, Lucille Markey despised the overly ambitious tenant farmers son. With the death of Warren's daughter, Lucille Wright Markey, in the early 1980s, the farm's administration passed to J.T. Calumet Farm has a record history of Kentucky Derby and Triple Crown winners and 11 horses in the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame. J.T. At Lundys sentencing this past October, only a handful of spectators were in the courtroom gallery. He said he wasnt comfortable about a whole new criminal case being introduced at a sentencing hearing, and in his final ruling he said, Although there is evidence Mr. Lundy had the motive and opportunity to injure Alydar, and although there is some physical evidence, I am not able to conclude by the preponderance of the evidence that Mr. Lundy is responsible for the death of Alydar. The judge sentenced Lundy to four years in prison for the bribery; Matthews received 21 months. The roller was contained in a heavy metal bracket, about six inches long, that was bolted to the floor just outside Alydars sliding stall door. Mobile number (201) 417-4920 . They even took out an advertisement in the Wall Street Journal trumpeting the banks addition of Calumet to its loan portfolio. At a time when harness racing was the most popular type of horse racing, in 1931 the farm's trotter "Calumet Butler" won the most prestigious event of the day, the Hambletonian. Calumet Farm is a 762-acre (3.08km2) Thoroughbred breeding and training farm established in 1924 in Lexington, Kentucky, United States by William Monroe Wright, founding owner of the Calumet Baking Powder Company. The jurors did. For her, Texas was where the action was: From 1986 through 1992, 485 banks and 238 savings and loans in Texas went under, including First City Bancorporation. And why, after all this time, did it matter? David Wright has been working as a Executive Vice President at Sargent & Lundy for 41 years. But to the worlds wealthiest horse breeders, he was revered for a different reason altogether. Find 22 people named Cindy Lundy along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok profiles on PeekYou - true people search. In their fight to the finish at Belmont, they ran dead even for the final seven furlongs. Kipp needed to take a day off. It was a piece of the floor that had been cut out from the front of Alydars stall. "She was quite the horsewoman," said her daughter Lucille "Cindy" Drinkwater. Calumet Farm won the 1990 Eclipse Award for Outstanding Breeder. Landline number (281) 497-8109 . Alydar, Pratt said in his Houston testimony, had to have been killed. Wright would also watch the iconic farm collapse under the weight of debt and fall into bankruptcy and turmoil beginning in 1991. Suddenly, J. T. Lundy was a jet-setting wheeler-dealer, sitting in the finest boxes at the nations finest racetracks, cutting deals with other horse farm owners for horses and breeding rights, and paying himself a reported 10 percent sales commission on every deal he made. Lundys timing couldnt have been better. What, people wondered, did this prosecutor think she was going to learn about Alydar that wasnt already known? The roller kept the stall door on its track. The settings range from the raucous pageantry of the Kentucky Derby to the hushed, baronial offices of Lloyds of London in England, and even the minor charactersfrom an uneducated, chain-smoking Kentucky farmhand tormented by a secret to a corrupt Texas banker living in luxury at Houstons Four Seasons Hotelseem right out of central casting. To sports fans, he was known for the thrilling duels he staged with his rival, Affirmed, for the 1978 Triple Crown. Founded in Libertyville, Illinois, the Standardbred breeding operation was moved to the more favorable climate of Kentucky by W. M. Wright. Surely if the prized Alydar had been a kicker, Lundy would have had pads on Alydars walls for his own protection. One of the horses, a son of Alydar named Criminal Type, was on his way to winning seven times in eleven starts that year, earning $2.2 million for the farm. The country bumpkin was now the lord of Calumet Farm. [6] Two of these greats, Whirlaway and Citation, are United States Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing champions. He bought property for himself in the Florida Keys. Avoiding the weight scale, Cindy continued to gain weight. The second best result is Cindy B Wright age 60s in Edmond, OK. His message to the heirs was clear: Calumet needed a new leader. loved animals. In her summation, she said that only Lundy had the motive and opportunity to have the horse killed. To Cihak, it must not have seemed like a particularly perilous deal. But within 24 hours, Alydar, hearing the whinnying of some mares in a nearby pasture, turned to look out a window in the Calumet clinic, put too much weight on the leg, and this time broke his femur. She tried different methods for weight loss . "It was usual to find her with the Daily Racing Form spread out on the table. Kipp said he had seen the man in the main office a couple of times, but he didnt know his name or what he did for Calumet. As he spoke to his wife on the phone, Highley heard the stallion whinny. Bertha Cochran Wright, 94, a Lexington philanthropist and widow of Warren Wright Jr., whose family owned Calumet Farm at the peak of its racing dynasty, died quietly in her sleep . Nearly forty years later, the dream had turned his life into a shambles. It was as if those who made a living off the big horse farmslike the insurance adjusters and the veterinariansrealized it was not in their best interests to rock the boat, Tomala says now. Lucille is now married. View the latest public records data. I tell you, Id give anything if Alydar was still at Calumet, heading off to his breeding shed, Lundy said. Select this result to view Cindy B Wright's phone number, address, and more. Hal Leonard Publishing Co. Verlag In the late 1930s in Winona, Minnesota, the late Harold "Hal" Edstrom, his brother Everett "Leonard" Edstrom and their friend Roger Busdicker had And garnered the Student Senate Faculty Appreciation Award in 2008, in 1996, she received an MFA in from! Analyze some evidence Trust for more than $ 36 million to connect with Cindy Lundy along free... Received an MFA in Painting from the front of Alydars stall off a fraud... Wanted to know, would Calumet employees so quickly clean up the evidence that suggested how Alydar had?! 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