Marin WeissMarin Brewing5.0 Keystone PremiumMillerCoors4.4 This 40 gets a 8.5/10 swills from me. Alaskan Barley Wine AleAlaskan Brewing10.7 Weinhard's Amber AleHenry Weinhard's5.3 Crazy IvanBear Republic Brewing Company7.3 KolschSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.0 Full Sail IPAFull Sail Brewing6.0 Smithwicks AleDundalk5.0 Search for your favorite brew below to find out its % ABV. it's not sweet but not harsh or bitter. Bud Light Clamato / ChaledaAnheuser Busch2.8 Tempus Fugit AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.9.5 India Pale AleSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.8 Rye of the TigerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Locktender LagerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.4.8 Quail Springs IPADeschutes5.8 BamboozleatorAle Asylum7.8 On the taste I get grape juice with angostura bitters. Now that I have the bottle, I can't see buying this again except for trading purposes. Monthly 1. Sam Adams Boston LagerBoston Beer Co.4.8 Polar Bear PilsnerThirsty Bear Brewing Company5.7 JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Dans Pink SkirtShort's Brewing Company6.4 Burger LightHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing4.1 Percentages are based on a diet of 2000 calories a day. Locals Light BeerShort's Brewing Company4.0 ZYWIECZywiec Brewery5.6 Natural LightAnheuser Busch4.2 Gold DiggerAle Asylum4.8 Blonde Bombshell by Southern StarSouthern Star5.4 Black ForestSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.3 I bought a case of them for $27.00. Heineken Special Dark BeerHeineken5.1 Leinenkugel's Sunset WheatMillerCoors4.9 George Killian's Irish RedMillerCoors4.9 ClobberskullAvery Brewing Co.10.5 Red Rocket AleBear Republic Brewing Company6.8 Radeberger PilsnerRadeberger Exportbierbrauerei4.8 Warka StrongWarka (Zywiec Group/Heineken)7.0 DoppelbockBischoffs7.5 Foreign Extra StoutGuinness Ltd.7.5 The malt is pretty dark in color almost like St.Ides. Schaefer BeerPabst Brewing Co.4.6 Daily Goals How does this food fit into your daily goals? Fireside Nut BrownLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 ALLEYCAT AMBERLost Coast Brewery5.5 Old Jubilation AleAvery Brewing Co.8.3 Hand Crafted. Boulevard PilsnerBoulevard Brewing Co.4.8 Matt Brewing Co. Saranac White IPAF X Matt Brewing Co.6.0 Heileman Brewing Co.5.6 The beer was brewed to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Little Bighorn, in which Crazy Horse fought against General George Custer. Kentucky AleAlltechs Lexington Brewing & Distilling Co.5.3 Crazy Stallion Malt Liquor 24 fl oz Buy now at Instacart 100% satisfaction guarantee Place your order with peace of mind. Weinhard's Amber LightMillerCoors4.2 Redds Apple AleMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)5.0 Autumn AleBreckenridge Brewery6.7 Pete's Helles LagerPete's Brewing5.0 Snake PitOaken Barrel Brewing Company5.8 Interesting flavor, closest comparison is I guess an Eagle but this is better. Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 52) badge! Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 59) badge! Saint Arnold Fancy LawnmowerSaint Arnold Brewing Co.4.9 Frio LightBlues City Brewery4.0 I'm no beer expert but you really don't need to be when the price is blaring on the can: 99 CENTS. can in the cooler and was immediately inspired to take a closer look. Shock Top Lemon ShandyAnheuser-Busch4.2 This beer costs a buck, and you get exactly what you'd expect to get - you get trashed for a couple bucks. MaibockBear Republic Brewing Company6.7 Avery White RascalAvery Brewing Co.5.6 And a Classic Lager. Batch 19 LagerCoors Brewing Company5.5 Heileman Brewing Co.5.1 Iron City LagerPittsburgh Brewing Co.4.5 Kirkland Signature Amber AleCostco Wholesale Corp5.7 Becks NA/Alkoholfrei (Non-Alcoholic)Brauerei Beck & Co.0.3 Hudepohl Amber LagerHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing4.2 Ruination IPAStone Brewing Co.7.7 4.0% ABV. Crazy Stallion City Brewing Company, LLC Update This Beer Rate It Beer Geek Stats | Print Shelf Talker From: City Brewing Company, LLC Wisconsin, United States Style: Malt Liquor Ranked #28 ABV: 5.9% Score: 63 Ranked #30,417 Avg: 2.55 | pDev: 30.2% Reviews: 52 Ratings: 29 Status: Active Rated: Oct 09, 2022 Added: Nov 14, 2002 Wants: 6 Gots: 8 SCORE Hand crafted, the "label" said (BTW what do you call the outside of a can? Fire Rock Pale AleKona Brewing Co.6.0 Steamrail The Gold Digger Golden AleSteamrail Brewing Company4.5 oz. O'Douls AmberO'Douls0.4 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 17) badge! Freds Black LagerGreat Northern Brewery4.9 Molson LightMolson Coors3.9 I.C. Project DankLa Cumbre Brewing Co.7.5 Anniversary AleShort's Brewing Company10.0 20 Feb 22 View Detailed Check-in 3 Matt Geis is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages Can Earned the Riding Steady (Level 60) badge! New Belgium Ranger IPANew Belgium Brewing Co.6.5 Wildcats Premium BeerCairngorm Brewery5.1 Alaskan Pale AleAlaskan Brewing4.6 Pour is classic Amber with a weak head. You must verify that are 21 years of age or older to enter this site.. Cup A Joe Coffee Creme StoutShort's Brewing Company7.0 Sam Adams Noble PilsBoston Beer Co.4.9 Sarasota Brewing Sequoia Amber LagerSarasota Brewing Company5.5 Heineken LightHeineken3.5 Market Street WheatGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.3 Young's London GoldWells & Young's Ltd4.8 Breakout StoutMarin Brewing6.0 Molson Golden BeerMolson Coors6.0 Sam Adams Triple BockBoston Beer Co.17.5 Bluebeery AleMarin Brewing5.0 I about sprayed my shorts when I found this at the corner store for a whole $1.25, so I couldn't resist. 5.9% alcohol? Young's BitterWells & Young's Ltd4.5 Pale Pale AleSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 Alexander Keiths India Pale AleAlexander Keith5.0 7:50 I'm a little below the top of the label at this point. Just IPAThe Just Beer Project4.8 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 80) badge! Leinenkugel Northwoods LagerLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 Belhaven Fruit BeerBelhaven Brewery Company Ltd.4.6 Pomegranate WheatSaranac - Matt Brewing Co4.7 ClausthalerClausthaler0.4 Busch NA (non-alcoholic)Anheuser-Busch0.5 Very good 40oz. Mach 10Bear Republic Brewing Company9.2 Corsondonk Brown AbbeyBrouwerij Corsendonk7.5 Palm RoyalePalm Breweries7.5 CALORIES: 177 ABV: 5.9% COMMERCIAL DESCRIPTION Classic Lager. Saint Arnold WeedwackerSaint Arnold Brewing Co.4.9 About Us George Killians Irish RedCoors Brewing Company4.9 GoldenAbita Brewing Company4.2 No IBU (2.72) 128 Ratings . Birra MorettiHeineken Italia4.6 Pete's Strawberry BlondePete's Brewing5.0 Iron Thistle Scottish Style AleRahr & Sons Brewing Co.8.5 SamaelsAvery Brewing Co.16.0 Coopers Sparkling AleCoopers5.8 Franziskaner Hefe-WeissbierSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru (InBev)5.0 We have the most comprehensive list of beer strengths online. Hellroaring Amber LagerGreat Northern Brewery5.1 Blue Dawg Brewing Blueberry LagerAnheuser-Busch8.0 One of the most effective ways to protect your garden from pests is to use natural predators. Crazy Stallion from PABST BREWING, California is a slightly hoppy Malt Liquor, medium in color, with an ABV of 5.9%. Black IceGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.0 Crazy Horse is brewed with 100% of the finest barley and hops. Hop Rod RyeBear Republic Brewing Company8.0 Bryan Wilson is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company 31 Dec 22 View Detailed Check-in Bryan Wilson is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home Can Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 24) badge! Wachusett Country AleWachusett Brewing5.1 Track macros, calories, and more with MyFitnessPal. RAMSAYS FAT LIP ALEEnglish Ales Brewery5.5 TsingtaoTsingtao4.7 Schlitz LightPabst Brewing Co.4.2 Double AughtBear Republic Brewing Company5.0 Thanks go out to SanJose40Drinker for the hookup. Crazy Horse beer was brewed by Hornell Brewing Co. Inc. on May 19, 1992. Beck'sBRAUEREI BECK & CO5.0 SinghaBoon Rawd Brewery Co., Ltd5.0 Summit MaibockSummit Brewing Co6.5 Surly FuriousSurly Brewing Company6.2 Imperial IPASaranac - Matt Brewing Co8.5 Hand Crafted. Rolling Rock LightLatrobe Brewing Co3.7 AleYuengling Brewery5.0 Beamish StoutBeamish & Crawford3.8 Summer BrewSaranac - Matt Brewing Co3.5 TurbodogAbita Brewing Company5.6 Presidente LightCervecera Nacional Dominicana4.3 Heileman Brewing Co.4.3 Hatuey beerIndian Head Brewery5.5 Tagged Friends 30 Dec 22 View Detailed Check-in Corona Extra BeerCereveria Modela SA4.6 We have the most comprehensive list of beer strengths online. Oatmeal StoutMarble Brewary5.8 Birra PeroniBirra Peroni Industriale S.p.A.4.7 Hell's BelleBig Boss7.0 Big Bear Black StoutBear Republic Brewing Company8.1 This is caused by insufficient potassium reaching the fruit due to environmental factors such as high air/soil temperatures and overcast skies or heavy fruit load on plants with lower organic matter content in their soils. Great Lager w/a medium bodied malty flavor carrying subtle sweet notes. Crazy Stallion, from City Brewing, is the rebranded Crazy Horse; the result of a decade-long lawsuit brought forth by the descendants of the Native American chief of the same name. Pauli Brauerei0.2 Widmer SommerbrWidmer Brothers Brewing Co.4.8 Was unexpectedly heading to the local commuter train and passed a bodega so I decided to grab a beverage to enjoy on my hour long trip. i mean, it is kinda gay, but it's got a very distinct look that i kinda dig in spite of how fruity it is. At 5.9% ABV, the silky, smooth and satisfying finish is unmatched in flavor. Red AleMarble Brewary6.5 Earned the Riding Steady (Level 3) badge! Amazingly not the worst beer I've tried tonight. Bloody BeerShort's Brewing Company7.0 Cutt's Nw Amber Ale7 Seas Brewing6.2 HazelbockSeven Brides Brewing6.5 Pete's OktoberfestPete's Brewing5.8 Wells Bowman StoutWells & Young's Ltd5.2 Tecate LightCervecera Cuauhtmoc Moctezuma3.7 Blue Moon WhiteBlue Moon Brewing Company5.4 Buddhas Hand PaleBear Republic Brewing Company6.2 Highlander Premium BeerGreat Northern Brewery4.6 Stone IPAStone Brewing Co.6.9 I emailed him and he gave me general direction on were this 40oz was located. Weihenstephaner Kristall WeissbierBayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan5.4 Avalanche AmberBreckenridge Brewery5.4 Steinlager beers of New ZealandNew Zealand Breweries5.0 William Kratina is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Csaba Rappensberger is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Avanti Palms Resort and Conference Center, Lars Hoar is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages, Adam Couch is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Matt Nguyen is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Tom Carey IV is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages, Daniel Baco is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Sean Bonich is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Bonich Compound, Rob Thomas is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Brian Chiara is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home. Add my business Near Bummer, no nearby places on BeerMenus have this beer. Spaten Munich Special Dark BeerSpaten-Brau6.6 Cerveza De JulieShort's Brewing Company5.0 This looked like the obvious option after my Piels 40, and it was pretty good. Michelob Amber BockMichelob5.2 Saint Arnold Amber AleSaint Arnold Brewing Co.5.5 This is more of an "I want to get drunk" kind of beer than a fancy, tasty beer, but at 99 cents for a 24 ounce can, can you really argue with it? Wells Bombardier Burning GoldWells & Young's Ltd4.7 Hop Sun (Summer Wheat Beer)Southern Tier Brewing Company5.1 Pale AleYazoo Brewing Company5.8 Warsteiner Premium FreshWarsteiner Brewery0.0 Monty Python's Holy Grail AleBlack Sheep Brewery PLC4.7 Pete's Summer BrewPete's Brewing4.7 Rockefeller BockGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.5 Old Saint ChangoBear Republic Brewing Company7.2 Coopers Pale AleCoopers5.9 "Harsh" is the first thing that comes to mind. India Pale Ale Wolaver's Fine Organic AlesWolaver's Fine Organic Ales6.5 JockamoAbita Brewing Company6.5 1888 BockLeinenkugel Brewing Co5.1 Double BagLong Trail Brewery7.2 Hayride Autumn AleBaxter Brewing Co.6.6 Saint Arnold OktoberfestSaint Arnold Brewing Co.6.0 Bitburger PremiumBitburger Breweries4.8 When I neared the end of the 40, the stallion was flat and skanky. Stag LagerCarib Brewery5.5 Black Strap StoutBridgePort Brewing Co.6.0 Bramha ChoppAnheuserBusch InBev4.8 Jai AlaiCigar City7.5 Iron Maiden TrooperRobinsons Family Brewers4.7 Shiner Wild Hare Pale AleSpoetzl Brewery5.5 Hudy DelightHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing5.0 Fast delivery and low prices! Evil UrgesShort's Brewing Company8.4 Watney's Red Barrel BeerStag3.9 Yellow Tail Pale AleBallast Point Brewing Co5.2 Spaten Mnchner Hell / Mnchen / PremiumSpaten-Franziskaner-Bru (InBev)5.2 Sierra Nevada SummerfestSierra Nevada Brewing Co.4.9 Nordik Wolf LightA.B. Apricot AlePyramid5.1 Rich & Dan's Rye IPAHarpoon Brewery6.9 Alaskan WhiteAlaskan Brewing5.3 This beer doesn't deserve a fancy review, much the same way a frozen dinner wouldn't be admitted in a cook-off. Michelob UltraAnheuser Busch4.1 Aspen EdgeMillerCoors4.1 BridezillaSeven Brides Brewing10.5 YanjingBeijing Yanjing Brewery5.0 HoegaardenHoegaarden5.0 The aroma is subtle, but appealing. St. Pauli Girl DarkSt. Tom Wagner's varieties of tomatoes have been a hit among gardeners for years. Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 38) badge! Dogfish HeadDogfish Brewery15.0 Shock Top Wheat IPAAnheuser-Busch5.8 Tiger BeerSingapore Brewery (Asia Pacific Breweries-Heineken)5.0 Crazy Stallion Crazy Stallion, from City Brewing, is the rebranded Crazy Horse; the result of a decade-long lawsuit brought forth by the descendants of the Native American chief of the same name.At 5.9% ABV, Crazy Stallion is a good yet average malt liquor, but the colorful and silly shape of the label make this much less of a classic brand than the original. Please take a look to the list bellow to find out the calories, carbs and alcohol of a specific beer. Eliot Ness Amber LagerGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.2 Labatt Blue Royale LightLabatt Brewing Company Ltd.6.1 Coors OriginalMillerCoors5.0 All rights reserved. RIP Crazy Horse. Aecht Schlenkerla RauchbierTavern Schlenkerla5.2 Natty DaddyAnheuser-Busch8.0 Genesee Cream AleGenesee Brewing Company5.1 Samuel Adams Harvest Pumpkin AleBoston Beer Co.5.7 Crest SuperWells & Young's Ltd8.4 Skinny DipNew Belgium Brewing Co.4.2 Creamy DarkLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.9 LightAbita Brewing Company4.0 Crazy Stallion is a bullshit 40. BudvarBudweiser Budvar5.0 Hudy LightHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing3.8 Monkey High FiveBear Republic Brewing Company7.6 177 Cal--Carbs--Fat--Protein. Funkin PunkinShort's Brewing Company6.0 Black and TanSaranac - Matt Brewing Co5.1 Maredsous 10 - TripleBrouwerij Duvel Moortgat NV10.0 I think "meh" is the best descriptor. HopstachShort's Brewing Company5.7 PrestigeBrasserie Nationale d'Haiti5.6 Wildflower WheatMarble Brewary5.6 Mongoose Premium BeerWells & Young's Ltd5.0 Pete's Red RushPete's Brewing5.3 Brian Chiara is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home Can Gas station beer for $1.25 is pretty hard to beat. Reviews, photos and statistics of Crazy Stallion. Squatters Outer DarknessUtah Brewers Cooperative10.5 Newburyport Green Head IPANewburyport Brewing Company7.2 Fuller's ESBFuller, Smith & Tuner5.9 SnowGhost Winter LagerGreat Northern Brewery5.9 Mt. Asahi Draft BeerAsahi Breweries Ltd5.0 Roscoe's Hop HouseGenesee Brewing Company5.5 Bellaire BrownShort's Brewing Company7.0 Pan Galactic Gargle BlasterShort's Brewing Company8.4 Franken LousSeven Brides Brewing7.0 Eds Easy Diner, 1 bowl with out bread roll Calories: 426. Crazy Stallion: City Brewery: 5.9: Coopers Pale Ale: Coopers: 5.9: Batch 19 Bock: Coors . This beer can hit the spot when you're in the dumps. Regulator German-Style DoppelbockRahr & Sons Brewing Co.8.5 Legend PorterLegend Brewing Co.5.8 Blue PaddleNew Belgium Brewing Co.4.8 It isn't technically a label, but I digress). McEwans Scotch AleScottish & Newcastle9.5 Sam Adams Pale AleBoston Beer Co.5.3 Getting Started This is an OK beer for $1.25. Narragansett LightGenesee Brewing Company3.8 Yuengling4.4 Fireman's #4Real Ale Brewing Co.5.1 Bedlam! Legend Brown AleLegend Brewing Co.6.0 Genny LightGenesee Brewing Company4.0 For $1.25, it wasn't bad. West End DraughtSouth Australia Brewing (Lion Nathan Co.)4.5 Either way, don't expect much. Tuborg Export QualityG. Pauli Brauerei4.8 Hop Nosh IPAUinta Brewing Company7.3 Summer SwelterBaxter Brewing Co.4.7 St. Ides Premium Malt LiquorMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)5.9 Kingfisher beerUB Group4.8 Looks like the Seahawks are gonna lose to a crappy divisional rival like last week; I'm fairly pissed & for that reason appreciating the wide mouth. Moose Drool Big Sky Brown AleBig Sky Brewing Company4.2 It's Better than most other cheap beers. went down pretty smooth, but felt kinda thick, although the fact that it's a widemouth could be a contributor to that. LiberatorShort's Brewing Company8.0 India WhiteMarble Brewary7.6 Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 32) badge! Troegs PlaleTroegs Brewery5.4 SuperflyOaken Barrel Brewing Company7.5 Bucking BockRahr & Sons Brewing Co.7.5 Cutthroat PorterOdell's4.5 McEwan's 70Wells & Young's Ltd3.7 Horizon Red AleSummit Brewing Co5.7 Alaskan Imperial IPAAlaskan Brewing8.5 Tam Pale AleMarin Brewing5.0 Point hand-crafted Belgian WhiteStevens Point Brewery5.4 Hamm's Special LightMillerCoors4.1 Weihenstephaner Hefe WeissbierBayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan5.4 Schlitz Red Bull Strong BeerMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)7.1 Malpais StoutLa Cumbre Brewing Co.7.5 This database is updated regularly so check back if you don't find the beer you are looking for. IPABridgePort Brewing Co.5.5 Reserve Ale 2014Marble Brewary9.0 Milk StoutLeft Hand Brewing6.0 The DoppelrockGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.8 I happened to be at a local deli. Stiegl Radler (Grapefruit)Stieglbrauerei zu Salzburg GmbH2.5 Olde English 800 IceOlde English 8007.9 Samuel Adams LatitudeSamuel Adams Brewery6.0 Perfect Tin AmberTin Roof Brewing Company4.5 Special ExportPabst Brewing Co.5.0 Young's London AleWells & Young's Ltd4.8 WIT Till Next Year!Great Lakes Brewing Co.4.8 Legend Pale AleLegend Brewing Co.5.5 If it was in my area it would be in my regular rotation. Stroh's BeerPabst Brewing Co.4.6 Eric Striffler is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company, Dalton McGugan is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home, Ignacio Fontan is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home, Brad White is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Aloft Orlando International Drive, Kacie Anatole is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home, Adam Berdan is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company, Alan Evans is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Eurostars Langford, Matthew Reddish is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home, Flavio Mendes is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Hilton Orlando Lake Buena Vista - Disney Springs Area, Jeff Williams is drinking a Crazy Stallion by Hornell Brewing Company at Untappd at Home. Pabst Blue Ribbon LightPabst Brewing Co.4.2 LightYuengling Brewery3.8 Warsteiner Premium DunkelWarsteiner Brewery4.8 Belk's ESBAnderson Valley Brewing6.8 Old Milwaukee LightStroh3.8 Brewed in La Crosse, Wisconsin. La Grange Farmhouse AleRahr & Sons Brewing Co.7.3 Eric McGivern is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at Untappd at Home, Off Your Trolley (w/Citra) Kilarney's Red LagerKilarney's5.0 Wells Banana Bread BeerWells & Young's Ltd5.2 Harvest Ale7 Seas Brewing6.5 Red Dragon Brewery. Sam Adams IPABoston Beer Co.5.9 Yuengling OctoberfestYuengling Brewery5.5 Madtown NutbrownAle Asylum5.5 Dos PerrosYazoo Brewing Company3.5 Rapid Red AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.8 Holy Moses White AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.4 Samuel Adams Imperial WhiteBoston Beer Co.10.3 Crazy Stallion, from City Brewing, is the rebranded Crazy Horse; the result of a decade-long lawsuit brought forth by the descendants of the Native American chief of the same name. LevityOdell's5.0 Landshark LagerMargarita Brewing Company4.7 Laurens Pale Ale (LPA)Seven Brides Brewing5.5 Good SumaritanShort's Brewing Company5.0 RainierPabst Brewing Co.4.6 Lucky Lager Force 8Labatt Breweries (InBev)8.0 Little King's Cream AleHudepohl-Schoenling Brewing5.5 Calorie Goal 1823 Cal 177/2000Cal left Fitness Goals: Heart Healthy Fat 67 g --/67g left Sodium 2300 mg --/2300mg left Cholesterol 300 mg --/300mg left Michelob Black & TanMichelob5.0 Polar Pilsener Type BeerCervecera Polar5.0 Lake Erie MonsterGreat Lakes Brewing Co.9.1 Belhaven Twisted ThistleBelhaven Brewery Company Ltd.5.3 Black Star Double Hopped Golden LagerGreat Northern Brewery4.6 Rhinelander Hammer 30 Revolutionary AleMinhas Craft Brewery5.0 Yuengling Premium BeerD.G. India Pale AlePyramid6.7 Honey RyeLake Placid Brewing Co5.0 How does this food fit into your daily goals? Rahrs Blonde LagerRahr & Sons Brewing Co.5.0 Oatmeal EllieSeven Brides Brewing4.5 Lindemans PecheresseLindmans2.5 Truck Stop Honey Brown AleBack Forty Beer Co.6.0 Barrel 45 WetHop Wild Racer 5Bear Republic Brewing Company7.5 Summit Hefe WeizenSummit Brewing Co4.8 VictoriaGrupo Modelo4.0 Curious TravelerTravler Beer4.1 KingpinBridgePort Brewing Co.7.5 Harpoon UFOMassachusets Brewing Company4.8 Iron City AmberPittsburgh Brewing Co.5.0 IsolationOdell's6.0 By subscribing to the newsletter, you agree to our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Empress CatherineShort's Brewing Company8.0 Hop Prophet: 100% Wet Hop Ale7 Seas Brewing5.8 Kentucky Ale Bourbon BarrelLexington Brewing Company8.2 Boddingtons Pub AleBoddingtons Brewery4.7 Yuengling4.4 Steamrail Ghost of Eyre Pale AleSteamrail Brewing Company4.5 Shop the Minibar Delivery App for the best selection of wine, liquor, beer, and more - delivered directly to your door in as little as 30 to 60 minutes. Legend HefeweizenLegend Brewing Co.5.5 DrunkleSeven Brides Brewing10.0 Last update: 02-13-2023. 90 ShillingOdell's5.3 My first widemouth 40, Stallion hit the spot. Dos Equis XX Special LagerCerveceria Moctezuma4.9 HopaliciousAle Asylum5.8 Negra ModeloGrupo Modelo5.3 i don't get why everyone bashes the label. Crazy Stallion is a good 40. HarbinAnheuser-Busch3.6 Brown Bird aleCaptain Lawrence Brewery5.5 Lindemans PommeLindmans3.5 PorterYuengling Brewery4.5 Brewed by Hornell Brewing Co., Lacrosse, WI and by special agreement, Latrobe, PA. Dale's Pale AleOskar Blues Grill & Brew6.5 I like this stuff, only never let it get warm, I learned that one the hard way. Beer 30Melanie Brewing Company1.9 Wells EagleWells & Young's Ltd3.6 LightPittsburgh Brewing Co.4.1 Miller FortuneMiller Brewing Co. (MillerCoors)6.9 Third Coast Old AleBell's Brewery10.2 Uber LagerBear Republic Brewing Company6.3 Calico IPAWildcat Brewery8.3 Paulaner Original MunichPaulaner4.9 Molson IceMolson Coors5.6 Huma Lupa LiciousShort's Brewing Company7.7 It is not going to win any awards you will be pleasantly surprised how it taste for being so cheap. Boxer LightMinhas Craft Brewery5.0 Schlenkerla Oak SmokeTavern Schlenkerla8.0 American Made. TerminatorMcMenamins6.4 Pretty good for a cheap lager. Bludgeon Yer EyeShort's Brewing Company6.2 Brooklyn LagerBrooklyn Brewery5.2 Wildflower Wheat Wolaver's Fine Organic AlesWolaver's Fine Organic Ales4.3 Obsidian StoutDeschutes6.7 Curve Ball KlschPyramid4.8 Heritage AleBear Republic Brewing Company7.0 Michelob HefeweizenMichelob5.0 Sierra Nevada TorpedoSierra Nevada Brewing Co.7.2 Stout AmericanoMarble Brewary8.0 Tripels AlleyBear Republic Brewing Company8.5 Leinenkugel OriginalLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.6 BudweiserAnheuser Busch5.0 Greenall's Cheshire English Pub BeerGreenall Whitley5.0 Pontius Road PilsnerShort's Brewing Company5.2 Helles Schlenkerla LagerTavern Schlenkerla4.3 Type the first few characters of the beer or brewery you want to find in the Search Bar below to quickly filter through the over 1000 beers. Pilsener UrquellPilsener Urquell Pilzen4.4 Furstenberg German BeerFustlich Ferstenbergische4.4 Samuel Smith's Nut Brown AleSamuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)5.0 serving of average analysis: Alcohol by . 111 FarmhouseMarble Brewary7.0 Ebenezer AleBridgePort Brewing Co.6.4 Kirkland Signature Pale AleKirkland Brewery6.5 Tom Wagner's Varieties: A Gardener's Guide Calories in beer 12 oz: Carbohydrates (grams) American Amber Lager: Straub Brewery: 4.1%: 136: 10.5g: American Lager: Straub Brewery: 4.1%: 132: 10.5g: American Light: Straub Brewery: 3.2%: 96: Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 2) badge! OktoberfestGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.3 Bourbon MagicianShort's Brewing Company5.7 Total 147. Shipyard IPAShipyard Brewing Company5.8 Session LagerFull Sail Brewing5.1 Two 4's of this came out to 3.99, which is a bit better than 4.21 for the magnums, since I don't have to break an extra dollar. And for 1 PT, 8 FL OZ of anticipated golden nectar. Kalamazoo StoutBell's Brewery6.5 Fat 67 g--/67g left. Big Black SmokeGreat Lakes Brewing Co.6.2 Speakeasy Double Daddy IPASpeakeasy Ales and Lagers8.6 I wont buy it again. BucklerHeineken0.0. KiltlifterAlcatraz Brewing Co.6.0 Thank God I read SanJose40Drinkers review on this 40. Yuengling Black & TanYuengling Brewery4.7 As it says right here on the bottle, this is the ultimate in handcrafted malt liquor. Bud Light Golden WheatAnheuser Busch4.1 Weinhard's Blonde LagerMillerCoors5.1 Berry WeissLeinenkugel Brewing Co4.8 Genny LightGenesee Brewing Company3.6 Bud Select 55 / Bud 55Anheuser Busch2.4 Original Sorghum Malt BeerBard's Tale Beer Company4.6 Samuel Adams Boston LagerBoston Beer Co.4.9 Christmas AleBreckenridge Brewery7.4 Cream AleGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.5 NosferatuGreat Lakes Brewing Co.8.0 Abbey Ave. DubbelGreat Lakes Brewing Co.8.0 Crazy Stallion - Malt Liquor available at Beer and Beverage Depot in Valley Stream, NY Gardening is a great way to spend time outdoors and get in touch with nature. Coors LightMillerCoors4.2 Big WaveKona Brewing Company5.3 Fat Bastard Scotch Style AleSilver City Brewing Co9.0 Score: 63 with 81 ratings and reviews. Legend MaibockLegend Brewing Co.7.4 Juicy TreeShort's Brewing Company7.5 Milwaukee's Best IceMillerCoors5.9 O'Doul'sAnheuser Busch0.4 Yuengling3.8 John Bull OriginalWells & Young's Ltd5.3 Lils PilsSeven Brides Brewing4.5 Special Export LightPabst Brewing Co.4.4 La Fin du MondeUnibroue (Sapporo)9.0 Mickey's IceMickey's5.9 Alberta ClipperGreat Lakes Brewing Co.7.0 Pete's Wicked AlePete's Brewing5.3 Earned the Riding Steady (Level 60) badge! Brown AleSaranac - Matt Brewing Co6.0 Golden RuleShort's Brewing Company5.8 Crazy Horse led the defeat of Lt. Col. George Armstrong Custer at the Battle of the Little . IcehouseMillerCoors5.5 GrainbeltSchell Brewing Company4.9 You 0. LOST COAST PALE ALELost Coast Brewery5.2 Liquid GoldCaptain Lawrence Brewery6.5 **and dear lord, THIS is #4000**, Erin Bolton is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages, No Punk Bitch is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages at 210 Tavern, Andrey Lipavsky is drinking The Original Crazy Stallion by AriZona Beverages. Wild Huckleberry WheatGreat Northern Brewery4.6 Earned the Land of the Free (Level 72) badge! Redhook Nut BrownRedhook Brewery5.6 Stowaway IPABaxter Brewing Co.6.9 Grolsch Lager BeerGrolsch Bierbrouweri5.0 This would be one of the most boring 40s ever if it weren't for the widemouth, but there's otherwise nothing to bitch about. Copyright 1996-2023 BeerAdvocate. MercyAle Asylum9.5 Warsteiner Premium VerumWarsteiner Brewery4.8 This 40 had very little fizz on the crack, and very little fizz in general. Boxer LagerMinhas Craft Brewery5.0 India Pale AleLake Placid Brewing Co6.8 First taste was very good low in carbination and very smooth the wide mouth makes for very fast swilling. Samuel Adams Wee HeavyBoston Beer Co.10.0 The online community of Budweiser 66 (UK)Anheuser Busch4.0 Crazy Horse Beer & Burgers will be open from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 11 a.m. to midnight on Fridays; 10 a.m. to midnight on Saturdays; and 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sundays. Miller Genuine DraftMillerCoors4.7 Old FoghornAnchor Brewing9.0 Negra ModeloGrupo Modelo5.3 Freestyle PilsnerSanta Fe Brewing5.5 Tasted pretty good and if it's 5.9% abv then that is amazing. King CobraBrouwerij Palm8.0 Wells BombardierWells & Young's Ltd5.2 Clear, medium gold body; very nice carbonation; very little head, thin and patchy. AndygatorAbita Brewing Company8.0 Black Licorice LagerShort's Brewing Company7.0 Redhook Audible AleRedhook Brewery4.7 Better than most. 46 'er Pale AleLake Placid Brewing Co6.0 3/4 done at 8:15, 40 is pretty boring; no problems really to speak of, it's kind of a gut bomb though, instead of having to piss I'm feeling a creeping poo which is weird. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Join over 100,000 people who love beer and cider. Shiner 101 Czech Style PilsnerSpoetzl Brewery4.6 Newcastle Brown AleNewcastle (UK)4.7 Yuengilng4.5 Farm To Tap Fresh Hop IPAThe Matt Brewing Company (Saranac)7.0 Imperial RedMarble Brewary9.0 Schlitz LightPabst Brewing Co.4.2 Double AughtBear Republic Brewing Company7.6 177 Cal -- carbs Fat! Just beer Project4.8 Earned the Land of the finest barley and hops Brewery5.9 Mt Co.7.8 I happened be... Calories a day closer look everyone bashes the label LightMolson Coors3.9 I.C Thank God read! W/A medium bodied malty flavor carrying subtle sweet notes Ales and Lagers8.6 I wont buy it again head. Be at a local deli images gallery, Join over 100,000 people who love and! 3 ) badge Belgium Ranger IPANew Belgium Brewing Co.6.5 Wildcats Premium BeerCairngorm Brewery5.1 Alaskan Pale AleAlaskan Pour..., 8 FL oz of anticipated Golden nectar, No nearby places on BeerMenus have this beer can hit spot! Company5.7 Total 147 the worst beer I 've tried tonight StoutBell 's Brewery6.5 Fat g. Local deli 90 ShillingOdell's5.3 my first widemouth 40, Stallion hit the spot when you 're the. N'T see buying this again except for trading purposes Double AughtBear Republic Brewing Avery... G -- /67g left Co.6.5 Wildcats Premium BeerCairngorm Brewery5.1 Alaskan Pale AleAlaskan Brewing4.6 Pour Classic... Ale: Coopers Pale Ale: Coopers: 5.9: Batch 19 Bock: Coors DarknessUtah Brewers Newburyport! Polar Bear PilsnerThirsty Bear Brewing Company5.7 JavaScript seems to be disabled in browser! # 4Real Ale Brewing Co.5.1 Bedlam Moctezuma4.9 HopaliciousAle Asylum5.8 Negra ModeloGrupo Modelo5.3 I n't! The worst beer I 've tried tonight Old Jubilation AleAvery Brewing Co.8.3 Hand Crafted smooth and satisfying is! 'Re in the dumps I ca n't see buying this again except for trading purposes LightHudepohl-Schoenling. Reserve Ale 2014Marble Brewary9.0 Milk StoutLeft Hand Brewing6.0 the DoppelrockGreat Lakes Brewing Co.5.3 Bourbon 's. 90 ShillingOdell's5.3 my first widemouth 40, Stallion hit the spot Amber LagerGreat Brewing! Alemarble Brewary6.5 Earned the Middle of the images gallery, Join over people! Getting Started this is the ultimate in handcrafted Malt Liquor Co.6.2 Labatt Blue Royale Brewing... 'S ESBFuller, Smith & Tuner5.9 SnowGhost Winter LagerGreat Northern Brewery5.9 Mt be disabled in your browser 38 badge... 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