Im getting mixed answers, Hi Ashley. Interesting question. Warrior mama: Please email me if you are able to successfully do this! But this is exactly what they are asking: the right to be left alone when it comes to these decisions. What is your interpretation with regard to titer testing for meeting the 7th grade Tdap requirements? Covid and the variants are highly contagious as was masles, mumps and rubella. As you know, the deadline was Dec. 31, 2015. As long as you filed a medical affidavit with the state prior to the Jan. 1, 2016 deadline, your child will be covered until they hit the next grade span. When your grandson began preschool in 2015, your daughter ought to have been required to complete a form for a personal belief or religious exemption that was signed by a health care provider. Print this link out and show it to your district, it is a state and federal law and the district can be sued if they don't comply, this includes if your child is mainstreaming and stated in the IEP. Google all the lies and deception that has been caught in. There is also compelling evidence that some polio vaccines manufactured after 1963 may contain SV-40 virus. It sounds as if his personal belief exemption in preschool was in order, which means the next vaccination checkpoint is in transitional kindergarten or kindergarten. Students who have an individualized education program (IEP) should continue to receive all necessary services identified in their IEP regardless of their vaccination status. Jane. My daughter is in fifth grade this year and Im hoping things will be looking better before the end of sixth grade for her. By 2017 in the University of California system, all incoming students will be required to show documentation for hepatitis B vaccination, TB screening and four more types of vaccines: measles, mumps and rubella; meningococcus; varicella (chicken pox); and tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (whooping cough). It just occurred to me as I read this that my son, who is in 4th grade this year and has not attended a California school during a vaccine required Read More. I can see why youre confused. Does your daughter have a personal belief exemption that was filed before Jan. 1, 2016? Its a GREAT question, Keren. Still, that exemption doesnt actually hold much weight now that she has entered the next grade span 7th through 12th grade. Question: The idea of the government making medical decisions for my family is unacceptable. California is going above the Constitution in taking away a parents religious freedom to refuse vaccines. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If enrichment/optional site based classes are held for K-8th grade students through an Independent Study public school, must students who attend these classes (i.e. Dr. Blaylock is a board-certified neurosurgeon, author and lecturer. He went to a new school for 1st grade and they wouldnt except the form due to it being a different school district. That form should have been turned into the school. I believe I read the answer on another post, but would like to be 100% clear. By law,CDPH is required to review exemptions in CAIR-ME when: CDPH may also review a medical exemption if CDPH determines it is necessary to protect public health. Can a child in California start preschool on a slow track if immunization. Thank you so much for any info and if there is any current forms to sign to stop this bill that is in progress please let me know ! You may need to get a medical exemption. Not sure you are still keeping the comment section open as I see there are not recentl replies. It seems that the district is interpreting entering school property to report to a teacher once Read More, Dear Cinnamon, We moved from Las Vegas to California in July 2013. Having personally been inoculated, as well as my now 27 year old child, I am against loading my grandchildren with the various poisons set forth by the Governments. Not sure what those waivers are. You can ease up on some of these even my children in theyre 40s having children this bill affects and I was for it until I saw the requirements. However, we just moved and Im in the process of changing schools as well as school districts. The new bill states that children who may have been exposed to one of the 10 diseases and who dont have proof they have been immunized for that illness may be temporarily excluded from school. Still, until 2016, people seeking a religious exemption are not required to be informed of health risks and benefits, while people seeking personal belief exemption must document that they have received such information from a health professional. Or, do we have to separately file it with the latter? Hello, Since the children will not be congregating in classrooms, how is their vaccination status at all relevant to that kind of Read More. The Federal government has gone to enormous lengths to cover up this association, despite the powerful scientific evidence that this vaccine infected at least a hundred million people worldwide with this carcinogenic virus. Jane. As for conditional enrollment I heard on the news that schools do not have to follow that rule; do you know if that is true or not? Of course our wonderful politicians NEVER allow Read More. I can imagine it would be easier for the school district if you presented it every time. Is it possible to submit his application + PBE to Kindergarten now, although he wont be starting until Fall 2017? Everyone would want them. I have looked at so many different vax schedules and honestly, they dont make sense.. How did this issue resolve itself? Many choose not to because their children got several vaccination injuries or the child is allergic to the vaccination, therefore, leaving parents with little hope or trust in the doctors that continue to shove it down their throats. It is telling us that if a child has a personal beliefs exemption on file prior to Jan 1, 2016, that exemption will only be valid for whichever immunization checkpoint category the child falls into. I had a question regarding kindergarten enrollment. Una vez registrados, los padres pueden iniciar una sesin en CAIR-ME para solicitar una exencin mdica. does transitional kindergarten exemption count as kindergarten exemption and the checkpoint is then at seventh grade? Additional information about classroom-based instruction is available in FAQ 18 at. Starting January 1, 2021, new medical exemptions must be issued using the medical exemption website CAIR-ME. I 100000% agree with your comment! Hi, Sarah. My grandson began preschool in 2015. Whether the medical exemption is permanent or temporary. According to SB 277, regardless of whether it is a personal belief exemption or religious exemption, as long as the exemption was filed prior to Jan 1., 2016, it will apply to the child until their next grade span. Read More. That is surprising to me. We moved from Miami, Florida to Los Angeles, California a week ago. When he went to kindergarten (2016-2017), I had to switch him to a different school but same district due to no room left at school. A good website for details is According to this page, if you have a pbe on file before the start of this year, that exemption is good until the next grade spans. (A) Birth to preschool. The physician can register for an account in CAIR-ME and log in to issue the ME. Yes, a doctor would put a child on a plan to catch up, but certain immunizations must already have been given before a student may enter transitional kindergarten or kindergarten. As they used to say: Your rights stop right at the tip of my nose.. Is there anything I need to do for her to ensure her schedule will be released or will the PBE still remain in effect as it was filed before the deadline? Youre correct. Rather more invasive than the tip of your nose. Kindergartners also must be as current as possible with other immunizations, given the need to space out certain vaccine doses. Also, I would like for edsource to research the technicalities of how this mandate conflicts with ed-code. to Default, About the Viral and Rickettsial Disease Lab, CDER Information for Health Professionals, Communicable Disease Emergency Response Program, DCDC Information for Local Health Departments, Sexually Transmitted Diseases Control Branch, VRDL Guidelines for Specimen Collection and Submission for Pathologic Testing, en You can reach me at A medical exemption may be issued inCAIR-MEno more than 12 months before a child first enters a grade span (grade spans are birth-preschool, TK/K-6th, and 7th-12th). So when schools require two shots, we're basically unnecessarily vaccinating 93% of our kids with their second shots for measles. I dont know what to do. My kid will attend SF public school. Jane, Hi, I have been looking for information everywhere and even calling the Education Department and it seems like I can't get any answers. My 3.5yo has a PBE on file at preschool. The Newsom administration expects . The collection of lies and misinformation in this comment section is astounding. According to the California Homeschool Network, parents who wish to homeschool havefour options: Schools are required to document each students immunization history. (2) For purposes of this subdivision, grade span means each of the following: The bill doesn't say that they can no longer refuse to vaccinate their children based on their personal opposition, rather it says that if they do their children will not be admitted to public or private school (or K or Read More, Just a point of clarification. Do I have to continue giving him shots or can I fight it until he reaches the 7th grade? If its a permanent exemption, do we still have to obtain a new one at each check point? (im glad our IEP kids are safe) However, ask yourself this, how will compulsory education be forced if the district who operates under federal mandate, are no longer able to accommodate a placement from which to be truant from under SARB. When she obtained a personal belief exemption back in elementary school in 2007, a signature from a health care provider was not necessary that became required as of Jan. 1, 2014. At such points, students would be required to be vaccinated or get a new medical exemption that complies with the law. Look up the California health and safety codes. I have 2 kids who have never been vaccinated and I am asked to sign a waiver everytime its time for another scheduled vaccination. On the registration form, they ask if she has all her immunizations up-to-date or if we have a waiver. (MMR And Polio). Will he be exempt from the bill? Your child is exempt from vaccines because of her IEP. Existing students are entitled to use a personal belief exemption (PBE) for any and all additional vaccines/doses added to the mandate in both public and private schools. Google all the lies and deception that has been caught in. Hi Ashley. However, I'm hanging on to the hope that we will be able to submit titer tests if this law is not overturned. Why only children, what about people traveling here, people moving to California, people in transit, what about people who have never received these shots, what about people who are not documented. both within and across school districts, according to the state. I didnt know that California now required vaccinations for children entering public school. Health & Safety Code 12030(a), one for children in a 'home-based private school or an independent study program[,]' Cal. I had the impression that none of that would matter anymore. The state recognizes TK and kindergarten as the same vaccination checkpoint.) etc. Hi Teresa, You should check with your doctor. She has a personal belief form on file at her current school, but when she goes to her home school for High School is she going to be required to show proof of vaccines again? As to what vaccinations are required before entering college, that depends on the college so you could check on their website. These politicians dont care about our kids, they care about their walletsmost are bought. CDPH SB277 FAQs | ShotsForSchool What if you have a religious exemption in another state and move into CA after Jan 1 2016. I didnt see any mention of the restriction on classroom instruction for Independent Study programs. The idea of the government making medical decisions for my family is unacceptable. (Im asking due to there are far more vaccines for children now than when my youngest was born, who just turned 18. No Government should demand this upon a child, for they are too young to make decisions for themselves, let alone face the many illnesses they will encounter along life's path. Meaning, if a child has had 2 doses of an immunization and a blood test that shows that they are immune via titer levels, are they required to get all 5 doses on the schedule? Whether this means that students with IEP are exempt from immunization requirements completely, or to a more limited degree, will likely be the subject of litigation at some point because districts interpret the clause differently. But obviously not everyone is. Vaccine Exemption I am excused from receiving a COVID-19 vaccine for a qualifying medical reason. I dont understand that if the kids have vaccines, why are the parents are worried about having a non-vaccinated kid in the class? As to whether you would need to present the medical exemption every time the child moves from one grade span to another with the spans defined as birth to preschool; transitional kindergarten or kindergarten to 6th grade; and 7th through 12th grade Im not sure. I think this law is absolutely 100% ridiculous! Could you please let us know if an unvaccinated student who is not enrolled in our school district (but is enrolled in a charter school) can play sports on our school team? Laws such as the CA compulsory vaccination law, are exactly what happens when a State has a Governor For Life-similar to such places, as e.g., Cuba, North Korea, or Zimbabwe! All votes on bills are recored. Vaccine opponents have said they will challenge the law in court, but precedent does not support the idea that vaccination requirements are unconstitutional. And re: the comment about advancement (For ungraded schools) the criteria is age rather than grade. The question is: wont be my child accepted to school until we complete all the doses? Will they be grandfathered in even though it is a religious exemption from another state? If you really think that 98% Read More. Will titers be considered evidence of immunity? Students are affected by the immunization law only at certain grade-levels or other checkpoints: upon entering child care, transitional kindergarten/kindergarten or 7th grade, or when transferring into schools or child care from out of state or out of the country. Advice please. Jane, Your information about alternative options for schooling if you don't want to immunize your children is conflicting to what we are being told locally. Yes, if they meet certain requirements. Our kids are getting sicker, not healthier, and nobody seems to consider the long term effects of these toxins being injected directly into our beautiful pristine children. She is entering 11th grade. A medical exemption filed at a pre-kindergarten facility or school remains valid until the earliest of: Starting January 1, 2021, all new medical exemptions for school and child care entry must be issued throughCAIR-ME. Nothing else comes close. One of the things I don't understand is that I don't see where "grades" or "checkpoints" are listed at all in SB276. These are the relevant sections: A pupil who, prior to January 1, 2016, submitted a letter or affidavit on file at a private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center stating beliefs opposed to immunization shall be allowed enrollment to any private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center within the state until the pupil enrolls in the next grade span., Kindergarten and grades 1 to 6, inclusive, including transitional kindergarten., I had read that many of your are doing your homework and remember that we are concerned about the health, welfare and safety of our children and families. For example, new studies have found that SV-40, a major contaminant of the polio vaccine until 1963, not only existed as a latent virus for the lifetime of those exposed to the vaccine but was being passed on to the next generation, primarily by way of sperm, something called vertical transmission. It looked like this: If the school had the signed form, your grandson would be allowed to take that exemption with him when he transferred to his new preschool. Appeals will be reviewed by an independent expert panel appointed by the California Health and Human Services Agency (CHHS). Hi. Her PBE "expired" at the end of her Read More. Not unless the student is entering a vaccination checkpoint grade span: a child care facility or preschool, a transitional kindergarten/kindergarten or 7th grade. The problem with your "analysis" is you have a right to make medical decisions for your family, but not when it negatively affects my family. We are going to catch up them. But yet media and Big Pharm keeps control and keep it from Read More, This website helped me understand my rights as a parent and I am grateful for the information. Yes. If you care about your kids do some researchjust dont follow someones rules telling you as a parent what you can and cannot do, I agree with you, Andrea, that we should not blindly follow along and that, therefore, it is only right and proper for the health of one's children to be a parent's primary consideration. Will home schoolers receive any state financial aid? Im puzzled that you are being asked to provide evidence of immunization for your grandson entering high school. No, a parent can present the medical exemption issued previously in CAIR-ME to the new school or childcare, but the school or child care facility information must be updated in CAIR-ME. (please google LATimes articlewhy did so many california kids get whooping cough despite being vacinated?) Personally I am for safe and none toxic Vaccines that have had third party testing. (C) Grades 7 to 12, inclusive. Why are these people so stupid that they don't think about this. I have never seen any compensation. Here is the record on SB 277: When he went to kindergarten (2016-2017), I had to switch him to a different school but same district due to no room left at school. My child is only missing 2 vaccinations but I want to space them apart so he wont have received them by August 2016 when school starts and when the law goes into effect. When vaccines become SAFE, when the voices of scientists,doctors and parents whose children have been gravely injured by vaccines are not paid settlements that are hushed and shuffled out of court, I would only then consider to vaccinate. I was homeschooling him until he entered 7th grade. Or if they have had chicken pox and can prove it via titers, will they still be required to get the vaccine? Our California elected officials proposed and pushed this law through our state system based on what the preponderance of the medical evidence suggests. Or can my daughter attend in home business vaccine free?! As they used to say: "Your rights stop right at the tip of my nose." Because they are doing this on school property, immunization are required. Only the State Public Health Officer, or a physician they designate from the CDPH's immunization program, can revoke a medical exemption. Thank you. My child will do poorly in a homeschooling or independent study situationwe already tried it, everyone was miserable. Vaccine Showdown: A timeline of vaccination law changes in California, Measles at Disneyland, a vulnerable child and a new law prompted higher vaccination rates, Schools consider impact of ending vaccination opt-outs. All but three states offer nonmedical exemptions for religious or philosophical reasons. The state recognizes TK and kindergarten as the same vaccination checkpoint.) What about children who currently have personal belief exemptions on file? A student who is beyond 7th grade and has a valid personal belief exemption does not need to fulfill immunization requirements through 12th grade. MS 0500 The student must be as current as possible on additional doses, given the need to space out certain vaccine doses. (C) Grades 7 to 12, inclusive. The law defines vaccination checkpoints as grade spans, as follows: What vaccinations are required of unvaccinated students before entering 7th grade? What about religious beliefs? It sounds as if your student is in high school and high school is not a vaccination checkpoint, so she should be fine attending a biology lab and an art class. I have a PBE filed with the district before Jan 1, 2016 and my son will be entering 7th grade. Parents will receive information about their options if their child's medical exemption is revoked. Yes, you are correct, as long as you have documentation to prove that your daughter's personal belief exemption was filed with a California school before January 1, 2016. Doesnt that make you wonder about the true effectiveness of the shot? Vaccinated children have also caught these diseases. Kindergarten and grades 1 to 6, inclusive, including transitional kindergarten, I think the first sentence: .a bill that says parents can no longer refuse to vaccinate their children based on their personal opposition is a bit confusing. (g) (1) A pupil who, prior to January 1, 2016, submitted a letter or affidavit on file at a private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center stating beliefs opposed to immunization shall be allowed enrollment to any private or public elementary or secondary school, child day care center, day nursery, nursery school, family day care home, or development center within Read More, As amended by SB277, Section 120335(g) clearly states that a child with a personal beliefs exemption, once "grandfathered in", may enroll in any day care or school in the state until the child reaches the next grade span. Children do NOT need influenza vaccine nor will I have it and my engineer dad said never in life would he Read More. Google titer and you mostly get information about pets and very little information about titers to show immunity to help reduce unnecessary vaccinations. You mention that in Europe, a child receives the second dose of MMR at age 10. vaccine damage to the child (if there is any?) She is on 3rd grade now. Gone are exemptions based on religious or personal beliefs. And for that reason I haven't vaccinated him. My child has a medical exemption. Do you know? Wake up and smell the coffee for once. I dont think so because those who elected to be penny wise and pound foolish must live with the costs of their decisions. Philosophical waivers are no longer accepted and can not be turned in. This new law is located in section 2(h): Thanks for any light you can shed on this. How did it work out? He went to a new school for 1st grade and they wouldn't except the form due to it being a different school district. CDPH is trying to implement a second dose of Read More. The California Department of Public Health, Immunization Branch states, For children in ungraded schools, pupils 12 years and older are subject to the 7th grade advancement requirements. Information can be found at or a California Code of Regulations, Title 17 at My daughter is currently in kindergarten and homeschooledhowever we are planning on having her in a private school for 1st grade in the fall. Breastfeeding is crucial. . Your high schooler should have been within the last checkpoint of grade span 7th-12th when SB277 was implemented in 2016. Those who fail to get their immunizations by the designated date will be prohibited from attending school. I can see why you're confused. Anyone? Your daughter will be admitted to K-6th grade and you will be given time to catch up on vaccinations as long as she has had a mumps and a rubella vaccination before enrolling and at least one dose of the following vaccines: polio; diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis; measles; hepatitis B; and varicella (chicken pox. They will receive an exemption application number to give to their childs physician. California health officials strongly recommend getting vaccinated even after a COVID-19 infection. You won't be able to opt-out of the vaccination requirements in advance by submitting a personal belief exemption for your 3.5 year old child to be used in fall 2017 for kindergarten enrollment. I am scared he will have an allergic reaction so my doctor referred him to a specialist. Our Pediatrician signed a PBE for our 2 year old daughter in December. Because that, pretty much is what it is right now, and what it likely will remain. Theyve already modified it at least twice, and they like will again. The long term effects of injecting KNOWN toxins over and over into a small child have not been studied. What if my child does poorly in a homeschool or independent study situation, but according to existing California law and education codes, she still has a mandated right to a public education? Hi Tiffanie. Schools are required to report the immunization status of independent study students, but that of course is not the same as requiring those students to be immunized. Patients who had exemptions before Jan. 1, 2020 could have them revoked if their doctor has been subject to disciplinary action from either the Medical Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California. I agree that this seems incorrect. Many feel that is no longer a credible threat and wish to not vaccinate their children because "they are healthy." Can someone please help me find out the information. I do not want her to get vaccinated because of the scary toxins in vaccines. You are right to suggest that there is no long term grandfathering going on, in that all children will have to meet the vaccination requirements to enroll in public or private schools when they enter the next grade span, unless they have a medical exemption. I have printed out the Senate Bill 277 and highlighted where it states that a child who received a PBE prior to 2016 is allowed to enroll into a private or public school. I cannot believe that we are Read More. Or do we have to file it at each check point (sounds so orwellian/totalitarian)? No one knows. Does anyone have the numbers for mumps and rubella? Constitution in taking away a parents religious freedom to refuse vaccines asked to provide evidence immunization. For an account in CAIR-ME and log in to issue the me Miami, Florida to los iep vaccine exemption california. Exemption from another state C ) Grades 7 to 12, inclusive in! 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