Clips taken from Left Behind: The Movie (2000), Left Behind II: Tribulation Force (2002), and Left Behind: World At War (2005). His mother, Marilena, is unwittingly convinced by Sataniststo become the mother of a child who, they assure her, will change the face of the world. Ming Toy is the older sister of Chang Wong. He proposed to Vicki (he always wanted to)after his return, and they marry about a year before the Glorious Appearing, where he and Vicki are both in Jerusalem. He then wages a genocidal purge against Christians, Jews, Muslims, and secular rebels, going as far as telling an officer in Desecration to behead enemy bodies, even if already dead. Ben-Judah went away from the meeting with much to think and pray about. Through the counseling of her friend Jackie, Irene tries to turn the rest of her family towards Christ, but to no avail. Director Akbar at first thought Carpathia was using hyperbole and said that he would talk to sub-potentate about the issue, but Akbar got clarification that Carpathia literally wanted the leaders and their cabinet dead. He also gathers the armies of the world at the valley of Armageddon for the battle with Jesus Christ and his army. Nicolae Carpathia made a great villain. Carpathianism draws heavily from the narratives and traditions of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Carpathia then brainwashes everyone in the room (except Buck, who was protected by God) into believing that it was Stonagal who shot himself and Todd-Cothran in remorse for the assassinations. Bruce was a pastor, believer, and the only member of the staff that had been left behind. His middle name refers to the "jet-black" night on which he was born.)[2]. In the weeks before the Rapture, Carpathia assigns Fortunato to orchestrate President of Romania, Ghregore Vasile's leave of office. The trip was meant to last a week but actually lasted around three years. On the night on the rapture, Judd decided that he was going to run away. And Nicolae Carpathia certainly does not disappoint as Antichrist. Carpathia refuses unless a direct set of events are put in place, including moving the UN to New Babylon, a city in development in Iraq. He is reunited with his parents in Glorious Appearing. Walter Moon is a supporting antagonist in the Left Behind series. At his first meeting as United Nations Secretary-General (at the end of Left Behind Book 1), Carpathia executes Stonagal with a revolver, believing that his usefulness has expired. For his mark, he got a giant black 42 that dominated his forehead. His rage increases exponentially when he hears that an evangelistic effort has succeeded in the greatest harvest of souls that has ever happened. At the end of the series he went to Jerusalem with the other believers. When the Rapture takes place and his wife and three children are taken to Heaven, Bruce almost falls into depression and total disbelief. Many vie for Carpathia to become the new Secretary-General. The death is not confirmed until the book The Mark when Hannah Palemoon finds her body in the morgue, then takes David to see it. Biographical information After Nicolae Carpathia's return, his influence in business and politics grows, and anyone who stands in his way tends to disappear permanently. She seemed to be attracted to Pan-Con pilot Rayford Steele, perhaps wanting an affair with him. The world survived Y2K and the year 2000 partied on like it was 1999. In the Left Behind films, Carpathia is portrayed by Gordon Currie, Randy LaHaye and Bailey Chase. She is present at the final battle at the end of the Millennium where Christ overthrows evil once and for all and welcomes all believers into the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity. Then, Ritz flies Buck to Israel where he locates and rescues Tsion Ben-Judah, and Ritz flies them safely back to America. However, he manages to brainwash everybody present by convincing them that what they had actually seen was the two individuals murdering each other. While Carpathia's forces seek to destroy the Tribulation Force once and for all, the world teeters on the brink of the ultimate battle: Armageddon. His name originally came from his father, and he has hated it ever since. Marilena stays with her husband, Sorin, until the baby is born, insisting that her "son" keep the strong "Carpathia" name. Before the Rapture, Hattie was a senior flight attendant, young and beautiful, working for Pan-Continental Airlines. [9] He transformed Chaim Rosenzweig into Micah in Desecration. This marks the beginning of our seven years of peace. Back from the Dead: Nicolae Carpathia, who rises from his coffin on the third day to resume his role as the Antichrist. Carpathia has the Global Community motto written as "Hail Carpathia, our lord and risin king!". This event would run contrary to the current Constitution of Romania, which specifies that the Romanian President is directly elected, and in the event of the death, resignation, or removal, the presidency is assumed ad hoc by the President of the Senate until new elections are held. Chang is pressured by his parents, who are Carpathia loyalists, to take the mark, but Chang violently protests this as he is a believer in Jesus Christ. To complete his quest for world domination, Carpathia creates the One World Unity Army, composed of all G.C. He goes to New Hope Village Church that night and meets a few other members who were also left behind. In Kingdom Come, Irene and her husband lead a missionary trip to Egypt, where they lead many to salvation during the Millennium World. Two weeks later, when United Nations secretary-general and Antichrist Nicolae Carpathia and a host of American and Israeli delegates arrived in Israel to sign a seven-year treaty of peace, and at the behest of Buck Williams, Ben-Judah guided Buck (Kirk Cameron) to the Western Wall so that he could speak with the two prophets, Eli and Moishe, men resurrected from Biblical times to bear witness to Christ and begin converting 144,000 Jews to become witnesses for Him. Jesus had come back and he had been left behind. During the latter half of the Tribulation, many Global Community citizens bearing Carpathia's mark of loyalty spoke out against him in protests. Before she died, she wrote him a letter saying how she felt like there was somebody back home that he loved. She is among the few believers left alive when Jesus Christ returns to earth. After his resurrection and indwelling, he expects everyone to use an honorific such as "excellency" or "potentate" while "sir" being insufficient for him. Shortly after the Rapture, Mathews participated in key meetings to establish the Global Community Faith (shortly after, it was renamed Enigma Babylon One World Faith) and also was elected to replace the pope John XXIV who had been raptured. Carpathia expressed his disappointment with him when he expressed some misgivings to Carpathia's plans to attack the Christians and Jews who are assembled at the Mount of Olives, Mizpe Ramon, Masada and Petra by referring to Micah's threat that an attack would bring back the plague of the sores or turn the waters of the world into blood. He was portrayed by Brad Johnson in the films, Nicolas Cage in the 2014 film, and Kevin Sorbo in Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist. He is portrayed in the films by Kirk Cameron, Chad Michael Murray in the 2014 film, and by Greg Parrow in Left Behind: Rise of the Anti-Christ. ), a world government which he ultimately marshals against the followers of Jesus Christ . In contrast to the ineptitude of Hickman, upon hearing the appointment of Akbar, David Hassid feared he would be competent enough to stymie the Tribulation Force. The bad guy is Nicolae Carpathia, The Antichrist, the most evil of all Evil Overlords. She traveled to China under the guise of a Global Community Peacekeeper officer named Chang Chow in order to find her parents who became believers, and discovered that while her mother was still alive, her father died a martyr. The Antichrist Nicolae Carpathia, now the complete embodiment of evil, is preparing to desecrate the holy temple in Jerusalem by entering and declaring himself god. In the first novel, he is shown to be openly welcoming of Nicolae Carpathia, but gradually become more suspicious. Unlike Carpathia, who accepted his fate, Leon struggled with Michael as the archangel threw him into the lake of fire. Shortly after, he is reunited with his father, who returned from heaven with the armies of Christ. His handlers arrange for his mother to be eliminated, and Nicolae himself eventually demands the dispatch of his "father", a key to his rise to power. military presence on the planet. He's the Supreme Potentate of the Global Community and, unlike the Left Behind series, isn't the Antichrist. He later returned with the resurrected martyrs at the second coming of Jesus. According to the plot, Carpathia was born in Cluj County, Romania, the product of genetic engineering and artificial insemination. Carpathia found reasons to travel, establishing alliances with heads of state who would not have thought to grant an audience to someone from the Romanian lower house, except that he was so persuasive. While she was in the air going to New Babylon to work for him, the Wrath of the Lamb earthquake hit killing all her family. In accordance with the series' interpretation of biblical prophecy, Jesus Christ Himself defeated Antichrist Carpathia right after theSecond Coming. As Christopher's army was marching towards Petra, Jesus appears on a ridge and Christopher meets him there. He knelt before Jesus and acknowledged him as Lord without hesitation. 2000s The two of them are soon joined by Rayford's daughter, Chloe, and Cameron "Buck" Williams, and together they form an inner core group, the Tribulation Force. Thus, Carpathia declares himself to be God, and demands worship. During The Meeting of The Witnesses, Carpathia had to have interpreters in order to speak to the diverse audience who came from throughout the world, but Tsion Ben-Judah was able to address the audience simultaneously, with everyone understanding his message. Carpathia arrives at the UN Headquarters to deliver his long and comprehensive speech, addressing the United Nations. Hattie, who convinced Buck to introduce her to Nicolae Carpathia, eventually becomes Carpathia's personal secretary, and later his lover. Nicolae Jetty Carpathia is the primary antagonist in the Left Behind book series. Viv Ivins (spiritual mentor, deceased) Satan (spiritual mentor, Defeated) The meeting with the two witnesses had a profound effect on Ben-Judah, who spoke Nicodemus's words to Jesus, while the two witnesses took turns speaking Jesus' words. Former head nurse at Arthur Young Memorial Hospital in Palatine, Illinois, she helped Cameron "Buck" Williams get Ken Ritz out without compromising the Tribulation Force's cover, and after helping deliver Hattie Durham's stillborn baby that was fathered by Antichrist Nicolae Carpathia, abandons her now-compromised job and must request sanctuary at the Trib Force safe house. There he resides until the Battle of Armageddon, when he leaves to help defend the Holy City. Ten subpotentates were chosen to rule ten governing districts of . His unparalleled evil, together with his incredible intelligence, oratory skills, and deceitful charisma, made Carpathia a terrifying and formidable juggernaut of a foe to anybody who dared to oppose him, even before he became Supreme Potentate. Suhail Akbar is a supporting antagonist in the Left Behind series. She met David Hassid when he passed out from sun-stroke while looking for Annie Christopher. She is one of the Tribulation Force members still alive at the Glorious Appearing. By the middle of his address, Carpathia brings the entire crowd to its feet in full voice and applause, press and representative alike. Afterwards, Judd got off his plane and met up with Bruce Barnes. As Jesus laid out his crimes against humanity and the will of God, he pleaded for mercy and forgiveness, even attempting to reject Carpathia and Satan, pledging allegiance to him. His father's last name, Carpathia, comes from the Carpathian Mountains, a mountain range in Romania. With Louis Gossett Jr., Kirk Cameron, Brad Johnson, Jessica Steen. He faked a stroke, got a wheelchair, and hid a hand-filed blade in the handle. As he is a natural, Kenny ages over the course of the Millennium, with both he and Kat unable to walk without walking sticks. They discovered Chloe's Uzi and ski mask near two platoons of Global Community Peacekeepers. Falling victim to Fortunato's blackmail, the President of Romania resigns, allowing Carpathia to assume power with the unanimous support of the country's parliament. As the four earned a liking to each other, they formed The Young Tribulation Force. Terrified from the events, Hattie informs Rayford about the event, thinking he does not know what has just happened. He leads a band of about four men and a woman at the safe house. Within the series, Carpathia is the Antichrist, and leader of the Global Community (G.C. (This ability was also afforded to believers since they are also immune to the destructive forces of the heat.) So influential, in fact, that award-winning journalist Cameron "Buck" Williams believes he is responsible for having many professional acquaintances assassinated. His daughter Chloe also became a believer, and he has a grandson Kenny Bruce; he lost his second wife Amanda in a plane crash; original member of the Tribulation Force; wanted for supposedly murdering Nicolae Carpathia; witness to the Glorious Appearing; now residing near the Valley of Jehoshaphat. All of his family disappeared in the Rapture except Andr, who died after being shot by LeRoy Banks and being caught up in a fire in his apartment complex. He, along with, Vicki, Lionel, and Ryan, were the first original members of The Young Tribulation Force. Chang said to Carpathia in his mental voice that "You are evil in the flesh, the total opposite of the loving God I serve." For those murders, Akbar lent Carpathia his side arm when Carpathia vehemently requested it. He is the archenemy of Rayford Steele and Tsion Ben-Judah. Full Name He's a little egocentric and tends to think of himself as a god to be worshiped. He orders golden statues of himself to be placed prominently and worshiped three times a day. In May 2000, after more than six months of waiting, readers finally got to find out who killed Nicolae Carpathia. While others, such as Carpathia's secretary Krystall Carney and Loren Hut, became disillusioned with his behavior and personality, others in his inner circle were sycophantic around him, trying to curry his favor. Bailey Chase as Nicolae Carpathia Corbin Bernsen as Steve Plank David LeReaney as Chaim Rosenzweig Sam Sorbo as Amanda White Braeden Sorbo as Connor Stafford Perry as Dirk Burton Linda Kee as Ivy Gold Paul Cowling as Joshua Todd-Cothran Shawna Pliva McGill as Ana Quintero Jesse Lipscombe as Ted Tossel Production Supernatural Abilities: Even before he was indwelt by Satan, Nicolae had the ability to resurrect whoever he wanted from the dead, though this was used only one time with Leon Fortunato. In the aftermath of the Rapture, Carpathia quickly gains fame Internationally due to his upcoming speech at the United Nations. Their mission is to destroy the remnant stronghold of Petra and take over the city of Jerusalem as the world's new capital, following the supernatural destruction of New Babylon. Eighteen months later, his wife and teenage stepchildren were horribly slaughtered and Ben-Judah, the chief suspect, was forced into hiding. Just before this, the Chicago-based Tribulation Force's own leader and teacher, Bruce Barnes, is killed by the Red Horse of the Apocalypse when World War III breaks. Before the Rapture, Carpathia declares himself to be attracted to Pan-Con pilot Steele... Destructive forces of the Tribulation Force members still alive at the UN to! That has ever happened them that what they had actually seen was the two individuals murdering each other, formed... End of the Young Tribulation Force members still alive at the Glorious Appearing wheelchair and. But gradually become more suspicious Petra, Jesus appears on a ridge and Christopher meets him there series... 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