Smart Silver Stacker 32.6K subscribers 64K views 8 months ago Gold, Silver & Oil Drop On Talks Of Peace.. As long as Arlington is in the market selling Silver Eagles, the physical premium will be artificially suppressed. And a short time later DBS Coins & MCM also began offering silver eagles in quanitity. Theres a LOT of money to go around. And thats 1,000 oz bars. They may deny you. The Physical Silver Percentage Premium has also dipped below 40%. What 1980 and 2011 did NOT have was PSLV, Kinesis Money, and OneGold. They can be physically held, traded person to person, and are virtually anonymous. There are a few different threads here where we have discussed this in more detail. April 27, 2022 10:33AM. UPDATE: 4/23/21 @ 7:20 AM EST: Arlington Coins has increased its offer price by $20.00/tube which has led to an increase in the physical silver premium to over 46%. Then, on 1/18/21, it plunged under 17% early before returning back above 18% by the evening. Why does it cost more to buy silver coins, rounds, and bars today? So by the way I figure if real first quality ASE are $40 then the GSR is $2000/40 or 50 to 1. They are NOT in the business of running a charity. It helps a little, especially with media attention, but not that much on the back end. Current percentage premium is 44.63%. Ive been calling for triple-digit silver for a few years now, and Im more enthused now, Neumeyer said at an event in January 2020, noting that there are multiple factors behind his reasoning. If they increase their income to $50,000, they are expected to pay 5.48% of their income. If you want to take down Darth Vader, youre going to need a bigger boat. In fact, in order for the precious metal to jump to the US$100 mark, its price would have to increase from its current value by more than 350 percent. The physical premium percentage moved over 45% while the Spot price declined under $24.00. As seen on the table which depicts the supply/demand situation in the last 10 years, it becomes clear that 2022 will be year with an epic physical market shortage. At $28, no one is likely to run to the coin shop with grandmas silver. Meaning as retailers see a flood of interested people over $30, high retail premiums would be the norm to slow the interest in buying. If they do not have this, silver and gold would literally go parabolic inside of a few weeks. This means that the current premium for American Silver Eagles is $18.41/coin (87.92%). And when you look at the price they are selling for, you are still looking at a $31 an ounce, or about a 14% premium. That still sounds high, but it is not unreasonable if you look at it on a "per coin" basis. "And we will be dealing with the costs for many years to come.". The Tesla and SpaceX founder told investors, in his experience, it's "better to own physical things than dollars when inflation is high." Ordinarily, the more popular bars, rounds, and coinsthe ones for which you may pay a slightly higher premiumare also more widely recognized and in demand. It is also important to note that this dealer does not automatically modify its price with each move in the spot market. The market essentially has the governor switch at the retail front end. /drivers licence renewal cost 2022 south africa/ why are silver premiums so high 2022. flask-socketio, namespace why are silver premiums so high 2022. So I quite like silver a lot.". OK, so: 1) Let's say the spot price of silver today is $15 oz USD but by next week it dramatically falls to $10 oz. The all-time record-high nominal price of gold was reached in March 2022, when the yellow-colored precious metal hit $2,074 an ounce. According to CIBC analysts in mid-2021, higher industrial demand from emerging sectors due to factors like the transition to renewable energy will be highly supportive for the metal over the next few years. UPDATE 1/31/21 @ 12:00 NOON EST: Aydin Coin is still lowest cost but now it indicates a delay in shipping. So assume silver runs up to $50 and you run to the coin shop with silverware. We have had the silver raid days, which help clear out retail. In this article, we explain a few reasons as to why . are premiums on silver bullion so high? UPDATE 1/30/21 @ 9:45 PM EST: Something is certainly going on. The best price is MCM: $736.40 $36.82/coin (105 available). Refining is a delay, whether its COVID or an oil refinery caught fire and reduces available gasoline for sale. The talking heads of the world stop talking like 25B oz is available. But key shortcomings . Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Some events will likely shake investor confidence in early 2022, causing precious metals to move 15% to 25% higher initially. The premium on a silver product is the amount of money above the spot price of silver that the product costs. You can take delivery of 100 oz bars, minimum of 200 oz. "As I was doing my research, and this goes back over several years already, I would get to that US$300 forecast for an ultimate high in the silver price in different ways," he said. When Palladium broke the tampy tamp, then it went nuts. I have never used this dealer as a price source before on Ebay but it is the lowest cost dealer currently. More recently, the huge economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's war with Ukraine have been major sources of concern for precious metals investors. Show an investor the value they are getting by buying your product at a lower premium and how buying these bars takes them out of big banks. UPDATE 1/31/21 @ 2:00 PM EST: Aydin Coin is sold out. In other words, they're generally more liquid and more likely to help fetch you a higher price when the time comes that you wish to sell your silver bullion. For example, investors may choose to put their money into silver-focused stocks by buying shares of companies focused on silver mining and exploration. But if you go into these markets and listen to the people who are telling you bullion dealers are gouging you due to fake shortage are selling you a product they perhaps marked up 5-16x on premiums. During other months, silver and gold prices tend to have more volatility. UPDATE 1/24/21 @ 7:05 PM EST: The physical silver premium has moved above 20% for the first time since 11/11/20. Premiums represent a combination of factors. Silver prices traded slightly lower on Friday, down 16 cents an ounce. Silver dropped to $16.20 and premiums remained at just under $4 per ounce. So as an investor, what are you to do about this? It is important to note that Arlington Coins does not automatically adjust its prices up or down when the spot price changes (like all of the major dealers do). This is based on demand to slow you down to keep them from going out of business. This is why the premium on physical silver declined from its 66.22% high earlier in the day. You would do the exact same thing if you had 240 1,000 oz bars and 30,000 people instantly trying to buy them. All other standard dealers do this. "The industrial demand for silver, the actual use case the solar panels, electrification, the silver in the cars is just going up and up and up. One of the most popular options for buying silver at a cheaper price is to purchase silver bars and rounds. The next best deal is a 40-coin lot from Bullion Exchanges. UPDATE 8/5/20 @ 8:50 AM: The large drop in premium from 8/4/20 to the morning of 8/5/20 is the result of Liberty Coin coming in with rolls of silver eagles in large quantities (more than 10). Is there any justification for this? Im also aware as supply is unlocked, its possible the refineries and others are hedging what they just bought to protect from downside price moves. silver bars, youre paying approximately a 20-25% premium on. Guys who have 1,000 oz bars trying to make dealers look like they are wearing ski masks, whilst charging 5-16x what you might get a 1,000 oz bar during normal times in order to try and get your business. Liberty Coin is still the lowest cost dealer offering 20 coin Silver Eagles in quantity $714.84. there's 82m oz sitting in the COMEX warehouses. On the morning of 6/1/20 the premium went below 45% but then jumped back up in the evening because Bullion Exchanges was no longer selling in quantities more than 10. Because this is the internet, of course someone called bullshit on me. Yet Apmex is selling a silver eagle at $38? . Great article, so many short sighted folks who cant see the forest for the trees will sit on the sidelines and whine about premiums. ), then their products are still worth at least the face value associated with the coin. Also Liberty Coin came in with lower prices which lowered the premium later in the day. And gold bars, Maybe 5%. If you look at the spot price of silver at this moment, its somewhere around $28. The next dealer selling in quantity is APMEX at a way higher price APMEX: $754.64 $37.73/coin. Let me also be clear. UPDATE 3/1/21 @ 12:50 PM EST: The scarcity has let up a bit as now there are three dealers offering Silver Eagles in quantity in the low $700 range for a 20 coin lot. The same cant be said for those who invest in stocks (remember Enron? UPDATE 4/13/21 @ 9:45 AM EST: The physical silver premium has started to decline, yet again, because the two low cost dealers are not adjusting their prices for the increase in Spot:Inheritance Precious Metals&Hannigan Coin. There are merits for both metals, especially as part of a well-balanced portfolio. UPDATE 3/30/21 @ 8:15 PM EST: The Spot silver price declines as the physical price increases. What a nightmare to go through it. If inflation continues to rise and reaches double-digit values through 2022 and 2023, the price of $100 an ounce for silver could be possible. Heres the problem with that. A lack of availability of silver bullion finished products have contributed to rising silver premiums. UPDATE 10/27/20 @ 7:40 AM EST: Physical premium increased to over 20% from 10/26 (evening) to 10/27 (morning). We are also discovering just how fragile the cryptocurrency world really is. But in advance of these, you see premiums go sky high. The premium now stands at 32.19%. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. See, if you took that micro economics class, the first sentence of the first day is: A businesses are in business to make money. Yeah, that seems to make sense . The silver squeeze will then be the blueprint for the gold squeeze. Hannigan is still steady at $729.98/tube. Your email address will not be published. Now time to light the fuse of the powderkeg. Inheritance has increased its price by more than $10.00/tube $727.21. Then there is a second price for physical silver, which is much higher and better reflects the actual supply and demand of physical bullion. Many people with stakes in the stock market panicked and began moving their money into alternative investments. It remains the lowest cost dealer but not by much. Premiums for ACA Marketplace benchmark silver plans are increasing on average across the U.S. in 2023 after four years of slight declines. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This was followed by a series of days in the high 90% range (8/5 8/9). If you WANT to wipe out silver supply clearing out retail isnt exactly the most efficient way of doing it. What you and others can do if you are doxxed your rights online and with the law, Kinesis metals holdings as part of a LAYERED approach a USE CASE for Kinesis Monetary System, Follow on, That the price point will then unlock supply, bringing this supply to market, That the refining capability exists to then process raw materials into finished products. He thinks its only a matter of time before the market corrects, like it did in 2001 and 2002, and commodities see a big rebound in pricing. One can argue that why are the premiums so high on gold. On the bright side, premiums have not been this low for a long time . Know that the correct answer will depend upon your objectives mostly. Here is the breakdown of availability for 20-coin silver lots from Ebay at 7:55 PM on 8/3/20: The large drop in premium from 8/4/20 to the morning of 8/5/20 is the result of. At this price point, there is a lower than usual supply so I am being charged more. This is exactly the same story the retail guys have, dude. UPDATE 5/18/21 @ 12:00 NOON EST: Bullion Exchanges has undercut Arlington Coins so the physical premium has declined below 42%. The spot price has become the price for "paper" silver (ETFs and the like). INN - Investing News , Is Silver a Good Investment? UPDATE @ 9:10 AM EST: Sure enough, DBS Coin came in as the lowest cost dealer $673.38/$33.67 per coin. UPDATE 12/18/20 @ 9:35 PM EST: Physical silver premium has now dropped below 17%. Editorial Disclosure: The Investing News Network does not guarantee the accuracy or thoroughness of the information reported in the interviews it conducts. UPDATE 2/1/21 @ 11:50 AM EST: There are no dealers on Ebay selling 20-coin tubes in quantities over 10. By 7:30 PM EST a standard dealer came in (Bullion Exchanges) and the physical premium has declined to 52.41%. Companies involved in silver mining rarely do so as their main objective. You might be surprised. If you are new, buy a little on the left side when premiums drop. Its safe to say that silver has really enjoyed a flurry of attention in recent times. I mean, except for an unlikely scenario, it seems to me that this is a paradigm shift; it's a one-way transition," he said. The percentage premium has skyrocketed up to 25%. by. The coins are then struck multiple times. I recently used them and there was a steep $1.25 or so premium for an allocated vault product. On 7/22/20 the physical silver premium jumped back into the low 30% range. What kind of a free market is that?". Are dealers being greedy and ripping stackers off? UPDATE 4/9/21 @ 9:15 AM EST: The brief decline in the physical silver price earlier in the week has ended. And gold bars, Maybe 5%. Next is MCM $814.60 followed by APMEX at $835.26. In addition, there is still a wide gap between the low-cost dealer (DBS Coin) and the others. There are no shortage at the timber level, but refining it into lumber is the bottleneck. Many experts in the space expect silver to perform strongly in the years to come, but don't necessarily see it reaching US$100 or more, especially given the current macroeconomic conditions. Notice the very large difference in offer prices almost a $120.00 difference. A few weeks ago, I saw price at $27 and the price of eagles at $41. UPDATE 1/28/21 @ 12:00 NOON EST: Physical silver premium declined into the low 18% range until the evening of 1/29/21 when it moved above 19%. Whats in store for silver in the future? Published: Dec 19, 2022. Please refer to thecookie policy for collected data, privacy and GDPR compliance. UPDATE 3/30/21 @ 1:40 PM EST: While Aydin Coins came in with a low cost deal on 3/28/21, I noticed today that MCM increased its price from the low $700s for a 20-coin tube of Silver Eagles (this morning) all of the way up to $764.40 by early afternoon. This backlog in refining capabilities restricts supply into the market. However, rising inflation has led the Fed and other central banks to hike rates, which has negatively impacted gold and silver. Back on February 11, the price rose from $27.50 to a high of $49.82 in only three months. On 8/24 it dipped back down to 71.84%. At least this has been the case since I started to closely follow the Ebay market since last Spring. DBS Coin: $710.86 $35.54/coin, Liberty Coin: $712.97 $35.64/coin and Bullion Exchanges: $714.52 $35.72/coin. The US mint then slaps like a $2-3 premium on from THEM. These privately-minted silver rounds and bars are seeing increasing interest from silver investors who dont want to pay rising silver premiums. This forces THEIR prices higher. According to The Silver Institute) the global silver market should record a deficit in 2022. First, a proof coin is simply more expensive to make. This represents a $11.75/45.12% premium. UPDATE 1/15/21 @ 10:00 PM EST: The physical silver premium moved over 19% by the end of day but by 1/17/21 @ 7:55 PM it had dropped into the 18% range. One of the reasons the premium on silver is so high compared to gold is the mining and refining costs. The physical silver premium broke below 35% on 6/25/20. The strength of the US dollar and US Federal Reserve interest rate changes are factors that will continue to affect the precious metal, as are geopolitical issues and supply and demand dynamics. Look at the drip above that is going to dealers. In short silver premiums have increased due to a recent combination of higher Silver Bullion Demand & lower Silver Bullion Supplies. It was only a matter of months each time. Immediately, please stop reading. UPDATE 1/31/21 @ 7:00 PM EST: Now that the Spot marked is open things have calmed down a bit. Not sure what that is all about except to say that physical inventory must be pretty tight. $50 silver, coin dealer, gold, refinery, silver, silversqueeze. Essentially, there are now two prices for silver. When investing in silver of any form, be sure to buy it from a reputable bullion dealer. Continue to drain on the right side, and when premiums come down on the left side, get some more shiny here and there. Some turned to the real estate market, which was on fire across most of the United States beginning around the summer of 2020 and held fast for at least two years. PSLV is indeed draining 1,000 oz bars from the market. Precious metals are traded in U.S. dollars, so Silver is always listed at a price per ounce of Silver, while . Then there were the millions who turned to the traditional safe haven investment of bullion. Real estate is rapidly cooling off and cryptocurrency is proving its not the failsafe juggernaut many thought it was. The American Silver Eagle proofs carry a significant premium over the spot silver price. We will see how long it lasts. Here is a list of dealers that were selling large quantities of coins in the not too recent past but are no longer in the market: Aydin Coin, DBS Coin, MCM, Inheritance Precious Metals, Liberty Coin & Bullion Exchanges. A silver Britannia and a gold Britannia have almost exactly the same journey from the ground to the customers hands, same machines, same transport and probably the same employees manufacturing them. If you want $100 and $200 silver, look at the chart above. Or is the demand for silver just so high, that they are able to charge these premiums? He broke down what a low gold/silver ratio like we've seen the previous times that silver has peaked could mean for the metal's price in the future. The commodity is now trying to stabilize at the psychologically important price level of $19 per troy ounce. This is an updated version of an article originally published by the Investing News Network in 2016. UPDATE 1/10/21 @ 8:00 PM EST: The physical silver premium moved above 18% today. Time for me to start leaving silver behind in favor of gold. UPDATE 8/19/20 @ 9:10 AM: Liberty Coin came in with very low prices on a lot of 20 coins so the premium plunged this morning down to near 26.00% before rebounding above 27% later in the day. This low was set on 9/14/21 at 26.06%. Are you keeping an eye on silver premiums these days? Why is silver trading so high? But anyone, really, can go to the COMEX today and take off millions of ounces. UPDATE 10/29/21 @ 2:50 PM EST: The Physical Silver Premium has now bounced all of the way up to a 40% premium over spot. Don't be the last to know about the latest deals and new product arrivals. All these technologies require silver That's a pretty big (supply) deficit.". UPDATE 3/9/21 @ 10:10 AM EST: Silver Eagles are getting more plentiful again. First, let's define what a "premium" is in this context. There are also silver exchange-traded funds that give broad exposure to silver companies and the metal itself, while more experienced traders may be interested in silver futures. I had to go the second page of Ebay results to find the lowest cost. Despite volatility, theprecious metal managed to stay securely above that level for most of 2022. Currently there are only two dealers offering Physical Eagles in 20-tube quantities of more than 10 offers. When price is low, youd think people would scoop this up. Clearly, the "silver squeeze" from earlier in the year is over - at least for now. Andrew Maguire talks about how silver in size is booked out until June 2022. THIS WILL MAKE RETAIL PREMIUMS JACKED. Let me tell you another part of this, which you do not want to hear. The commoditys price uptick came on the back of very strong silver investment demand. On 3/5/21 there were only two dealer offering in quantity but now there are three and some have multiple offers. Because the idea is that they only provide so much to retail from the mints so they cannot move the markets enough to affect underlying price. "We'll have to see what happens," he said at the end of 2022. The healthcare giant has the highest rates in Southern California and some other areas of the state, surpassing rivals such as Anthem Blue Cross and other smaller competitors. In a May 2022 interview with INN, he explained that there are multiple paths silver could take to get to the triple digits. And perhaps go Palladium and hit $100-$200 silver beyond that. I say that because the next available offer ($769.00) is from MCM which has almost 200 rolls of eagles available for sale but with a delayed delivery date (8/24/20). . Interesting huh? It was during this time that Neumeyer himself invested heavily in mining stocks and came out on top. And they know it. Silver bullion premiums can and have fluctuated wildly during financial crisis scenarios and over calm periods. 4. From its low of around 26% back in the middle of September, this represents almost a 55% increase in premium in about a month and a half. From interesting classes to supermarket hunt, children can expect lots of exciting fun at . DBS was lowest cost again on 6/30/20 (morning) but then Bullion Exchanges undercut them. Premiums for gold plans after subsidies are taken into account are expected to go down, while silver premiums after subsidies are accounted for "shouldn't be altered all that much" because the subsidy is adjusted with the cost of the benchmark plans, he said. Despite volatility, the precious metal managed to stay securely above that level for most of 2022. One of the reasons the premium on silver is so high compared to gold is the mining and refining costs. This would be Liberty Coin $685.38 $34.27/coin & APMEX: $804.74 $40.23/coin. In a May 2021 interview, when presented with supply-side data from the Silver Institute indicating the biggest surplus in silver market history, Neumeyer was blunt in his skepticism. UPDATE 10/5/20 @ 7:30 PM: Physical premium has remained under 20% since 9/24/20. UPDATE 3/21/22 @ 1:00 PM EST: The Physical Silver Premium continues to spike and has climbed over 50% it now stands at 57.83%. The popularity of the coin derives from its high purity rating, instant liquidity, and inflation-hedge properties. Latest Offers, Straight To Your Inbox. YOU love their product. Current percentage premium is under 24%. Speaking to the Investing News Network (INN) in March 2022, not long after the conflict broke out, Lobo Tiggre, founder and editor of, said he believes these sanctions will lead to a "new Iron Curtain," which will have lasting economic consequences on a global scale. Some premiums have been much higher than this example lately. Support them. 100,000 crazy, deranged, silver apes from WallStreetSilver can really do a LOT of damage by focusing on the right hand side above. . He has also authored numerous books, including works profiling the history of the United States Mint and United States coinage. Nominal price of silver, Coin dealer, gold, refinery,,. Two prices for silver price level of $ 49.82 in only three.. Demand for silver just so high 2022 moving their money into alternative investments it helps a little, as... For the first time since 11/11/20 history of the information reported in the physical premium to. Has become the price of silver that 's a pretty big ( )! 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